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1.9k · Aug 2021
pradipsingh Aug 2021
Look the moon is brighter  than before
And the stars are twinkling more
And as you try to close your eyes
Let it take you to paradise

The world is not the same as  before
Nothing remains to adore
The flower has lost its beauty
And it’s no more pretty

And as  you rest for the night
Let your dream be your light
Where everything is alright
Let it give you a flight
1.4k · Apr 2021
She is not with me
pradipsingh Apr 2021
I hear the song from the distant, the song of love
Which she used to listen and hum cheerfully, but she is not with me
I don't love her nor I miss her but I do love her and I do miss her
942 · Mar 2021
Music and you
pradipsingh Mar 2021
Music and you are the same
Sometimes it heals
Sometimes it hurts
781 · Oct 2021
pradipsingh Oct 2021
Love doesn't require any explanation to love
538 · Mar 2021
pradipsingh Mar 2021
You were on despacito
I were on perfect
So the genre differs
So is between me and you
I don't know why I just love it
425 · Aug 2021
Be of different
pradipsingh Aug 2021
Be of different
Don't walk for other's walk
Don't raise for other's raise
Don't stay behind for other's stay behind
Don't laugh for other's laugh
Don't cry for other's cry
But be of different
Be the master of your own fate
The captain of your own ship
And don't let someone take charge
Stand up to guard your own palace
And be of different
Follow your own path
Create your own destiny
Be the one you dream off
And never be the dead fish
For they swim down with the stream
422 · Mar 22
pradipsingh Mar 22
To much thought, she really makes me to think
To much dream, she really makes me to dream
And oh! this feeling is quite such a drink
Which makes to sail without a boat on stream

Beyond the clouds and beyond the deep vales
I really have been, really, I have seen
Yet I never knew such a girl did dwell
Upon this lofty height. Oh! such serene

My wondering eyes couldn’t behold her beauty
And my senses are numb, perplex and senseless
And I guess to love her was my duty
In this world where love and magic are less

She was more beautiful than a poet’s rhyme
More dangerous than a criminal’s crime
318 · Aug 2021
One sided love
pradipsingh Aug 2021
How can I feel you
When I am not the bee
To kiss your flower

How I can love you
When I am not the
Lover of your life

But none was needed
To be a one sided love
298 · Mar 2021
When you are mine
pradipsingh Mar 2021
When you are mine, i will love you
That doesn't mean that i hate you now
Why would i when i know that i can't
To hate you is like to harm myslelf
Who will hate that beautiful plum face
And the heart which cared for everyone
Tell me if i am wrong tell me now
289 · Mar 2021
Hold her tight
pradipsingh Mar 2021
hold her tight
never let her fall
for she may be the one
who will hold you tight
when you are falling and drifting apart
First poem
274 · Aug 2021
To an unheard poet
pradipsingh Aug 2021
Nobody turn the page of your book
Nor anybody praise of your writing
Nobody understand your beauty
Nor they know your philosophy
Though you are great in your own term
Nobody wants to accept
But that's ok
It happens in this world
Where there is no river of art
But there will be a time
When your poem will be a household theme
Your philosophy liked by everyone
And until that day we have to wait
And continue doing what we do
For that day is coming surely
My brother
To all unheard poet including me
Your time will come
pradipsingh Dec 2021
Can you stop for a game of chess
And make all my pain to be less
Can you be patient enough to stay
For i will plea to you just today
You will be happy as I promise
And the time would be a beautiful bliss
And we could play the game all night
And just for you i will offer my knight
#poetry #poem #chess
230 · Mar 18
When I meet you again
pradipsingh Mar 18
Some unsaid words are to be said
And I will tell you so when I meet you
Yes I haven't seen you for a while
And I long to see you all the time
Morning, night, night, morning
Your image is always on my mind
Your eyes, your lips, your hairs
Oh! Love I remember it all
And for every passing second, it is in my mind
I remember and think of you all the time
And I hope you remember and think of me too
Long are the times, we haven't met
Long will be the time, we will be together
And when I meet you, time will stop
Time will stand still, yet our love will flow
Flow like the rivers of milk and honey
And the apple tree will bear golden fruit
The sky will be filled with stars
And the garden will be filled with wildflowers
Oh! Love when I  meet you again
I will say to you all the words
Which my broken and longing heart
Long to say
After a long time
223 · Mar 2021
At last
pradipsingh Mar 2021
At last all that matter is you
How much you have loved
How much you have cared
How much you have cried
How much you have laughed
How much you have traveled
How much you have enjoyed
How much you have learned
And at last how much you have lived
It went like the flow of the river, too fast
176 · Mar 19
The cuckoo’s whisper
pradipsingh Mar 19
The cuckoo's whisper in this sweet evening
Is more lovelier than love has been
Throughout eve she keeps on whispering
For somebody, whom she has never seen

The vesper is on and fervent Angels sings
They lift up their choir to heavenly height
Amid, this sweet whisper, the cuckoo brings
And make this place and time a holy rite

Such peace, tranquility and harmony
Was felt all over and around the place
And nobody would be with agony
For everybody was blessed with grace

Yet I sit here alone with mournful lips
And ponder about the past with a grief
For l, doomed like Odysseus and his ships
Cry like a newborn baby in the eves

Her mortal vestige is in grave and oh
It has been years and years, since she has been
But still today I can hear and can know
She is here always, though she can't be seen

— The End —