why are the walls always blue... in the places where it hurts to be? in the places where i watch a little girl you grow up through pictures of a little happy family in a house that’s big and round...
who am i in this story? . trailer park trash assuming the role of dignified enough to be in that house... with a kitchen island, and a garden, and a beautiful, bright blue fish tank...?
******* for having what i wish i had when i was small, when my parents first cracked my head open, and accidentally filled it with illness and bugs from our gross, apartment floors...
for i did not grow up with a happy garden or through pictures that mommy keeps on her wall...
if you are unhappy, i must live in ******* hell.
Wow it’s been forever since ive been on here! I miss and love you all. This is about someone who I love dearly but am angry at bc she lives the life i wish i had when I was a kid. From march 9, 12:36 am. hope you’re all being safe!