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I can’t eat.
I’ve been falling
deep from not eating.
Heart’s aching,
right hand shaking,
taunted by scattered voices—
Slowly consuming my insides
like a parasite.

I feel too sick,
haunted by the fear
of being forgotten—
Left rotting alone
under the cold,
wasteland nights—
Afraid to lose
like you.
Self hate crawls
around my stomach
and cuts old deeper wounds
like a sharp blade—
Maggots feeding off my scars
filled with shattered memoirs
all over my tired,
puppetted body.

I can’t eat…
I think there’s
something wrong
with me.
I've been not eating much lately...
A lot of things were in my mind for the few
days I haven't been posting and I'm sorry guys,
but something has been eating me
alive inside...
\ I flutter back /  
      \ from time to time /  
     \ to loud hearts and /  
  \ gentle minds; to cityscapes /  
   \ in golden light, to neon bars /  
   | and street fights; to country |  
   | lanes and drunken drives with |  
    / good old friends and future \  
  / wives; to summer nights with  \  
/ campfire jives, to ***** shots  \  
/ and sunken pints; I flutter back  \  
      / and stay a while, \  
      / with no regrets \  
        / and only \  
          / smiles \
markybiz 17m
Is there more to life than just dreams and reality
Whenever that thought comes to mind, it made me think
Could it be that these dreams are to be differentiated from reality
As these dreams I hope to be disappears as I blink

I left the dreamer sleeping and continue being a numb machine
And then there was you, you who makes my world spin
You who just broke my entire knowledge of dreams and reality
Because what you are is a "Dream that is in Reality"

An anomaly that even scientist couldn't understand
A glitch that programmers couldn't eliminate
An idea that even genius couldn't replicate
A math problem so complex it's getting out of hand

Even the aspirations i have for myself grew ill
Because it was you that made all my dreams felt real
i'm trying to do a poem a day
Anna May 20m
Hey, it's been awhile
You probably forgot
I used to like your now boyfriend,
And now I do not.

October 2024 was a struggle
Three flashes of metal, it was gone
My mind was at ease,
No one to please

November, December January, and February
I had to take out of me
Making myself into small pieces  
Smaller and smaller until it was gone

I had to remember
Every time I saw
You and him in the same room

Now I cannot remember
Who you really are
Who he really is

It's a new day,
It's a new week,
It's a new month
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