Deep within you carry so much sorrow So much regret and pain Only by becoming fully brave Only by following the Path of God You can become whole again And save not just yourself But the ones you love and cry for
There is no going back You broke everything You blamed others But the truth comes at night When all is silent you can hear it There is only forward There is only fixing And prayer to the Lord
There is still time Still hope You are still alive Don't drown in your regret Live forward forcefully With conviction, courage, purpose And most of all Obey Commands of God
You have gone too far Spent all the money Passed up all the offers You are in it now You're living the dream You are true at last Walking the Path God meant for you There is no return There is no end You will only transcend Your dream will lead you to God's Door
Never forget God answered you All He wants in return Is to obey His commands To walk on the path He has laid for you You are the son of God now Alive only because He commands it