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Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
"Oh, my love. You took me to 13th heaven."

"Oh, darling. I'm still there."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Alfie is an otter,
who plays the violin.
He often plays
by the riverbank,
as passing fishes sing.
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Be kind to others and you shall receive
Entry through the pearly gates
Love all God's children in this changing world
Irrespective of their fates
Enjoy each breath as if your last
Vow to be forgiving
Exist with constant understanding
Rejoice the gift of living
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
I'm calling for an angel
to prise me from this world
to take my soul to the clouds above
to have my life unfurled

I'm calling for a demon
to infiltrate my mind
to banish all I see as good
to make me walk the line

I'm calling for a lover
to mend my broken heart
to reunite the pieces
to never let them part

I'm calling for a rainbow
to visit me at night
to wash away the colour
'til all is black and white
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Four little boots
for my two little cutes
today we shall feed the birds

we'll run through the wind
as the chillness rescinds
reciting these four little words;

happiness, playfulness
innocence, youth
the most magical times of our lives

I watch as the cuties
splash puddles with their booties
then hand out a quick round of high fives
remembering when my son and his sister had fun with their new wellies
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
Watch me as I'm dreaming
shortened breath and fear
inside my head I'm screaming
since she left me lying here

I'm trying to recover
to become a man once more
poor broken hearted lover
feeling rotten to the core

Praying to the heavens
for redemption of my soul
I'm at sixes and at sevens
as I fall into a hole

Darkness is my traitor
yet I treat it as a friend
goodbye and see you later
I think I'm going round the bend
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"My love, I feel your pain."

"Hold me, for I am falling apart."

"Fear not, sweet princess.
This love is strong."

"I'm scared."

"Rest your head upon my chest.
Let us embrace and shine a light.
Together, we will illuminate beyond
the stars and into distant galaxies."

"My heart is beating so very fast."

"Do not worry, fair maiden.
Our connection is merging.
Soon enough, we shall ascend,
soaring high above the heavens.
To a realm we have always sensed,
yet never visited."

"Oh, this is wonderful."

"We are free."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Tonight I will dine.
like the King that I am.
Sandwiches filled with
chicken and ham.
Followed by yoghurt
of the live strawberry kind.
Then crack open a beer
and attempt to unwind.
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
Rain crashing down.
The boy sat motionless beside the fresh grave.
Two hours earlier, he had watched his father's coffin
lowered into a hole and covered with dirt.
He stared.

By now, thunder had arrived, along with streaks of
lightning flickering across the skyline.
This was not the kind of weather for sitting in a
cemetery, yet he remained still.

"Father" the child spoke
"I will never tell Mother the truth.
I knew about you and Aunt Miranda long before
I caught you both in bed that day.
And you know what?  
She's next"
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
Take my hand and I shall lead
you to a barren land
I'll stroke your face
before I place
you down upon white sand
then you will see
what I do see
and we shall become the wind
we'll breeze along
in joyful song
as memories rescind
my love and I
shall drift in space
catching rays of sun
then we'll awake
as night does break
to find ourselves as one
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
Fatty and Skinny
were in the bath
Fatty blew off
and Skinny laughed
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
'Twas dark in the woods, and all was still.
A faint noise in the distance
pricked Agent Shepherd's ears.
Crouching with his head in his hands.
Hidden behind a giant oak tree.
Shepherd knew he must put aside any fears
and proceed with his mission.

He had been sent to seek out and rescue 
a fellow poet from the shadows of hell.
Ill-prepared and on the verge of madness,
Shepherd rose to his feet.

"I must protect... I must protect."
muttered the reluctant hero as he made his way
blindly through the blackness.

Approaching closer, the noise became clear.
Gentle, sobbing.

Branches bowed down, blocking Agent Shepherd's path.
He cleared the way, continuing doggedly to 
reach the cries.

And there she was.

Sat upright, huddled,
hands clenching her arms
tightly around the knees,

"Mrs. Willow?"

The distressed poet's head lifted.

"Who's there?"

Agent Shepherd slowly knelt down
and softly spoke;

"Hey there, Mrs. Willow."


"Yes, it is I. Everything will be okay, I promise.
Hold my hand and let me take you home."

She nodded her head and clasped his outstretched

Sunbeams shone radiantly through the bedroom curtains.
As the weary poet awoke,
a feeling of wonderment and fresh energy
surged within her.
Laughing gently,
a small, then larger, smile filled her face.

"Agent Shepherd, you have completed your mission. Well done."

"Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure."

"We at the Poetic Justice Bureau want you to know that the mission was not only for Mrs. Willow. 
It was also for you.
Do you feel a sense of self-worth now?"

"I do, sir."

"Good. Now, rest up, because soon enough, your services will be
called upon again."

"Yes, sir, and thank you, sir."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Morning has broken
like an arrow through the heart
another mere token
to tear poor souls apart
sun is a rising
in unwelcome skies
minds are surmising
as pain fills up eyes
nothing is clear
everything's black
no ships left to steer
nooses tighten the slack
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
So far away,
yet o' so near.
Sweet Honey *** Queen,
I hold you dear.

Each night when we meet
in faraway lands.
I feel the gentle touch
from your magic hands.

As Empathy plays,
two minds combine.
Sweet Honey *** Queen,
two bodies entwined.

A spiritual union.
Pure ecstasy.
Soft, tender kisses,
between my woman and me.

Beyond the stars,
where time stands still;
Sweet Honey *** Queen,
our love is real.
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Hello, boy, do you want to go for walkies?

Of course I ******* do. You leave me in this prison all day and then you think you're doing me a favour by whizzing me around the park for half an hour. Oh, and if it's raining, I don't get out at all.

Fetch your lead boy.

**** the lead, more like. It's not my lead, you ****. Oh yeah, stick a collar on my neck and drag me along the road. I can hardly wait.
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
My heart is weak
as is my mind
This losing streak
is such a bind
The pain gets worse
yet I survive
It's such a curse
to be alive
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
He sat,
stuck to his throne.

He stared.
The blood on the wall
was now a
brownish colour.
The body beneath

He inhaled.
The smell of death
consumed him.
A raucous laugh erupted
from the pit of his stomach.

He stood,
Looking down at the
dismembered remains
of his father.
Vengeance for a lost life

His phone rang loudly.
Oh, hi, mum ...
No, I haven't seen him...
Sure, pop round ...
OK, I'll see you in an hour."

He picked up
the blood-stained machete,
sat on his throne,
and smiled.
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Watch my lips
as I mouth the word.
Understand my eyes.
Do not trust the prophets,
you may of have heard.
To live,
you must
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
Some love to be a lover
some love to be in love
some love to love another
some search for love above

some treat love as a passing feeling
some treat love as a sacred dish
some treat love as spiritual healing
some see love as a distant wish
This started as a comment on  Melancholy of Innocence's poem
On LOVE... for LOVEz, I thought, why not post it on its own......thanks Melan for your inspiration ....
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
When I felt your caress,
across my fevered brow
tears flowed like a river
yet soothed somehow

the hour glass
that trickled sand
trickled slowly
each time I held your hand

we sat and watched
the world go by
each passing minute
side by side

I have not seen you
in many a year
still, deep in my heart
you are always here
It has been a long time since I last saw my beautiful friend, I found out a while ago she has terminal cancer and am desperate to get in touch but alas I can not find a way to reach her.
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023

"Yes, my son."

"Oh, wow, thanks for answering, dude."

"What can I do for you?"

"Well, it's like this. I have a ******* in-grown
toenail and it is causing me major gyp."

"Have you seen a doctor?"

"You're joking mate. I can't even get to talk to a receptionist."

"And you want me to heal your toe?"

"Yea, basically. Can you help me, Lord?"

"There. You are now free from pain."

"Jesus! My toe is missing! Why would you do that?"

"Why would you bother me with such a ridiculous request?"

"Cos, my toe hurts, and I can't get to see anyone medical."

"Goodbye, my son. Take care of your remaining toes and you
will continue to be pain free."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Today, I feel like ending it all
with no reasons to carry on
I know I sound like a pathetic fool
singing the same old song
I'm riddled with pain
suffocated in fear
too frightened to go outside
The NHS is ignoring me
They wouldn't worry if I died
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
Patty the piglet,
had always dreamt
about being a ballerina.
She practiced whilst
the farmyard slept,
so nobody
could have ever seen her.
Until one morn,
when the cockerel crowed,
Patty danced
for the sows and boars.
Upon her trotters,
she performed Swan Lake.
Receiving huge applause.
Dedicated to Dame patty m
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
All is black.

I open my eyes.

Before me is a steamy window.

Placing the forefinger

of my right hand upon the pane,

I draw a pair of lips.

Her lips.

I close my eyes.

Light engulfs the darkness.

We are one.
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"Take a seat, Richard. How are you today?"

"Well, I could say I'm having a bad day,
but I guess that's normal."

"Talk to me. What's on your mind?"

"I was seven years old and walking to school."


"The number five bus passed me.
I saw my parents staring through
one of the windows on it.
My father looked very angry."

"And this upset you?"

"After school, I returned home.
I was thrashed by my father with his leather belt.
He said he was embarrassed I was his son.
He said I looked like a freak, walking on my own,
when other children had friends."

"What did you think you looked like?"

"A freak."

"And now?"

"A freak."



"I love you."

"And I love you."

"We must talk more often, Richard."

"Yes, we must. Thank you, Richard."

"No. Thank you."
Richard Shepherd Jun 2023
Silent noise
for the tortured boy
no chitter chatter
no nervous poise
rounded shoulders
become steel girders
lessened thoughts
of imagined murders
walk of shame
turns to walk of fame
lowered eyes
fixate free from blame
as he bids farewell
to his army of fears
the tortured boy
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"I've had it with this heat. I can't breathe, I keep coughing and
the doctor still hasn't come to see me."

"It's a life full of trap doors, my sweet. Only yesterday I fell down
one and landed flat on my back. Now all I can do is wish the day
away until bedtime."

"It's a good job we're in bed, then."

"It certainly is. Shall we smoke some lung destroying tobacco?"

"Sounds perfect, but first come here and give me a cuddle."

"We are awful, aren't we?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Oh, I do love you."

"As I love you. "

"Kiss me, you miserable *****."

"He-he, there's more than that on the menu."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"I say, darling, would you care for a glass of gin?"

"Don't mind if I do. Could you kindly pass me a roll-up?"

"Why yes, here's your gin and if you open your mouth
I'll pop this cancer stick in."

"Thank you, kind gentleman. May I have a light?"

"Oh, how remiss of me. Here you go...there…you are fired up."

"That's delightful. My lungs are eternally grateful."


"Yes, my love."

"May I be so bold as to kiss your neck?"

"Right, that's it. Enough of this posh *******.
Get over here and ravage me, you **** *******."

"It would be my pleasure, you ***** *****."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"...and after you have washed the dishes,
the ******* needs taking out."

"Of course, darling."

"I say, love?"

"Yes, my sweet."

"Have you sorted our meds out?
I don't want to mess up the timings."

"I'll do that shortly, for sure."

"Did you pick up some tobacco at the shops?
I'm gasping for a smoke."

"It's just there, by your bedside cabinet."

"Thank you.
Now, when you've finished your chores,
I want you to jump in bed and roger me senseless."

"Oh, darling. You are so romantic."

"I'm also gagging for it. Get your **** into gear!"

"And why I love you."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023

"Yes, my love."

"Thank you for being you.
You have made me a very happy man."

"Aww, what a nice thing to say."

"I know we kid around and behave terribly,
but I have to say, my beautiful flower, you give me

"Honestly, you'll say anything to get in my knickers!"

"Oh no, it's true! My love for thee is pure and grows
each new morn."

"So you don't want a cuddle?"

"I didn't say that."

"No, no. I'll just lay here, wet as an otters pocket,
while you carry on with your fancy poetic words."

"Oh, darling..."

"I'm kidding! I hope you're thirsty, my love. It's like
Niagara Falls down there."

"Oh... I'm parched."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"Phewee... I....can...hardly....breathe... I..."

"Hey there, darling. Don't speak...shush. Concentrate
on the breath. That's it....come on girl, easy now..."


"Now, what did I say about talking? I love you too, by the way."

"... Roll...up…smoke…"

"Oh, you are so bad. No, my sweet, not a good idea right now.
Tell you what, though; If you just keep on track with the
breathing, I'll fix you up a gin in a bit."


"Good, good. You got it."


"Yes, darling. We'll cuddle later."

"…Ooohh....pheww...thank you..."

"No, thank you. Without you, my life would be very boring."

Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
"Pass me another gin, love. Tonight, I intend to get blotto."

"Charming. What about me?"

"You've got dishes to wash."

"Oh, you cheeky cow. I deserve a few hours grace."

"Tell you what. You get that kitchen sparkling
and your luck might be in later."


"Toss a roll-up over. There's a good boy."

"Here you go then...and yes, I'll clean up."

"Let's have some music. Party time!"

"Darling, are you ******?"

"Aren't you the observant one.
Before you start cleaning, come here."

"Yes, my what?"

"Kiss me."

"Oh., mm....mmm...oh I love you."

"Of course you do. I'm fabulous!
Now, whack up the music and get them dishes done."

"On my way, darling."
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
"Ow! You sod! You pinched my ***."

"Haha. Yes, I did, my love, and why not?
You have a rather nice derrière."

"What's brought this on? Oh, I know,
you've started on the scotch, haven't you?"

"Yes, my sweet. Guilty as charged."

"Whatever are we going to do with you?"

"May I make a suggestion?"

"I know what you want. You filthy pig."

"Darling, my intentions are purely
honourable. You know I love you."

"I know you're hammered."

"Shall we dance?
I can still move like...ooh ....argh...oof…"

"Now you've hurt yourself, you silly man.
Come on, up you get... that's it....lay on the bed."

"My head hurts. I feel dizzy."

"Not too dizzy, I hope. Shall I play Nurse?"

"Oh, darling...mmm...yes please."
Richard Shepherd Jul 2023
In the days of yore, there abided a wee fairy devoid of a name. She oft flitted about the forest, twirling with the moon's beams and sprinkling fairy dust upon the fallen.

One day, a wayfaring prince crossed her path. Peculiar sensations surged through the tiny fairy. She knew not the meaning of such emotions.

The prince vanished from sight, and she carried on her merry way.

That night, she dreamt of a sunrise so radiant it nearly burnt her delicate wings.

Awakening to the melodies of birdsong, the fair nymph felt a dampness betwixt her thighs.

Methinks, pondered the wee fairy. What befallen me?

The day passed, and once more she spread benevolence to the suffering souls she passed by.

And there he stood again.

Curiosity piqued, she swooped down to perch at his feet.

"Who art thou?" She asked mirthfully,
"Why greetings! I am Prince Richard, and pray tell, thy name?"
"I am a nameless fairy."

The prince smiled.
"Fly up to my shoulder; I have somewhat for thee."

And up she did flutter.

"Art thou prepared, little fairy?"

She nodded, her mind filled with bewilderment.

Prince Richard softly blew a gentle kiss her way.

All too soon, the sun gleamed brighter, the birds sang sweeter melodies, and the squirrels danced upon the boughs of the trees.

And then...

In a cloud of fairy dust and myriad stars, she transformed into a woman.

"Oh mine, Prince Richard, what sorcery hath befallen me?"

"Thou hast revealed thy true nature. Now bethink. What is thy name?"

The new woman grinned widely.
"I am called Lily-Rose."

The prince nodded. "Greetings, Lily-Rose. I am Richard. Let us dance."

Together, they truly danced. The creatures of the woods joined in the merriment, and ere long, the entire forest overflowed with love.

Lily-Rose and Richard spent each day guffawing and jesting, and ere long, love blossomed betwixt them.


"Aye, my prince."

"Shall we..."

"Oh, aye, let us make love."

And make love, they did. Time and time again.

They dwelt a splendid life, with each passing day more exhilarating and ardently affectionate than the last.

True love discovered the little fairy and the wayward prince. It had forever resided within them; they were merely unaware of its presence.

And indeed, they lived joyously ever after.
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Why do I suffer?
What is the answer?
Why didn't God help me?
Where did I go wrong in life?
What crime did I commit to deserve this?
Wasted years on a scrapheap of memories
Wired mind that operates on emotion
Worries that just won't subside
Wasted efforts to change
Worthless individual
Washed up joke
War is over
admit defeat
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
Someone who will stand by your side
in the rain with no umbrella.
Time for me to have a break from HP. I'm battling with health issues and need to concentrate my efforts on healing. I can not keep up commenting and reading poems of poets I follow, for which I apologise. Please bear with me, I'm not ignoring anyone I just can't physically do it at the moment.Keep up the good work people and thank you for making me smile these last few months.I love you all x
Richard Shepherd Aug 2023
"Woof, woof"



"Bark! Bark! Growl"

"Pant, pant, woof, woof?"

"Woof, woof, Bark...pant,pant, woof"


— The End —