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Aug 2013
Do you learn,
how do you earn,
if you did not burn
what you do into gray
matter memory.

Memorize by rote,
                   by rote,
a reducing game,
I'll call it stacking,
to maximize your
gain of what you
know, I mean know
for certain,
repeated physical
and mental actions
over and over,
over and over,
and over and over,
like a martial artist, doing a kata,
till he is caught doing it in his sleep,
or his nerves are always there
ahead, waiting for him to arrive,

but do we know for certain,
photo shopping,
auto correcting,
foolish sexting,
conspiracy theorem,
bring me to life
with boredom just a drop of inspiration,
with tedium just some time and some space
   A WAY
and I can and will learn it all,
with peace as my covering,
         peace as my covering,
                    as my covering,
                        my covering,

Honest learning is that which is
involved in dwelling, some times
easily and at others it is a crime,
and a torturous process but in this,
"Finally, brethren, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is
right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of praise,
dwell on these things. "

That would be
what honest learning
could be,
where do I start,
memorizing by heart,
when my is heart turning
to stone, hardening,
not fertile and not prepared
for gardening and the
planting of good seed,
use a funny voice,
if you need to memorize,
tape to a mirror in front of
your eyes, your face,
where you do spend allot of time I might add.

but before you go forward,
        I will be forward and
remind you there are better
things, on which to dwell.

Phil 4:8 NASB in quotes, **bolded**, itallicized
Written by
Ottar  where you will find me
(where you will find me)   
   Claire R and Emily Tyler
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