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Saul Makabim Mar 2017
Those eyes
are broken
Open up
and really look
The silly
mongoloid world
you cloak yourself in
is a substandard joke
A token of esteem
to your own
I wish
I could climb back
into the ground
and use the earth
to drown
the sound
of this useless
trash heap.
Rat town...population Unlimited trash gobblers...
Saul Makabim Feb 2017
Should have
put a bullet in the brain
Should have
doused it with kerosene
and lit a match
Should have
tied a cinderblock
to the worthless wretch
and chucked it in the lake
But the most rotten things
and eat the sweetness
that you spent
two years
Should have left
well enough alone
instead of
leaving the coffin door
wide open
for the wickedness
to crawl back out
They said I was getting better...then I killed my I can finally die...
Saul Makabim Sep 2015
They take nothing
for its simple meaning
Its a need
they can never be relieved
of it
with the right shove
unintended or crafted
you can get them
to throw their cards
on the table
They are unable to relent
this building
where you pay rent
wander the halls
for a few fleeting hours
and leave
as you please
This Utopia you praise
to them it is a prison
and you are all
innocent roe
A delicate dish
for the bigger fish
Look out guppy
that shark
he just hacked your camera.
Saul Makabim Aug 2015
What makes you think
that the suffering will stop
if you take off the top
of your head
with a shower
of buckshot
or slice the artery
or down
those pills
with a gallon of wine
fully dressed
lying in bed
with a note
pinned to your chest
What makes you think
the pain will stop
just because your dead?
I hate to break it to you
Saul Makabim Aug 2015
how you wandered here
no one finds anyone
like me
without knowing
who I am
And yet
They dig me up
crack the coffin open
poke me with sticks
and take pictures
for the scrapbook
of restless dead.
Saul Makabim Jul 2015
Pits exist
for a reason
ladder rungs snap
without any warning
Slathered in grease
and running
recklessly around the edge
One of these days
I'm going to fall
and when I hit the ground
I'll find out
I'm already dead.
Saul Makabim Mar 2015
There are so many worms
crawling through this corpse
Maggots, slugs and snails
leave slime trails
through the entrails
They dig tunnels
through the flesh
of a once beautiful body
What was is now death
Five severed limbs
sewn on in the wrong places
around a core
a heart
lungs and spine
that have begun
to crack and liquify
Will we recognize ourselves
when this decay claims our eyes?
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