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Oct 2014
The night has fallen
Bad guys have scattered the streets
Let’s get dangerous

Whipped out his gas gun
He swooped out of the shadows
The terror that *****

Looks for the bad guys
Approaches them in the distance
**** gas, evildoer!

Took out his smoke bomb
He creates his grand entrance;
Very Determined

He’s ready; willing
For the villains to make their move
Let’s get dangerous  

Fights crime all night long
Ducks every fist-punch and kick
He is Darkwing Duck!

He is the victor
At the end of every night
The Midnight Mallard

Champion of right
Daring Duck of Mystery
He is “The Duck Knight!”

A father by day
Then a crime fighter by night
lives the double life.

It’s one of the best
Disney Afternoon shows ever.
It’s simply the best.

Darkwing Duck, Copyright of Disney. Est. 1991.
Lynette Chiamaka Okoroike
     ryann, serenity reinhardt and SPT
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