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Oct 2016
Summers heat has left the land as Autumn walks this land

This new daughter has all the trees leaves falling like the rains

The beaches sands are turning from hot white to a duller yellow

Cliff sides show warm Browns and burnished golds across their tops

And Summer and Autumn will touch fingers for mere moments

And then they will be separated in time for another year

Animals all through this cooling land hurry about their chores

For Autumn trails her very fingers through their fur

they know it’s time to be ready for the arrival of her chillier sister Winter

But for now there are still nuts and berries to be hurriedly gathered in

The wind rises a notch as Autumn surveys her quarter realm

And Sunset deepens over land and sea as nights draw quickly in

The daytime skies turn grey as buzzards seek their prey

Squirrels hide their hordes of nuts and then seek their dreys

Hedgehogs rolled in darkened leaves ready then to make their nests

Mice and voles scurry forth one eye on the skies for predator on high

The rabbits make warmer warrens, while foxes watches with evil eye

It’ll not be long before Winter with her chilly hand is all across the realm

But for now Autumn casts a comfort of gold and brown across this land.
I keep writing odd bits of prose for my book about a dark cornish faery tale .. when I was a child of seven I enjoyed reading 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien, 'The Little Grey Men' by BB and 'Wind in the Willows' by Kenneth Grahame. These books have been an inspiration for the book I am presently writing, although I have written, spy and ghost and adventure short stories before. This story has been running around in my head for many years and trying to get out... Being mad disabled has now given me the time to finally get it onto paper ... The storyline is sorted by I need two of three poems/prose and a little song to be anywhere as good as the three books I have mentioned.. however my Tale is not for children, well, not if they are scared of the dark and what it might hold..
Don Moore
Written by
Don Moore  By the Sea in Cornwall
(By the Sea in Cornwall)   
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