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Maestro Cordero


Maria Cordero
28/Cisgender Female    Posting my poems will vary. I usually write drunk after stumbling home from a night out.
Melanie Cordova
Spokane Wa    Poetry is only a way out for me that saved my life well helped save my life


Our LOVE isn't a simple thread
That connects YOU and me

We are not connected at birth
Yet there is a LOVE cord
That only we know and feel

This LOVE cord nourishes our LOVE

Right from the start since
Our soul-LOVE connect happened
Our LOVE cord has
Tied our hearts together
With strings of heart-beats

The strength of our LOVE cord
Can't be compared with
A family, or a friend
Brother, sister, twins
Father-daughter, mother-son
Or any other relationship

Yet our LOVE-cord is much beyond
Every known relationships

It can't be destroyed
Nor can it be denied

This LOVE cord
withstands all tests of time
Seasons all brutal weathers and
is in-frangible than diamonds
Carrying the weight of 1000 galaxies
It ages with grace & matures with class
Illuminates our heart and glorifies our soul

Even if we are 1000 miles away
Our LOVE-cord keeps us connected...
Becoming our life-line of HOPE & LOVE
In a way that even death
Can't **** our LOVE-cord

Let us thank Nature's fate for
Connecting us by an invisible
Umbilical Cord of LOVE

B  Oct 2016
Cord of Death
B Oct 2016
cord of death attach me to a wall
cord of death not let me go home
cord of death strand me in need
cord of death not there for me
cord of death make me wait long
cord of death make me wonder why and how long
cord of death
cord of death
cord of death

Thank you for visiting my page

RKM  Jul 2011
Knotted Cord
RKM Jul 2011
Knotted Cord

Rebekah- Hebrew, meaning - Captivating; knotted cord. Wife of Isaac in the Old Testament.

I am a knotted cord,
Of chattering reactions,
and alphabetical perceptions
straining to elude me.
A tangle of cerebrum crammed to my cranium
snarled loops that hear light in code,
or see voices through pulsating synapses.

I am a knotted cord,
A grey rope of countless nucleotides;
fashioning my own skintight survival manual
from my own regenerating song.
Rough edged coils of yesses and noes,
Spiraling into collected silence.

I am a knotted cord,
A scrambled array of ambition,
Stitched with the lethargy
of an unraveled thread.