Everyday we will smile and play Windows will shatter across our platters The morning will come and bid us hello As you can imagine everyday was fantastic
All of a sudden the world came crashing Rivers overturn and tress were falling Echoing around me where sounds of animals screeching The colors slowly fadding
Light cried goodbye, Night rose awake Now these forbidden colors washed into grays I try to tell everyone but no one listened blinded by their own injustice Green has been replaced by death and i try to bring them back to life all i have are ashes
The world grows form the tinniest of seeds And blossoms into the flowers that captivates our sights We pull form the ground and we stop its life
And for what? To see it die in a glass container in our house
Forbidden colours of a field in full bloom But not anymore Greys have blocked the sky's light from reaching them
The world is slowly coming to a screeching halt Winters are longer and summers are hotter I wonder if we will survive
Forbidden colours Of ice in the north and south that are melting away Into the blues of oceans that are heating
The rush of water that is filling our land into a swamp People try to fight against something they cannot control People will like to blame anything at all But themselves
All of these colours fade away as we destroy their homes And become extinct Have filled the world with ash Dark and thick like ink
Forbidden colours Of the ocean blue Magentas and purples of coral reefs Red of the uncut redwood forest
Forbidden colours Of white mountain tops And cerulean of shining lakes With underground forest vibrating viridian
Forbidden colours Meadows that flow of fushia and lavender Or fields of golden corn With the rich brown of dirt
Forbidden colours Of our pink lungs not filled with industrial vile