There are people that have this ability to make people melt in their hands
They walk around their entire lives finding their prey and engaging them and make them melt
The victim is usually rewarded with a night of rampant *** and is then dumped into this puddle when the antagonist of this story is done with them
Sometimes it takes days for the victim to turn back into a solid substance Sometimes it takes weeks Sometimes they never fully turn bqck to normal and their will be a part of them that will always remain liquid because of the antagonist
Many fall victim to this antagonist
Until the protagonist comes along and upsets the routine The protagonist cannot be melted And it is due to this very specific favt that the antagonist ia revealed as the true protagonist of our story
That's usually a goodish enough story line that melts the audience
But people like myself who do not melt sees the true sadness in the lack of melting
We do not melt because we have been melted ao much that we went for an operation and we came out transformed We are now metal And I'm sorry to disappoint that antagonist/antagonist who becomes a protagonist But the best you would ever be able to do to me is to warm my heart