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Oct 2016
Why Does My Appearance ...  
Offend Most Folk ... !?!
I DON'T Sell Coc'... !!!
I'm NOT An Ignorant Bloke ... !!!
I DON'T LIKE ... " Crack "... !!!
But Sometimes ... Like A Smoke ...
There's Nothing Quite Like A Cuban Cigar ...
After Food ... or With A Drink At A Bar ...
NOT Beer But Brandy ...  
Suitably Warm ...
In A ... Brandy Glass ... !!!
THAT'S ... Who I Am ... !!!
I'm NOT An ****... !!!
Unlike Those ...

Who Judge From .................................................................­.... Far ...............
His incentive, is to Rob,
and start, MOLESTING !"
"Who on earth ?
Do you think you're addressing ?
Your judgements are distressing !
Your thought waves need progressing !
Stop your second guessing !
cos when I start *******,
your state of mental being,
you'll wish you had Gods' Blessing !"
Girls ... Or Men ...
Just ... Can't Defend ... !!!
Their NONSENSE ...
As I ... Count To TEN ... !!!!!
See .....
That's My Way of Teaching Them ...
I'm NOT ... THAT Man ...
On .... " News at Ten "... !!!!!
NO ... NOT Trev'....
But Those ... "Locked"...  
... Inside Prison ... !!!  
I'm RARE ...
Just Like ... " True Gentlemen "... !!!
Girls Have Said ...
Such ... SILLY THINGS ... !!?!!
"Upon introduction,
my heartbeat raced !
I thought you were gonna,
punch me in my face !"
"That's what you saw ?
when you, looked in my face !"
Such Attitudes ...
Are REALLY ... Lame ... !!!!
It's ... Funny To Some ...
But Let's Get This CLEAR ... !!!!!
These ... " Stereotypes "...
Are ... REALLY Dumb ... ?!?
I Deal With This Ignorance ...
Day to Day ...
" Some guy ... "

Tried To Bar Me ...
From His Place ...
WITHOUT Even Looking Me In My Face ... ?!?  
WHY ... ?

Because of ... " e-mails sent "... ?!?
But When He Traced ...
The Mails I'd Sent ...
His Thought Waves Got ...
...... DERAILED ...... !!!
And Then Some ...  
Common Sense Prevailed ... !!!
I've Met Him Now ...
His Stench Seems ... " FOUL "... !!!!!!!!!
A Money Man ...
just Like The DOW ...
Index ... Direct ... !!!  
Until My Words ...
Got In His Chest ... !!!
And Proved To Him ...
... My INTELLECT ...
Whilst Giving Him ...
A ... "small complex"...

About What Could ...
Just Happen ... NEXT ... !!!?!!!
Sometimes ... YES ...  
Just Like ... " The Wu "...
I Do Suggest ...
You PROTECT Your NECK ... !!!!!
It's Better NOT TO ...
... Get Me Vex ... !!!!!
Cos' Plans I Make ...
Are So COMPLEX ...
You May Just Need ...
A ... Bullet-Proof Vest ... !?!?!
For Me You See ...
Life's Posing TESTS ... !!!
From Living ... To ...
Just Getting *** ... !?!
These Problems ...
Leave My Mind ... " Perplexed "... ???
Well .....
Perplexed or NOT ...
I'm Still DIRECT ... !!!
From Things I Say ...
To ... Written Text ...
To EARN What's Due ...
Some **** RESPECT.

From Those Who Watch Their TV Set ...
Then Pre-Judge Me ... That's INCORRECT ... !!!!!
Well Here's The Deal ... !!!
Instead of Surfing ...  
...... " Internet "......
Try PULLING The Plug ...
Yes .... DISCONNECT .... !!!
Deal With Those ...  
In Front of You ...  
Some of Us ...
Are People TOO ... !!!!!
Whether On ... PC ...
Or On ... " TV "...
You're Receiving INTERFERENCE ... !!!!!!
Your Thought Waves NEED ...

Some .... " Clearance "....

And Maybe Then ... ?
You'll FINALLY See ...
DON'T Judge Folks By ...
... " Appearance "...
I'm STILL, not the only one suffering such ridiculous judgments clearly ! According to the story today, about the Doctor, who probably won't be flying with Delta airlines any time soon !
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
   isle and Doug Potter
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