He once asked me, “Do I dare?” To which I reply with quivering hands and wide open eyes “How do we disturb what it is that we are? After all, you yourself are not unlike a star.” You see, all our lives we spend burning away We give others light till the end of our days And everyone else is of star-matter too so can you not say that the universe is you? So yes, we must dare to disturb our own minds. We never know what possibility finds. It may be art or a universe new. The outcome depends on what you will do. So dare if you wish and dare if you will and dare the world until you have had your fill because one of these days all our daring must cease as we turn back to star-matter, reaching our peace. And we flow on and on to the end of all time and the universe finally frees our minds and the mermaids are singing a song just for you and there’s marmalade, teacups, and fresh peaches too and the crest of your life has just truly begun because if you’re a star, then you can be the sun and the light you give off is a beautiful flare. It inspires a young boy to ask, “Do I dare?”
Inspired by T.S. Eliot's 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'