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Rick Warr Oct 2020
it’s on the rise

so they said to me ...
can you believe it?
so i told them ...
the nerve!
what are they thinking?
some people!

We are the reasonable ones
but They
are idiotic, stupid bogans
greedy arrogant money-grabbing capitalists
or non believing infidels

we are quick to form our clubs
our churches of belief
secure our self-righteousness
fomenting hate for others

we reinforce our togetherness
with short hash-tagged rants
we are bonded in our contempt
for those other miscreants

we forget our humanity
and squabble over scraps
while our planet dies
we draw territorial maps

we reinforce our borders
forgetting what our wars have done
to our fellow humans
what has our fighting won?

self interest media
helps to congeal
a fake ****** mess
a long long way from real

so spare the indignation
open minds and hearts
it’s only what we gave
that’s remembered when we pass
noticing seemingly more self righteous indignation in the streets
Rick Warr Oct 2020
humanity at play
all on display
sun salved souls
play out their connection
under a soothing sun
mum and daughter
mum and dad
master and dog
boyfriend and girlfriend
surfer and surfboard

out of our living rooms
away from the fumes
satisfying our want
dealing with sand and salt

with a variety of competence

local or tourist
turkey or purist

it’s all ok
it’s a lovely day
humanity is out to play
and on display
painting the egalitarian beach scene i saw today
Rick Warr Sep 2020
where is hope
in this cluster **** world
we are just powerless disciples
of distrust and suspicion
of our systems and overlords
a bunch of anonymous souls
who have learnt
to question everything
emboldened by our
social media alliance
we are a coalition of suspicion

but a cluster **** of suspicion
will be no salvation

hope is
people doing the things that they love
things they believe in
being humble warriors
of self determination
helping each other
in compassion and grace
and in so doing
showing others that
there are good people
in the world
because we are all
just people together
to QAnons
Rick Warr Sep 2020
not talking anymore
to those
who aren’t listening
thoughts, ideas and love
are ready to share and bare
to the receptive
to those who can receive
and respond with mindful critique
it has to be a two way street
for a conversation
to survive and go
to where ideas grow
and so

i am silent and waiting for a sign
don’t leave me hanging
i want to find my way home
written in frustration with those who only hear themselves
Rick Warr Apr 2020
children never got
as much attention

bedrooms never got
cleaned up as much

we never read as much

friends never thought so much
about each other

beaches never got
walked on as much

we never looked as much
at each other

and dogs never got
walked as much

as they do
in these quarantine times
people in virus quarantine
Rick Warr Apr 2020
beautiful bluff
feathered in mist
silent and proud
moisture kissed
almost broke my knees getting to you
but now you’re a lover
whose company is missed
and coming home
rounding the curves
near your sea skirt
I look up
at your vertical mantle
with a loving heart
so glad to be living
in your embrace
love poem to the escarpment
Rick Warr Mar 2020
sometimes you disappoint me
especially when you
massively buy toilet paper
and sometimes you express
great compassion and generosity
when you make sure fire victims
are supported and nurtured

essentially you are followers of leaders
which begs the need for good leaders

never before have we needed
examples of goodness to guide us
through the challenges of the future

and so i offer this

be the reason,
someone believes that there are good people
reaction to recent events
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