i want to perform. in front of hundreds. yes. but its not like **** as people watch on www.pleasewatch.com something more ritualistic MORE primal like a divine act. feminine and masculine integrating with an honest envelope. sign sealed delivered by the ultimate act of universe. it is soulful with lust but pure as a dust. lust for the very first time. you are tasting it for the first time and you realize that you have a magnificent power that never stops to rhyme. that you can keep on and on. then all of sudden it will be like nobody is there. the audience dissapeared. and there you go. we are adam and eve. there for the first time. there goes the prakriti and purusha like rebellion to the addicted and hedonist world of amnesia.
well. these days I am not using punctuations appropriately as the world says. I am not going low when they say go low or when they say go capital. "you cant write small." it's like my very own rebellious ****.