Knock knock. -Who’s there? Me. -Me who? Me whose country is at war. -Go away.
Knock knock. -Who’s there? Me. -Me who? Me whose family drowned. -Go away.
Knock knock, -Who’s there? Me. -Me who? Me who is homeless in this country. -Go away.
Knock knock. -Who's there? Me. -Me who? Me who became a refugee. /Listen you need to help me I have nowhere to go no one to turn to I hardly speak this language and other countries are starting wars in my homeland so I cannot go home. Please I beg of you. -Shut up and go away. I have nowhere to go.
Knock knock. -For the grace of God you are getting on my nerves! Go Away!
Knock knock. -Is that you again? No it's he. -He who? He who is a terrorist outside your doorstep.