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It's July 4th, and it's been about a month without her.
You've been doing alright, dealing with it fine, telling yourself you don't need her, and that she's nothing special.
But tonight, is the night, that you'll think about her, when you look up at the sky.
Because she is a firework.
She is a firework, the red one, in particular, because she was always so passionate, and loving.
She is a firework, the red one, because everyone always has their attention on her. How could you not?
She is a firework, because even when she explodes, she always make something beautiful of it, she still makes sure to make people smile.
She is a firework, because she is the light in the darkness.
She is a firework, because she makes the ground shake, she makes you weak at your knees.
She is a firework, because she makes your heart beat faster, harder, because she makes you feel like your heart may explode too.
She is a firework, beautiful, even as she falls to pieces.
She is a firework. She is bright. She is beautiful. She is breathtaking.

She is a firework, and tonight, you will see her again.
You will remember how she put sparks in your eyes.
You will wish to reach up and touch her, and you will realize that she is far too out of reach.
And tonight, when she watches the fireworks with someone new, they will be looking at her.
Because they know, that she is firework.
Briege Dec 2014
I have a little firework
And it burns dark and slow.
And every time I hold it;
I think cancer's sure to grow.
But we spend time together,
My firework and I
So when it does **** me
I'll know it's time to die.
I don't know what it is about this, I think it's the rhythm.
Crystal Freda Sep 2017
You are the firework of my heart.
You are the boom as sparkles depart.
You bring bright, amazing color
like no other.
You are the firework of my heart.
You make fire to art.
You acquire a spark
and light up the dark.
You are the firework of my heart.
Wrote back from 4th of July.
writer  Apr 2015
Beautiful Eyes
writer Apr 2015
Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your secrets.

secrets are locked up. mostly not with a ribbon but with a lock.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the lock that holds your secrets.

Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your happiness.

happiness are laughs. mostly not a little smile but a big smile, that shows your teeth.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the big smile that holds your happiness.

Don't let those beautiful eyes lose their sparkle tonight.

your eyes hold the universe, but more important your eyes hold your love.

love is like firework. mostly not the new years firework but the one you can feel.

that's why those beautiful eyes sparkle, because of the firework that holds your love.

Your eyes sparkle, don't let them lose it tonight.
Alias  Jun 2015
Alias Jun 2015
You are a firework,
Big, colorful, beauty, bright.

The only problem with fireworks,
Is that they always fade to soon.

don't fade away, please
L B Jul 2018
An early evening gust
broke the back of the day's blaze
Still 90 degrees at eight
in orange haze
Sweat runs down my neck
Through the gorge between my *******
The wind lifts my linen shirt
runs its hands along my sides
reviving memory
of Forest Park
of a blanket in the grass

Where the pines trace
so many faces
Crackling popping kids
stolen matches, running
screaming victorious!
Blowing tin cans up with fire crackers
Bicycles, sparklers, fireworks at dusk
That whole afternoon
I spent hammering caps

Noise really makes us kids

Mom wants us out!
Gone! All of us!
No needs. No excuses!
No cookies! No slices of bologna!
“No more Kool Aid!
Out now!

That evening I tried
to dismiss the itchy sweat
of stupid-sister-Suzy-matching-sun-suits
at Gino's family picnic
When some kid
(I don't know?)
between the rigatoni and the sweet corn
Some kid
tosses a sparkler
into box of fireworks
I don't know?
whether to cry or laugh
I was pretty scared
Rockets going off across the lawn
and onto porch
Craze of colors through the trees
Some at eye-level horror!
But the sight of Aunt Nedda
diving under picnic table
Stockings, garter belt upended
Capsized beyond her caring
of uplifted dress

Some images just stay with you, ya know?

July 4th always lands for me
on a firework's ***
"Caps"  are little red rolls of gunpowder dots, originally made to give a snap to toy guns of the 1950s.  We figured out that by layering them and using a hammer, you could get a bigger crack.
Life's a Beach Nov 2014
So, When I Die,
burn up my remains
Wipe away a single drop of your pain,
safe in the knowledge that I got in
that One Last Pun
(Ash turned to Ashes)
Smile, because this ****** won, in
death, this one small way, she didn't
have to pay the reaper with her
humour. In this small way I'll get
to stay.

When I Die, don't give a **** about what you say,
Swear at me, hate me, bait me, but please remember me
as I lived. Remember my ability to give a snort
instead of a laugh. Remember when I
took a bath in every item of clothe,
remember how I could make a cove to
hide in out of anything. Remember
how I'd curl myself in and cry or
laugh until I sobbed.

When I die, try not to think about me as being 'robbed'. Instead,
remember me sleeping under chairs,
and catching people unaware, with
sudden, unprovoked song.
Remember me acting 'wrong': my chicken impression,
the monkey one too, recall how I could meow
and hiss and moo.
Let my lovers remember how I could
kiss while I grinned. How a girl so saintly could
sin so wrong.
Recall me, darlings, when I belonged; and
when I belonged to you.

and When I die, there will be no spewing over
empty words, I want beautiful vowels and verbs
and songs, if you have to long for me, then do it
while listening to Marley, listen to love,
listen to the mood.
Be lewd:
If you want to mosh then do it, if you want to
dance then try to feel it; the way I'd always

When I die, cover yourselves in biro tattoos, turn
up to the wake caked in face paint, draw all the
way up your left arms,
None of you ******'s are allowed to self harm
So draw a cat with a halo and say no
to sensible shoes. Choose to wear whatever you like,
don a dress like a kite and blow up
all the balloons

When I die, I'm gonna have to stop
joining in all the fun.
So, please, never feel 'done' with joy.
Act coy.
Play with toys and teddies, if you
don't feel 'ready' to mature, then
don't. It won't help you to
feel happier if
you do.

When I die, still think of something purple
and something blue.
Make sure, at my death, that those things
are there too.
Don't hate me if you find out
something new, I never
aimed to hurt.

When I die, take a handful
of me, and set me safe in a stone, or
a goblet or cup…It doesn't matter which, but
I'd like the words "Level Up"
engraved for eternity
(Keeping ASDF with me, for yet
another century).

When I die, take a deep breath and start another war.
I lived by the law of no regrets, and (look at that!) you're not
dead yet; so try to follow that law too.

Remember, when I'm dead, just how much I loved you.

So when I die, put me in a firework
So that I can clash colours one last time,
Read out my rhymes, the good ones
and the hard ones (Maybe this one too!) once I'm gone
It's time that everybody knew.

And, once I die, let my memories stick
like glitter lain on glue.

*And put me in a firework and watch me glow anew
Emily Archer  Jun 2014
Emily Archer Jun 2014
Please don't miss me because we are a firework.
When we mix, it's toxic beauty.
We rain down a show of tender passion.
But the end result is always our own destruction.
Please don't miss me because I'm afraid of heights.
Tim Knight Nov 2012
Mannequin smiles with masks of plastic
stand and huddle, fight and juggle,
for their space in the crowd.
Elbows touching torsos,
torsos touching hips;
kisses under the darkness,
bonfire warming the lips.
A child sits on the shoulders of her rock,
hands resting in the lap of his head,
waiting for the fireworks to be ignited,
set off, lit and begin.
Eyes of raw astonishment,
watery with cold,
a deer eye mould,
looked up at the firework display.

Sharp colour crayon lines
were drawn in the night-time sky.
Sound followed,
cheers and claps, applauds too.
They were lost in the hollow hole
of the houses around,
this’ll be the one she remembers.
Her first display of sound and light
and she’ll remember how she jumped up and down
to carnival music and carnival folk, rides and light,
menagerie sights.

News from the blog regarding my new poetry pamphlet, check the link out>>
Kate Deter  Jul 2014
Kate Deter Jul 2014
I want to write something deep and poetic
About the fireworks I saw.
But all I can come up with
Is the physical attributes—
The seeing that I did,
The hearing that I did,
The feeling that I did,
The experiencing that I did.
Red comets shot upward
In a slight arcing path
To explode in brilliant light
And rain down upon the spectators.
There’s a hush of anticipation in the audience
Between the moment they notice
The curling smoke trail,
The breathtaking visual display,
And the slightly delayed KERPOW
As the firework’s sound
Finally makes its way through the air.
Each exploding fragment
Fizzles through the air with a quiet hissing,
Competing with the screeching
Of the next firework going up.
It’s almost kind of sad:
Each firework aims for the sky,
Reaches as high as it can go,
Leaving behind bits of itself as it does so,
But hits some invisible ceiling—
Some fireworks’ ceilings
Are higher than others—
And that is their maximum.
They can take no more,
They cannot reach the sky,
They cannot reach the stars,
They cannot reach their brethren,
And so they explode in their sadness or anger;
But in doing so,
They light the way for others.

— The End —