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South Africa Cape Town   
none ya creek    Creating art from words Building a city of imagination Bleeding off emotion Quenching a thirst for communication


Deep in the past
In legends and lore
Dragons were plenty
Yet, we see them no more

Dragons were awful
That's what we were told
They killed and left waste
And they all loved their gold


Up in the northland
Where magic still lies
Are four magic mountains
Where dragons still fly

The dragons lay waste
To the towns long ago
Stole all of their treasures
As far as we know

The story is written
About a  wizard from Wales
Who could make weather
And control mighty gales

He talked to the living
And he talked to the dead
He made water  spin
And could make gold from lead

The King sent out word
Bring the wizard to me
The dragons must go
It's them, or it's me

Many months passed
The kingdom covered in snow
The soldiers returned
With the wizard in tow

The King told his tale
To the wizard wide eyed
He looked at the King
Then the wizard replied

"I'll not **** your dragons"
"For they are too strong"
"But, I'll keep them away"
"Hidden where they belong"

"I'll help save your kingdom"
"But, there will be a fee"
"No venture this large"
"Can be done for free"

The King sat in silence
Then asked for the plan
"Not **** the dragons?"
"Hide them...where man?"

"Right where they are living"
"I won't change a thing"
"I'll protect all the people"
"And you'll remain King"

"All that I ask is"
"That you spread the word"
"Of the Wee Wise Welsh Wizard"
"I'll know just who heard"

"If more kingdoms call "
"To **** their dragons too"
"I'll know how they found out"
"And I'll know it was you"

"If all remains silent"
"Now, listen my rriend"
"The spell that I've cast"
"Slowly will end"

"The dragons will learn"
"They'll fly here in the night"
"They'll burn down your kingdom"
"And you'll be dead by daylight"

The King thought about this
Then he asked "why not three?"
"Keep three dragons living"
"And **** one for me"

"No" said the wizard
"It's none or it's all"
"If one dragon is living"
"Then, your kingdom will fall"

The king thought again
and he asked "why not ****  two"
"The only ones that will know"
"Are just me and you"

"Negotiate further"
"And I'll walk away"
"The dragons... all living"
"Or your troubles will stay"

"I'll cast a great spell"
"Around the mountains of four"
"Your kingdom not damaged"
"And no more"

"I'll hide them behind"
"A magical veil"
"Stronger than dragons"
"And lighter than mail"

The King said "One question"
"The treasure they guard"
"Can we at least go and get it"
"Will that be so hard?"

"The treasure stays theirs"
"That was not what you said"
"You said get rid of the dragons"
"They'll be gone but, not dead"

"Their treasure is theirs"
"You can have one but not all"
"Either be done with the dragons"
"Answer me when I call"

"I'm leaving to scavenge"
"All the things for the spell"
"Give me your answer"
"When you hear the town bell"

"It will ring thirteen times"
"So you know I am near"
"Tell me your choice"
"When I reappear"

In a great cloud of smoke
The wizard, he went
The King sat and pondered
What the wizards words meant

"I can't **** all the dragons"
"There's too many for that"
"I must make a choice'
said the King where he sat

Two days flew on by
And the bell it did chime
The bell, it reached twelve
Then it rang one more time

In a great cloud of smoke
The wizard did show
"Tell me your answer"
"Do I stay or I go?"

"I've thought long and hard"
"You can put up your veil"
"You'll not **** one dragon"
"You'll not harm one tail"

"I'll pass on the word"
"Lose the treasure they keep"
"But, in the end sir"
"Much more soundly, I'll sleep"

The wizard went onward
To the mountains and then
He started casting his spell
It took him hours, near ten

The drape he created
Came on up from the ground
Slowly hiding the mountains
It did not make a sound

The dragons were sleeping
With their treasure below
The spell had been cast
And they did not know

The King was then summoned
By the wizard to see
The veil he had cast
And of what the kingdom would be

"Your higness, inside here"
"The dragons can fly"
"They can do what they want"
"But, they never can die"

"I've finished the magic"
"Remember our deal"
"For, if you back out"
"You'll be their next meal"

The King turned away
Let the wizard depart
He gave up a fortune
Showed he did have a heart

All went as planned
The wizard got hired
The wizard got rich
And the King, he retired

With no dragons to fight
He lost interest and soon
The King up and died
One day....around noon

His son, the new King
Took it upon himself
To make up for their losses
And to regain some wealth

He checked the agreement
That his father had made
He read the fine print
And found that all had been paid

The dragons were living
The Kingdom was free
He thought of his plan
And he thought "We shall see"

The next morning he went
And put up a sign
"come see the dragons"
"Tours start at nine"

"I can't have their treasure"
"That much is lost"
"But, I can show them to others"
"And there shall be a cost"

"Tours to the Dragons"
"Where all can now see"
"I'll make a small fortune"
"On what is there for tree"

The Valley of Dragons
Still exists to this day
But, if you want to see them
Be aware, you must pay
The Raiders show raiders v st george at GIO Stadium

    with johnny brown and Sue Longways

johnny’   welcome dudes to GIO stadium to this match between the dragons and the raiders and this is going to be a

great match, the raiders are 11th and the dragons are at 14, and whoever wins, I can guarantee it will be a spectacle

and i have Pete from Hawker with us now with a poem for us, hoping to get the Raiders into top swing

Pete”    ok dudes let’s swing it

you see the bad and mean green machine, big and strong and fast and mean

you see you shouldn’t try and stop these men in green, cause we are 3 positions higher than the opposition

Johnny’  well, short but sweet, and have you been worried about form in some matches

Pete’   well, yes, but that makes no difference, the raiders are going to win dudes, i will sing it again

you see we are the bad and mean green machine, big and strong and fast and mean

you see you shouldn’t try and stop these men in green, cause we are 3 positions higher than the opposition

Johnny’   well thanks Pete and now here is Sue Longways with another fine poem from the crowd

Sue’   thanks Johnny and what a great atmosphere here at GIO Stadium today, a great twilight match, and everyone

is in fine voice to cheer the raiders to beat the dragons tonight, and here is John Barten from Queanbeyan and he hates

how the Raiders went to Canberra all those years ago, so he sings a dragons tune

John’   go the dragons go the dragons

go the mighty dragons team

you see it’s only early in the season

go the mighty dragons cause the raiders moved here

I know we shouldn’t hold a grudge, mate, but i am and there is nothing you can do oh no

go the mighty dragons and i will go for them till the Raiders go back to Seiffert Oval, dudes

Sue”   thanks John and now here is Harold from Lyneham

Harold’   i am the bad and mean raiders fan

we supply the best coming out of the can

you see i go to the footy with mates george and dan

you see we’ll hit ya hit ya hit ya the mighty green machine

Sue’  thanks Harold and now here is the Raiders team, bring on the team

Jordan Rapana and Sisa Waqa and Jarrod Croker and Jarrad kennedy and edrick lee and blake austin and Mitchell Cornish

and Shannon Boyd and Josh Hodgson and Dane Tilse and Josh Papali and Sia Solicia and Shaun Fensom

and the 4 interchange players  Josh McRone and Frank-Paul Nuuausala and Paul Vaughan and Luke Bateman

and now here is Ken from Symonston with his poem

Ken”   i have been coming out to the GIO stadium every time we play

you see it’s fun when we win, but when we lose, we certainly do ****** pay

and the main thing about it is, we beat the easy teams and beat the hard teams but never at the best time

come on Raiders, it’s surely the time to win, oh ****** yeah

sue”   thanks Ken and now here is Rob with his jingle

Rob”     Run Raiders run

as we charge onto the GIO stadium yeah

run raiders run you see we have the team, we’ll win oh yeah

yeah we will come a running, and score a hundred tries

yeah that will be so cool,

run raiders run, oh yeah the Raiders are the team to beat i hope

run raiders run

they are the team that will thrash the opposition yeah

you see we won one and lost one

run raiders run

yeah the mighty raiders, will be our son of a gun

Sue”    thanks Rob for that and now here is the dragons team

first is Peter Mata’utia and Etonia Nabuli and Dan Nielson and Dylan Farrell and Jason Nightingale

and gareth Widdop and Benji Marshall and Leeson Ah Mau and Mitch Rein and George Rose

and Tyson Frizell and Joel Thompson and Jack de Belin

and the interchange men are trent Merrin and Heath L”Estrange and Rory O’Brien and Mike Cooper and Jake Marketo

and here is Mike from Jerrabomberra with his jingle

oh yeah those dragons yeah, they win more than the raiders yeah

they supply all the tries, in fact more tries than the locals, why don’t they win the grand

well i think i know, it’s because we lose our playing ability after thrashing the raiders here and anywhere

so go the dragons, go the mighty dragons, the right team to win the match

sue’   ok thanks Mike and now here is Keith from Latham with his song

carn the carn the carn the mighty raiders team, please dudes don’t make us say **** mate

make our raiders team win, carn the raiders carn the raiders, watch our team win well

on our home ground see, go the mighty raiders for a great victory

ya see i live in Latham and in my lounge room i have raiders cushions and raiders tables and heaps

of videos too including the great grand final victories in ’89 and “91 and the great ‘94

they haven’t won a grand final since in the first grade oh no

but if they win a few games where they don’t drop the ball too much

they will play so ****** hard, GO THE RAIDERS, DUDES

Sue’   ok that is it for me, and now back to Johnny

Johnny”  thanks Sue for telling us the teams and letting us hear some great home truths, let’s hope the

Raiders can win tonight, and now here is ?Bob from Cook with a jingle

Bob’   go the raiders go the raiders, do ya reckon we have the stamminer to win today

go the raiders go the raiders, should we win, should we win

twinkle twinkle raiders pack, how i wonder whether you’ll win

up above the GIO park tonight, make sure we clean this game free of fights

twinkle twinkle raiders pack, go the raiders through and through

Johnny’ thanks Bob and now here is Ernie from Higgins with his rhyme

hey ****** ****** the dragons are ready, are they going to win

all have the raiders put all their dropping the ball crap in the flaming bin

Shaun Fensom laughed at this little rhyme, as hopefully the raiders grab the 2 points

Johnny’  thanks Ernie and first my tip, well to the ladder, i say Raiders, on current form, well raiders be 6, could be more

and who do you support Sue

Sue’    well to the ladder, the Raiders, but on current form, dragons by 2, but i could change

Johnny”   ok, we’ll be back at half time, ok, here on the Raiders show

Annie  Mar 2019
Dragons! Dragons!
Annie Mar 2019
This is, where the dragons went
Not waiting, not dead
This is, where the dragons went
Dormant they lay instead
Packed tight in a place
With scaling filled space
And nevermore
They have been seen

This is, where the dragons rest
Not reality, not dream
This is, where the dragons rest
In occult shimmer gleam
As magic did fade
They left nothing but sage
And by degrees
They were forget

This is, where the dragons wake
Not brutal, not calm
This is, where the dragons wake
Summoned to our realm
Recalled to a spot
They slowly forgot
And conquering
They wander back
To Terry Pratchetts 'Guards! Guards!'