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Nov 2016 · 631
Rob Rutledge Nov 2016
Banished to the grey.
A conglomerate of clouds
Surround and shroud the day.
A world found still
Shrill sound of silence.
Echoes of shadows
Grace violence on our walls.
The blood of our compatriots
Our lovers, our fools.
Ours, not yours.
Potential and not a tool.
"Too little, too late"
Muttered the lips of fate,
For the ending is well overdue.
Oct 2016 · 703
The Wind Speaks In Warnings
Rob Rutledge Oct 2016
The wind speaks in warnings
Passed fast from leaf to leaf.
The rustle of the undergrow
Stirs firm in disbelief.
Pitters and patters scatter
The fallen pain.
The last acorn of the season
A final act of treason.
A beacon among the coming rain.
Oct 2016 · 1.1k
Rob Rutledge Oct 2016
Time sits slouched,
Whisky supped from a shoe.
Space takes his place,
Beard smothered in brew.
Hope sprawls eternal,
Smiles, on the face of the few.
The night is masked,
Casked honey dew.

Amber obscures,
Distorts the view.
Glazed by a hazy
Feint green plume.
Time takes a sip from
Weathered worn out shoe.
As space wipes his face
Hope yawns on que.
The night is released,
At least for now, until
The fall of the morning dew.
Oct 2016 · 644
Fist Blossom
Rob Rutledge Oct 2016
Again the fist unfolds.
Fingers unfurl red
Petal blossom of a rose.
Scent of a broken nose,
Stain shed on shaven heads.
Kings with no crown nor throne
Lay prone in whitewashed beds.

Thorns in their own sides,
****** in their own right.
These manicured monsters
Cry a challenge unto the night.
Marching on through kebab dreams,
Weeks 'for we speak of Halloween.
Sep 2016 · 10.0k
Shadows Deep
Rob Rutledge Sep 2016
The wise are always troubled
And the troubled seldom sleep.
For the path is dark,
The shadow's deep.
The past imparts pressure,
Weary woe-marked feet.

The pillow lays drenched.
Sweat beads billow flames of fear.
The sound of all our choices
Rung clear for all to hear.
The cries of countless voices
Found close to passing ears
But ghosts weep most in whispers,
Lest the living hear their tears.
Aug 2016 · 759
Running Wild
Rob Rutledge Aug 2016
Her eyes, Belie,
The darkness deep inside.
Her smile, Defiles,
Laws of nature running wild.
Her hair, It don't care,
If it's right or fair.
She'll take you by your soul,
Eat your heart in just one go.

Her tongue, it runs,
This city of the sun.
In her mind, you'll find,
A piece of the divine
Lost within her thighs.
Don't fight the coming tide,
Embrace the genocide.
Sand proscribed, a bandaid tried
And weary from repeat.
Lost to the waves, sweat and sleet.
Ocean licks brine from
Timeless, restless feet.
Aug 2016 · 568
Promise of a Stranger
Rob Rutledge Aug 2016
What is the promise of a stranger worth?
Lavender smiles and honeyed words,
Submerged in the sound of hope disturbed.
Usurped and flayed for misbehavior
Hung from a tree, sacrificial favour.

The flavour was sweet, at least for a while.
A taste of haste fried ripe in denial.
Smothered in smiles and candyfloss
Lightly glazed glances, a dusting of loss.
A promise made pays a heavy cost.
Aug 2016 · 744
Idle Sighs
Rob Rutledge Aug 2016
We greet life with idle sighs,
Slowly satisfied by sightful eyes.
Glancing at wrists handcuffed to time.
Bound to age rusting, cast iron cage
Displayed by fine wrought bars of rage.
Captivited by captivity,
Tied to lies scrawled bold on fading page.
Decieved by beliefs and words that saved.

Yet don't dismay.
Pay no toll for the hole
You carve within your soul.
That debt is paid in full,
Through sweat and toil
Blood set ripe to boil,
Shed countless lives ago.
Jul 2016 · 714
A Film for the Blind
Rob Rutledge Jul 2016
They never gave a ****.
A silhouetted master plan,
A shadow of a man,
Summons a feeble grasping hand.

A grip that's none too tight,
Sand slips through fickle fingers' sight.
Hour glasses and tricks of the light.
The hand of time, immovable might.

Despite of

Inspite of?

Rivers and oceans in our minds
Defy, turn the tide, divide.
Ox bow truths and eroded lies.
Mountain streams serenade the blind.
And those unwilling to see.
Blinkered to the plight of man.
Banned from the light of eternity.
Jul 2016 · 483
Rob Rutledge Jul 2016
Echoes run amok.
Shadows of sound
Then drown in rock.
The bleating of a flock,
Lost on familiar ground.
A shepherd led to slaughter
By his daughter he was found,



Eyes locked on long lost clouds,
The shroud that might hide his shame.
Jul 2016 · 755
Rob Rutledge Jul 2016
A mind made of marble
And pristene granite walls.
Intricate mosaics,
Oak carved skirting boards.

Mahagony knights
Prize their ivory pawns.
On unto the fight,
Iron locks with horn.

Sweet Mother of pearl,
Stern Father of pride,
Find a place called home,
Stand sentry for the night.

Fountains maintain order
The force of flowing water,
Both violent and yet serene.
Soothing currents of the sea
Slaying dragons in our dreams.
Jun 2016 · 443
Tears of Autumn
Rob Rutledge Jun 2016
Due laden leaves.
Fog spun in webs
Draped loose on
Fading trees.

A Forrest on it's knees
Bleeds honest tears of autumn,
Pleads solace from the slaughter,
Screaming "Is this all that we can be?"
The wisps of white washed memories
Haunt the glade for those that see.
Conscripts of the ancient mist,
Souls called forth then cast to sea.
Jun 2016 · 429
Passing Ghost
Rob Rutledge Jun 2016
Faces reflected in glass
Images of beauty,
Fleeting, never last.
Passing ghosts
Give way to those most lost.
But every road has its cost.
Gold or service rendered,
Time and emotion tendered.
Pass the host a glass!
Something which sparkles,
Distracts from this debacle
And farcical display.  
She necks the glass,
Looks away,
Walks off into the night
Slightly swayed,
Yet not afraid.
Jun 2016 · 718
Bleak Horizon
Rob Rutledge Jun 2016
A bleak horizon. No sign of life
Save weak paw prints,
Etched light upon the white
Expanse of silence.
Boreal moon rising belies the violence
That had ensued.
One set of prints where once there were two.
Fallen prince among wolves
Arctic Gods have had their due.
As the wind howled, cried and blew
The hunter stopped and shuddered.
Wondered, about the beast he slew.
The wind cries once more.
The wind or the wolves?
He is no longer so sure.
Jun 2016 · 750
Rob Rutledge Jun 2016
The time comes!
Whispers from seashells
Claim much to be done.
Already the shadows seem tall.
Darkness grows bold
The Sun falls old,
Tired by the sight of all.

And as the watcher slumbers
Stars peek around the curtains
Once drawn tight by the light of day.
Their time to shine and show mankind the way.
But mans gaze is glazed, eyes distant, far away.
May 2016 · 439
Lady of the Lake
Rob Rutledge May 2016
Sweet Lady of the Lake
I never see your face.
For your gaze is cast away in part
By the light of my mistakes.
Whatever it may take,
I'll fight the hands of fate
To go back to that place and time
Where I could almost call you mine.

I never saw the signs.
A fault in my design.
A problem with my mind divides
The truth timesed by denial.
So sweet lady of the lake
Will i ever see your face?
Will i ever see you smile?
May 2016 · 513
Forgotten Tree
Rob Rutledge May 2016
There shall be no shelter
From shadowed hypocrisy.
For the stars shine bright and just
That all the mortal men may see.
All that you wish.
All that you believe.
Are just two diverging branches
From the same forgotten tree.

Rotten with the cynicism of age
The bark chips fast,
Squalid lackluster page.
Built upon the decay of rage
Fallow thoughts they plough the land.
Reaped by those deemed unworthy.
Truth uprooted by savage hand.
Apr 2016 · 783
The Fisherman
Rob Rutledge Apr 2016
He lived his life on water,
Coming and going with the tide.
Caught in a clockwork rhythm.
Bottle of *** close by his side.

Sailing far toward the northern star,
The wind lashed sails bare his stride.
The gale fails, Neptune's breath subsides.
Veiled pride confides in an ocean's memoir.

A choir of crestfallen waves,
Lay dormant at his side,
Prepared to pave the path of secrets,
With untold misery and lies.
A choice to make, a course to take
Coordinates only he could decide.

With a sigh he held the helm,
Turned her steadily back to port.
Sailing back toward that beaten track,
To the town where his child was born.
Apr 2016 · 603
Let Leaves be Leaves
Rob Rutledge Apr 2016
Flashes of long lost decadence
Clothed in shabby cloaks of misdemeanor.
Windswept nostalgia, stayed and sleeved
By the breeze that haunts a forests tree.

Leave it be, the wind said to me.
Let the leaves be leaves,  
Let the trees be trees,
For their roots run deep,
Far deeper than you may perceive.
Apr 2016 · 920
The Fools of April
Rob Rutledge Apr 2016
April showers on the hair of fools.
The lost and the forsaken,
The blind and worthy too.
Sodden to the bone bleached
Follicles of folly.
Spring feints and fakes,
Flash of sun, lone melancholy.
Forgotten light is left to linger
Behind a promenade of clouds,
Veiled in the shroud of a harsh midwinter.
Mar 2016 · 471
Wind and Tide
Rob Rutledge Mar 2016
The wind wept on wind swept shores
While the ocean licked her lips.
Born to grip the precipice
Of fate within her claws.
Once more, Once more!
Once more the water cried,
Will you sink?
Will you swim?
Will you decide to survive?

Words were lost on the wind and tide.
Clouds of revenge form deep within the mind.
Hazy judgement, Hate filled time
Perhaps they both too will find,
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind"
Feb 2016 · 482
Flew Away
Rob Rutledge Feb 2016
Caught a feeling
Then flew away,
She got on a plane
To the U.S.A
Four thousand miles
Shore to shore,
Ain't much sunshine
Jan 2016 · 6.7k
Half Closed Curtains
Rob Rutledge Jan 2016
She gazed out long and far,
Past half closed curtains  
And dozing, docile cars.
Witness to a world double glazed
Dampened by a passing rain.
Sound drowned still by fragile,
Stained glass pane.

Skies lay grey, like every other day,
Shrubs shrug and trees sadly sway.
She feels for the trees,
(And to an extent the shrub)
They're not so different from you or I.
We all plant roots, grow, love?

Thoughts disturbed by a startled dove,
Flew the coup, done, had enough,
Rose as Icarus toward the sun.
Basked in light of new found freedom.

Never heard the hunters gun.
Jan 2016 · 770
All Shall Pass
Rob Rutledge Jan 2016
"All This Too Shall Pass"
The good, the bad,
Twisted looking glass.
Time, it never lasts.
Flags forever at half mast
Fluttering in the breeze.
Fabric clapping half arsedly
While the trees let loose a sneeze.

The moss cares not for you and me
Live and let live, what will be will be.
The air we breath, annals of history.
Truth and make believe.
Keys with no lock or chain,
Concieved in hope.
Born in vain.
Jan 2016 · 1.5k
Rain Lashed Eyes
Rob Rutledge Jan 2016
I see you in the storm
Of rain lashed eyes,
I feel you in the wind
And tumultuous tides.
I see you in the fire
Splendid tendrils of desire,
I hear you in the songs
Of solemn, mournful choirs.

I found you in the stars
Sat upon the shoulders of Orion.
I found you in the shadows
Another lonesome scion.
I found you in the fall,
Leaves encaptured and enthralled.
The weight of an oceans promise,
The allure of waters call.

Yet for all our senses we couldn't see
The sense of foreboding melancholy.
That which was found in the depths of the sea
You found it all,
All except for me.
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Fragile, Little Things
Rob Rutledge Oct 2015
We are fragile, little things.
Chipped china teacups
In the hands of careless kings.
Caught in the fall,
Cherry blossom dreams,
The sighs of autumn
Keep us aloft on weathered wings.
Tethered to the will of winds
The water shouts and sings.
Overflowing that fragile teacup,
Scalding the hands of world worn kings
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Rob Rutledge Aug 2015
We could have been great,
Oh you and I.
The carpenters of fate,
Carving lines in halcyon skies.
Scar tissue blue
Vapour clouding the eyes.
To the flight of hyperborean tides,
Mythical winds of the north.
Yet their chill is real
Wrapped in the cloth
Of pride and zeal.
While calm in the shaded riverside.
Forever chasing rainbows
Over moors and mountainside.
No cauldrons of gold
Just archaic rocks and stones
Buried by the weight
Of fallen bones.
Jul 2015 · 620
Rob Rutledge Jul 2015
In a world where wars are fought with Words.
His only weapon was silence.
Standing neither for nor against
A solitary act of defiance.
Jul 2015 · 627
Rob Rutledge Jul 2015
He met a girl down in a bar,
She had eyes like a hurricane.
Lost within the winds of her smile,
He was spinning like a weathervane.

He said,
"Girl there's guna be rain,
So we had better take cover."
She said,
"Now boy don't be insane,
I'm no sunshine lover."

Now they stand together
Drenched to the bone,
Her lips taste like summer,

An oasis alone in the cold.
Jul 2015 · 533
Rob Rutledge Jul 2015
Reminiscent of
Wholesome tastes.
A pallete delayed
By coy pastel paints.
Reluctant to
Show true colour, faint.
Canvas lay blank
In furious haste.
Smeared in the grey
Spectrum of fate.
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
Rob Rutledge Jun 2015
There is a certain kind of terror
Found only in species that truly think.
It comes in moments of peace
When our guard is down,
Thoughts away on the breeze.
An unnamed notion,
An unwanted feeling of foreboding.
Waiting for the sky to fall,
Petrified as to why anything exists at all.
May 2015 · 1.8k
Winter's Envy
Rob Rutledge May 2015
What words would Winter whisper,
When the last warm rays
Of sweet Summer sister
Have shone beyond forgone horizons?
His hands clasp blistered,
Embraced by the rhythm of fate.
Love conquers all but his envy is great,

And it grows,

And it blows,

And the Winds are rising,

Giving voice to once silent trees.
Through the maelstrom
Winter watches.
A feeble man on bended knees
Cradles the embers of fire.
Winter froze with desire
While stunned by despair,
That even man could find warmth
While his sky lay frozen and bare.
May 2015 · 1.2k
A City's Whisper
Rob Rutledge May 2015
He passed a preacher in hazy,
Misty, London streets.
Whispering sermons
From cracked shoeless feet.
None would stoop to
Cast a passing ear,
To the words of a man
With nothing left to fear.

He told tales of love,
Tempered by the light of reality.
Love of money,
Love of greed
And all the objects of fiction
We imagine that we need.

"To each let it be known!"

"None of your possesions are yours to own!"

"Leased out for the duration of your time!"

"From house to car and from the body to the mind!"

The passers by barely noticed the guy
Who spoke from the heart
With the words of the wise.
The wisest words they would hear for weeks
Lost among the
Hazy, misty, London streets.
May 2015 · 1.4k
Atlas Wept
Rob Rutledge May 2015
Atlas wept for the world above
And for the burden that he bears.
A weight waylaid by mortal love,
A weight made heavy by despair.

Shoulders burning on aether shores
Orchestral spheres fall into view.
Conducted celestial tears,
Run glacial currents of blue...

And Red.

Always Red,

This knight of that crimson hue
Forgot the purpose of his charge,
Cast off all the burdens that he knew.


That includes me and you.
Apr 2015 · 857
Rob Rutledge Apr 2015
You hope that when you die,
You will be promoted to some
Playground in the sky.
To live again for eternity.
But how will you be seen?
The 5 year old with scabby knees?
Or 15 with a touch of acne?
25 with life laying ahead
An 80 year old thinking of the dead?
I hope you know none of this can be
It just doesn't work, logically.
I suppose you may mention the soul,
Or patronise saying we will never know.
Yet know this,
None have come back to tell their tale.
To save us the horror?
Or not to ruin the show?
Apr 2015 · 9.4k
Shallow Reef
Rob Rutledge Apr 2015
Find solace in solitude,
There is no shame in that.
We are unknown to ourselves
An ocean to which we delve.
Scarcely coming up for air,
Entangled in fathoms
Whirlpools of despair.
Waves of introspection
Spare us shallow reefs,
Yet cast us into darkness
And the horrors of the deep.
Apr 2015 · 569
Weary Light
Rob Rutledge Apr 2015
Blossoms bow to their God,
Calmly carving paths
Across the evening tide.
Petals whisper their last prayers
Toward the darkening sky.
Tucked up sound within their beds,
Huddled close beside the corner
Of the gardening shed.
Basking in long shadows of
Weary light,
Wanting only to stop and rest for the night.
Until at least the darkness breaks,
Dawn peeks and brings a sense of change.
Today we erase yesterdays mistakes.
Mar 2015 · 842
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
Awake once more
Upon moonlit shores,
The eclipse is

Stood lost in thought
The star light is caught,
In nets of

Tracing lines in the sky
Wondering why,
We're objects of

All just a lie,
Always a lie that
Justifies vindication
Mar 2015 · 607
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
I am not afraid of death
It's the waiting that's killing me.
Mar 2015 · 596
Raw Spirit
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
Come sit! Let us set the world to rights!
While basking in the pale Androidian Light,
Lamenting the plights and strife of others,

"Another Whiskey?"

"Well, if it's no bother"

Raw spirit in our hands,
Raw thoughts and naive plans,
Admirable, worthy
Yet all go the way of sand.
Blown across the desert landscape
Captive of the winds command.
Mar 2015 · 10.0k
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
His hands are scarred,
Face is a mess,
Too long walking
Through the wilderness.
The bears are hungry
Wolves they howl,
The Levy's breaking
All will
Washed away by savage currents
Watching fallen suns go
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
All the Beasts of Myth
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
The treeline stands as sentinels,
Offering crowns to the crescent moon.
The rooted column of soldiers
Witness the slender shadow as it grew.
A thumb sized fairy in its hand,
Bent double to whisper tidings
Of human flesh on sacred land.
That which is sacrosanct
Can not so easily be swayed!
As all the beasts of myth and nightmares
Charge on into the fray.

The knight finished taking a **** against the tavern wall,
The last defence of the realm, children and us all.


That and trebuchets,



All the tools of war.

Far beyond the Forrest front
Pride, The Lord of Man
Forges ill thought plans
Lazily playing chess, cavalier
With the lives of pawns.
Thoughtlessly moving pieces with
Trembling blood stained hands.
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
Tiny flame huddled close to fading wick,
A rag doll seized in the fist of a tempest.
Fading quick,
Wax molten in our grip.
Burning, viscous through trembling fingers it slips.
Knuckles crack like the fire in the hearth
Consuming logs uprooted from the earth
Giving birth to each ember on the mantle,
Dancing decay around subdued bowing candles.

Crying white tears upon the silent tables
The evening sneers at hush filled fables.
Horses bray in solemn stables
Dreaming of pastures new,
Wick snuffed out by daylights fingers
Flame made still by the morning dew.
Mar 2015 · 778
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
We ride in on night winged eagles
Three harbingers of fate.
Circling over the city of the dead
We land awkwardly at the gate.
Trudging through the streets of mist
Treading on cobbled hopes,
Gathering jackets close
We barge through crowds of ghosts.

Three wise men, with nothing much to say.
Gather round in the rain by the side of the Grave.
Bringing the gift of silence,
Golden memories and mirth.
The city takes another back into the earth.
The rain starts to lighten, a feint mist
Over fresh turned turf.
The burden is lightened
The journey back is not so tough.
Even the city of the dead is filled
With towers of love.
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Globe Trotting
Rob Rutledge Mar 2015
It started in Dublin before I was born
Crossing the Irish Sea to weather a storm.
London called through the wind and rain
Big city lights and a country's flame.
To Manchester then, a city united
At least to outsiders.
But to those within it's somewhat

Summers in France.
Dining in Provence
Time in Toulouse
And along the Loire.
But Paris! Paris has that
Je ne sais quoi
Fine wine, fine company
It's a fine philosophy.

A German exchange
in einer stadt namens
Bad Bentheim.

Exposed to a culture
And the work of Rammstein.
A few days in Berlin
A fantastic city with much
History within.

Gondolas in Vienna if only for a day
Sailing down the Danube
Water wants us on our way.
We stay for a while
Within the walls of Budapest,
My first shot of Absinthe
Puts my liver to the test.

No rest for the wicked
That wanderlust I long.
Settled for a while by the lights of
Hong Kong,
A place I felt for a while at peace
High in the Monastery of Lantau's peeks.
I went once and I went again.
When wizened crones speak of golden devils,
Stroking my blonde hair on the streets of
I'm fortunate enough to have travelled to some fantastic places. A poor tribute to some of those visited.
Feb 2015 · 793
Rob Rutledge Feb 2015
They will tunnel through your heart
Becoming entangled with your soul.
A thousand miles apart,
The one is weaker than the whole.
Feb 2015 · 757
Don't be too hard on them
Rob Rutledge Feb 2015
They are reflections of the world
We inhabit. Mirrored shards
Flung high into the air.
Sharing in all of beautys passion,
Caught in the lensflare of compassion
Bound to the refraction of selfless care.
Compounded with the crux of inaction.
Falling shards are somewhat sharp.

They tend to draw blood.

No fault of their own
For fault implies Blame
Blame implies control.

The arrow does not make the bow
Feb 2015 · 2.6k
Rob Rutledge Feb 2015
Spires silhouette the peaks of cobalt
Mountains. An ancient castle in the sky
Made small by the Jovian night. A
Hundred worlds engulfed within the eye
Reflected in stardrops, quilted by the sigh
Of a species that had lost its wonder.
One last Traveler, the last of her kind,
Dieing on the veranda
Of the fortress she had called her home,
Reaching her scaled hand to the stars
She asks,
"Are we alone?"
Jan 2015 · 561
Musical Chairs (10w)
Rob Rutledge Jan 2015
We're either scrambling for a place
Or playing the music
Jan 2015 · 423
Rob Rutledge Jan 2015
Tell me a secret,
One you've been keeping
Quiet, still beating
After all these years.
Start at the beginning
Till you find the feelings
That once gave meaning
To all your fears.

Was it the lullaby
Softly sung in the night
That brought a tear
To your eye?
Was it family leaving,
Friend lists depleting,
The child that died
In your arms.

It was never easy,
This world will defeat me
One day at a time.
So did you give up the fight?
At the very first sight
After being blind.
So tell me a secret
One you've been keeping
And one that will make you smile.
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