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Jun 2019
your eyes are wandering
the ends of the earth,
all your mental prowess is steering
through the world in touch range,

a signal from now finds no
space to
place reality among my daydreams
in shorterm memory,
no room for a cookie, in my immediate mind,

etched there, to remember
as if touching now
were on our mind, as your eyes
wandered toward the ends of the earth,
filling all our temporal lobes with
memories of never beens.
So now's cookie is written as a been and done,
deeper in the mechanical amygdalic realm.

Now, in real time, eyes in head,

next step must
call on this info, cookied in the past
this math of relation
of vector to angle,
next is now, sudden
re cognized in the future,
it seems now,
as if all this happened before,
though truly, this now, is being done
while I was in another,
my mind wandering else where
at the time, evolving
involvement with
immediate impulses signaling
"stop, this is the edge of next."

So now, feels like deja vu as

autonomous lizard brain made room,
just in case the glimpse of reality
needs more looking into.

Deja vu. From an old man POV.
Been here. Done this.

Found joy under the ashes
While reading poems in HP, I noticed an assumptive imaginary process being ill fit to my reality, like this doesn't feel familiar. Is this revese deja vu?
Ken Pepiton
Written by
Ken Pepiton  75/M/Pine Valley CA
(75/M/Pine Valley CA)   
     Dennis Willis and Bogdan Dragos
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