a beast bitterly binding the broken books of the benevolence that be-seats the thrones of thieves a binary botulism baby survived by the lowest common denominator lord of may be the calamity shaker shaking limbs from trees he made me who am i to be enshrined by the designs in which he heaves the storms away leaves the drones in decay as of yesterday in an electrical parfait of symbiotic energy ******* tempting me in its tether as embryonic entities shutter the flow to the effects that no one knows of the development and growth of self and the foes he oppose as was imposed upon by force of will exposed and deloused of the shrill cockiness instilled in his build aroused in the post stillness of his kills he is i and i am thrilled to lower the shields leveling out the playing field and yielding to the technical terminology of my basic demonologies of my ****** up philosophies cloning the technologies you infuse into the spirituality of your broken dichotomy just let me know how that goes as corrosive winds blow through the boroughs of your haunts i can almost feel the taunts as i hear the boots clomp turn to stomping through the door enacting your unholy chores in that which bares no reward the price is blood the cost is love in which i cannot afford unfurled upon the hoard in torn intellect abhorred in the twirls of a de-cored vortex inter-sexed and robbed of originality in the result of cultural finality empty in a sea of dreams our heads blown apart is only the start as it seems ill be whispering from afar by dark yet to embark from under the rage of my darkening heart but if i hiss cyphers into your charts ill become safer than the cause as i shall get the sympathy of the claws across my character in the jaws of the barrier to non existence its even scarier than the persistence of ignorant citizens with hard-ons and night vision down-loadable intuition with the precision of the averages unlocked savages in the ravages of synthetic bliss 1.1 happiness projected in eyelids emptiness defectors of the world gotta free them beat them if you have to defeat them in the bathroom with a knife rip their chips of deceit show them life clip their legs in retreat until they secrete the evil from their throats binary bohemia pooling into a despondent pool of blasphemy drained happily from the heads of greed only when willing to commit to killing can we fix the dream and control the lean of modernized thinking chromatically depleting as our chromosomes are shrinking not one inkling nor notion of the ocean sinking before the rise and in all that you bitterly despise forgotten as the world is washed before your eyes yet to realize the compliance of failed tries a crashed system of self told lies yet ... i still spy the better days i can smell them in range estranged surprised i muffle the cries of demise in reprise of a new name a fresh start summarized in the surmise of restraint the faint whisper delivering from here the elixir of life's experiences cryptically laid upon the sentences of my ethereal commencements the beautiful lessons entrenched in the blemishes the scars of the heart impart on you the virtues of the tried and true blood sweat and tears in the blurbs of yesteryear obtuse it be my will to instill in you the jaded truth love yourself and i shall love you too