I am a sailor lost at sea Setting sail to the land of the free I know not well where the winds will take me But days, months, & years I will conquer To be the sailor I am to be.
I am a sailor lost at sea With my bow set straight to the dawn of light Though my hull is struck by raging thunders & churning waters I will not yield! I will not yield!
Oh, I am a sailor lost at sea! Young a bloke I am Much I have to learn from the winds that have taken me I look up to the mast of my boat To see the winds ripping through my sails Oh how glorious it is to sail the waters below like the waters above Surely I will not yield!
Oh, I am a sailor lost at sea! I have seen the stars move about the vast ocean skies With their light gently touching your eyes Oh! how I am glad to be a sailor lost at sea With these winds guiding me to be the Sailor I am to be!
Oh, I am a glad sailor lost at sea! Glory to you who guides me For I can not see Yet have shown me the sailor I am to be!