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Feb 2017
The sun stole the daylight from her eyes
He blinded her to reality
Drove her to insanity

His brilliance was meant to protect
To heal to cure
To banish ills
To drive out demons that roamed the earth

The Sun in all his glory
Did that to her?

Blinded by his sheer magnificence
She stumbled in to darkness,
His was a light so bright
That it left her without sight

Is it so ? They mocked her!
Is it so, she asked herself
Can something that is meant to protect
Also take your life?
or drive you blind?

Who would believe her?
Who could she take her plea to?
They'd call her insane
And counter blame.

You are stupid! They'd say
To play with fire
To fly too close to the sun
Which fool did inspire?

So she went back into her cocoon
Her shelter, never to return, never to falter
She was scathed, her soul a cinder
Her heart a hole, her mind a blender.
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