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Apr 2020 · 234
Emilio Apr 2020
They told me I could be
anything that I wanted to be
So I picked a picture,
Putting the pieces together;
Worked hard.

Now,  I'm here where I wanted to be;
Seeing the whole picture.
It's all worth it.. or maybe not.
Maybe I could redecorate.
Maybe I could be something more.

Tired, I went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up, and everything was on fire.
The gameplay... or maybe not.
Apr 2020 · 123
The virus
Emilio Apr 2020
Is a real thing, for sure.
You could die, or survive
But more importantly,
You could be the greater threat or
the cure
Apr 2020 · 95
The One
Emilio Apr 2020
I've been waiting for this moment
As when the moon meets the sun
As when I splashed new pigments
I have found the one
Aug 2019 · 398
Burning Heart
Emilio Aug 2019
The heart is burning;
Flames that burn souls--undying.
Let love extinguish.
Keep calm and love.
Aug 2019 · 453
Emilio Aug 2019
Away; I went off.
Agreed to wait for our love.
I came back, you're gone.
What the fck happened?
Aug 2019 · 370
Another Day
Emilio Aug 2019
Trying to create a melody;
Like a path where I can follow
Do Re Mi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let the music flow

Sometimes, you just have to let it go
Because it's just another day
A day to learn and grow
And when there's no other way
Just another day.
Aug 2019 · 202
For Good
Emilio Aug 2019
Bold and strong, you stayed
with a selfish heart and soul.
You left and changed it.
Thank you for everything
Aug 2019 · 310
To my friend
Emilio Aug 2019
I'm sorry, sincerely;
For my selfish heart and mind.
May you live with love
Aug 2019 · 376
The One
Emilio Aug 2019
I've been waiting for this moment
As when the moon meets the sun
As when I splashed new pigments
I have found the one
Oct 2017 · 835
Dark Skies
Emilio Oct 2017
Dark skies, no rain pours;
A disease that never cures
Only death will come.
Oct 2017 · 305
Emilio Oct 2017
is like a sleeping monster
It devours anything;
A monster that grinds
without teeth,
and swallows without
it's throat

Painless as it seems
but it has very large stomach,
and very long intestines
A monster and a nightmare.
Dec 2016 · 328
Another Season
Emilio Dec 2016
The sun and the moon
have numbered the days;
time moves.
The cold wind blows,
the rain pours;
Another season,
another **love
Thank you for everything.
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
A Star
Emilio Jul 2016
Starry starry night,
A star is shinning so bright;
It's light years away
Jul 2016 · 349
Emilio Jul 2016
You don't
have to believe
The world is
full of lies
the universe keeps
You don't have to.
May 2016 · 1.2k
In the dawn,
Emilio May 2016
you taught me that books and pizzas would go together.
Like the Italian-kind-of cupcake that I ate; chocolate cupcake stuffed with sour cream. Like *** and TV shows—fries and ice creams.

You made me feel what it is to be human again because I think I was;
You let me read words, stories, and poems that made me feel.
You have made me chuckle with your jokes.
You have made me a poet of your soul.
You have made me
Today, you have.
I think I love you
May 2016 · 588
"I miss you"
Emilio May 2016
is a romantic thing to say sometimes
But still, I don't know why

**I do
I really do but I don't know why..
May 2016 · 1.4k
I want to see you
Emilio May 2016
simply because
you make me smile
Where are you?
May 2016 · 350
The Letter
Emilio May 2016
"I felt like I was emotion-impaired; heartless.
And I dread for nothing but life--
I tell you stories of mine like how death tells a joke.
But I have known you for days and never talked about infinity
Or gone to Marianas Trench

But there are so many words that I should be telling you;
You should know that we're made up of atoms.
And these reflected light--hoping you have read each word.
Because, I can't tell how light should travel or where
like freedom,
like words, like languages;
Like art
Thank you and.. just thank you.
May 2016 · 692
What the actual
Emilio May 2016
**** happened;
The stillness of the night,
The ****** ****** life.
Everything happened
because it happened
No ***** and **** the
Sometimes, you just have to do it.
May 2016 · 487
My Tongue
Emilio May 2016
seems to be twisted
when I said those words.
And trying to suppress my soul
from being irrational...

No, It was my
I think I like you
May 2016 · 656
Gloomy and Dark
Emilio May 2016
As I walk down the streets at night
alone but there was no fear;
I smiled,
looked at the sky;
Remembering small talks
and text messages.
I think I like you.
Apr 2016 · 334
Emilio Apr 2016
I see your face
I see ghosts
of us.
And I know I still love you.
Apr 2016 · 458
The right thing
Emilio Apr 2016
is something that
we never knew
until we know what is
Sadly, I  miss you.
Apr 2016 · 529
Emilio Apr 2016
It is when I look at you
or just the memory of you
The universe seems
to have shifted
And I died.
Mar 2016 · 399
I started singing
Emilio Mar 2016
with a song
that is not old
The song that reminds
me of you
But I guess
It wasn't for you
after all
It was for myself
Feb 2016 · 516
Awhile ago
Emilio Feb 2016
I was in my father's office (clinic)
and there were patients waiting to
be accommodated.
And my father had them waiting
because he
wasn't there for an hour
or I guess..

But the thing is
I just sat there
Waiting for my father
but no one recognized me as his
Even so, the idea of it amused me
And suddenly, some of the patients
started to talk
about the artworks...about
the paintings that're hanged on the
The woman was amazed about my father's work
not knowing
that it was his
The man told her that it is his work
And then, the woman added
that she really liked the paintings
that were posted in front, looking from the outside
and said that it was... really profound
or rather artsy

I didn't want to boast or tell them that those were
my works. I just smiled
a bit and
moved on
There's nothing to be proud of.
Feb 2016 · 4.5k
I like you
Emilio Feb 2016
it seems that I like
you very much
that sometimes things
don't work well for
both of us
You know I do.
Feb 2016 · 378
To whom it may concern,
Emilio Feb 2016

And realize that you're in the world of people who has these.
#Comfort room thoughts
Jan 2016 · 657
Emilio Jan 2016
I threw my heart like a rock
I threw it towards the sea of love
But then it skips, like a skipping rock
And I thought I would never love

But it sinks in the middle of the sea
It sinks like the skipping rock
And which I have never foresee
That I would fall in love; like the skipping rock

But then, I realize, my heart have sank too deep
That no one could ever keep
I was meant to be like one of those precious stones
But now, I am all alone.
You wanted me to live this way.
Jan 2016 · 296
Emilio Jan 2016
I don’t really know what to say in this empty document but my soul tells me to do so. I have nothing to say, really. So, maybe, I’ll just start with anything:

I met this girl, I think she’s beautiful—or maybe just her face. I don’t really recognize her way because I don’t really want to observe or analyze her movements. I don’t know. I always see her. Almost everyday. But I don’t think I really like her. And because, in the first place, I don’t really want to talk about it. She’s about the same to all the girls that I saw before. She’s nothing new. Just like how people discover something; she’s not really new, I just discovered her. She’s a human being just like me—nothing special. I think, I always meet people on the way… but… do I really need to consider them as NEW PEOPLE or WHAT? I don’t think so. It’s hard to tell which is new and which is not. We might consider something to be new but in the first place, those things only come from other things too. Maybe the only new things that can be considered are our ideas, thoughts, and how we think everyday.
Nothing to write. Please help.
Jan 2016 · 570
And There Will Be Nothing
Emilio Jan 2016
Death screams for life;
Life screams for death.
They don't simply whisper or ask for it politely.
They're both desperate; obssess.
They want it, NEED IT, and screaming for it.
And once they have what they wanted, there will be no more but nothing.
Jan 2016 · 688
Emilio Jan 2016
Look! I see nothing;
A foolish man, I remarked.
A fool, that was I.
How fool I was...or still.

Looking at the mirror.
Jan 2016 · 421
Before Death
Emilio Jan 2016
The words of the deep,
Tells us to think before death;
For you'll think no more.
Before death, think.
Jan 2016 · 368
Nothing Special
Emilio Jan 2016
The sun rises in the morning.
The moon shines in the evening.
Yes yes, they do.
Just like you and I.

The river runs.
The lake stills.
They all do.
Just like you and I.

People die,
People live.
People love,
People hate.

Like the wind,
Love comes.
Just like you and I,
You came.

The hands of a clock moves clockwise.
The time moves forward; leaving each day.
And you left like time.
Nothing special.
Nov 2015 · 720
The Monster
Emilio Nov 2015
The* monster;  the  man.
I  was  the  man;  the  madn­ess.
Will  I  ever  be?
Thank you for the movie 'Victor Frankenstein', one of my favorite story.
Nov 2015 · 562
The Architect
Emilio Nov 2015
You always try to organize spaces
And you never wanted those spaces to be just as adequate.
You tried and have many revisions
For you never wanted it to be simple
And you see spaces as some kind of small universes.
So, you wanted those spaces to have so much considerations.

Now, you're already done about planning and made your blueprint.
And so, the building is about to be built.
For days, months, and years, you tried to press on what was planned and you never wanted the construction to be inaccurate.
You really wanted to show the architect that you are.

In the end, those spaces and all that you worked for was not meant for you to have but for your client.

You were my client.
Comfort Room Thoughts
Nov 2015 · 440
Emilio Nov 2015
Sometimes, I like to draw
Sometimes, I like to sing
Sometimes, I like to play musical instruments
Sometimes, I like to paint
Sometimes, I like to dance
Sometimes, I like to act like someone else
Sometimes, I like to be slow
Sometimes, I like to be fast
Sometimes, I like
Sometimes, I love

Everything happens, just sometimes.
Sometimes, just like how we did.
Nov 2015 · 546
The Night
Emilio Nov 2015
I stay silent; say no words
As I lie on my bed, just thinking.
I stay silent; feeling the cold
It's 4:45 am but still breathing

The night seems to be passive;
I felt nothing but curious.
I tried to be expressive;
Still, nothing comes out but slumberous.
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
The Heart
Emilio Nov 2015
The heart that desires;
The heart that can **** a soul.
Never will you live.
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Emilio Nov 2015
Darkness consumes my sight,
My mind dies for tonight.
And when the sun rises,
I will be awake with surprises.
Nov 2015 · 682
What Do You Expect?
Emilio Nov 2015
Cold; having a very low temperature. What do you expect?
Dark; having no light or less. What do you expect?
You can’t chase the wind nor can’t you say something without words.
You can’t see without your eyes nor can’t you say something without words.

What do you expect? That your head will be underneath your feet?
What do you expect? That your feet will be above your head?
How foolish it could be? But still we think likewise
How wise it could be? NO. It will never be wise.

The way we dream when we sleep
And the way we sleep when we dream
All will be for nothing
All and that it means everything

Look for the path or way and not walk on it?
You can’t question without asking
Having the solution but not solving the problem?
You can’t live without thinking

Say again; say it all out loud
And think again; rethink everything
This is for anyone who reads this
What do you expect?
What do you expect? No, really, what?
Nov 2015 · 379
This Is For You
Emilio Nov 2015
Life and death
Light and dark
The beginning and the end
All are parallel but never intersect;
Showing different perspectives; showing uniqueness
Everything has its art; nothing has its art
The satisfied and the unsatisfied
The black holes and stars
The past and the future
Now, I could tell which is which; then, I could not
The deeps and the shallows
The vast and the narrow
The love and the hate
The pleasure and the pain
The smiles and the frowns
Give me more and give me less
Count, or rather, number my days of forever; give me the exact measurement of an object
From macro to micro
Play wisely or foolishly
Know thy words, know mine
Welcome or goodbye
For better or for worse
There are things that are forbidden and things that are just not
Some things are hidden, and some things are revealed
Pay attention; listen
You’ll choose either this or that
Remember, this is for you

— The End —