What anger exists in me sits in the front row of the church in which I have chosen for for myself; it has a place of honor because I have allowed it seek its level; above that of true understanding; true kindness; true empathy for the happiness of others; true calm in the face of what may not allow my preferred state of being to exist; yes I have allowed it to lead my thoughts because I am weakness looking for purpose
What have I set my mind to; is it a virtue worthy of the rest of my life or is my life worthy of it; is my mouth worthy to speak of it; have my ears heard of it; does my heart know how to love it; does my mind comprehend it; does my spirit have the strength to fight for it; am I merely a weakness looking for purpose wherever it may exist
You must know what it is that you are choosing to be; drifting, dreaming; is it in her eyes or can one person be all you can see; the promise is for a life before the things you will come to know about her reveal themselves to you; it is the same for the stand you decide to make or the back you turned on what you wish to reject from your life; because weakness looking for a purpose must choose
Is it a story or a life you are leading; what is it that you are sure of and what is it that makes you blind; you must remain pure in your purpose for what you are born to live is what is intended; whatever fame, praise or silence that comes upon you is only a consequence of those who react to you and is not to be considered as you decide if the life you lead is worthy of the purpose your weakness is trying to choose