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Mar 2021 · 46
Like gravity
Em Mar 2021
I will speak
My stitched mouth released
The breath held back
Falls across my lips
Like gravity

Do you not see?
The poison and smoke
The diamonds only mirrors
The strings that hold us down
Like gravity

Sing with me
Believe in me
Let us fall on sinners
Spear of Truth in hand
Like gravity

Let the people soar
Let beauty rise
Swinging with the rhythm of life
Let us not fall like once before
Like gravity

Grace the earth with our voices
Feel the salty wind in every fibre
And cry with joy and sorrow
Hand in hand in peace
Without gravity
because only then can we truly live
Mar 2021 · 94
An ending
Em Mar 2021
And so Victory and Death
Walk hand in hand
Across the barren fields
Towards a full moon
Bright as a child’s eye
Mar 2021 · 297
Rise up
Em Mar 2021
Rise up
Rise like the tides
Rise like the winds
Rise unmoving
Like mountains
If we die
Least we die with
Valour kissing our hand
Mar 2021 · 78
Why Kookaburra
Em Mar 2021
Why Kookaburra
Hiding round the stone
Sulking in the graveyard
Silent and alone

Alas! Alas!
I’m selfish, cruel, a beast
I am a thief
A thief of time
Yet I don’t take
I give

Why Kookaburra
Do you shy away from trees
When flocks of birds come resting
And food is wild and free

Alas! Alas!
They will not receive me
Deceiver, am I
Laughing at the fools
I bring suffering and cries
And roost with empty wings

Why Kookaburra
Do you say these things?
You are a special bird
With nature to be these

Alas! Alas!
They think they know
If survival’s not the key
Then what is left of me?

Why Kookaburra
What brash insults you speak
Accuse us of such deeds
Perhaps you must acquit

Alas! Alas!
Did you not say to be me?
To fly up on bird’s wings
Oh so high
And do what I need be?

Why Kookaburra
Look around and see
The world loves and lives
For those who sit and sing
People are difficult to satisfy
Mar 2021 · 328
Perharps this is love
Em Mar 2021
I never knew you then
I never knew you now
I will never know you
Till the trees have shed the last of their leaves
And the stars burst one by one
And the earth heals over again
But I think that is the point
Mar 2021 · 51
Em Mar 2021
The rain falls thick
Like the white veil of a bride
It slides down the window,
Tracing tracks in its wake
Then gone
Without a trace

The little drain bubbles
Fast flowing and small
It carries a leaf down the lane
Who knows where it’ll go

The sun is hidden
His face is clothed
He is but a wisp of wind
Of empty shroud
Of listless pale

Away, away
Gone but a memory
And as the memory dims
As the sound fades away
With the croaking of bullfrogs and humming of trees
Away, away

Look up
Look longingly
Never have I dreamt of such a day
Mar 2021 · 447
as the world turns
Em Mar 2021
Down the street the old man cried,

“let me sleep! i’ve got nothing to hide!”

but the thieves and the mold care not for such things

as they burned and they burned

and they burned

Wrinkled ladies in oversized rings

yelled out their price for the prisoner’s things

“settle down, settle down, there’s more where it came from.”

as they smiled and they smiled

and they smiled

The youth shiver below, crude laughter in the sky

fear melting on their tongues like ice cream pie

cold hands caress heads, staining memories like ink on shoes

as they crumbled and they crumbled

and they crumbled

The marching of shadows shambled in the light

“roll up, roll up! lucky winner hold tight!”

slave to the mechanical beating heart of powders and liquids and glittering heat

as they fell and they fell

and they fell

Wriggling corpses build their huts along the naked land

stumbling past crowded bones as they long played their hand

“mercy, mercy, our children starve!”

as they withered and they withered

and they withered

The earth spins off its ruptured axis

flinging it’s occupants in a human crisis

the old moose groans and the silver trees splinter

as they sank and they sank

and they sank

Life seems forever as decay eats decay

as adults never seem to turn tomorrow into today

the only mark of the living left like pressed flowers in a crumbling world

as we wept and we wept

and we wept

People in straight suits say ignorance is bliss

well ignorance made me a ****** kid

i’ll tell you

i’ll let you

in on a little secret

misery is a card you don’t want to play

and death is a dept you don’t want to pay

The 15th, 16th, 17th century

the 21st

the ******* 100th

round and round

over and over

pushing time again and again

Oh the lessons are never learnt

and the punishments are always served

and the only ones left in it all

are corporate businesses who

sweep the ice cubes under the fridge

Oh we’ll suffer

oh we’ll cry

oh we’ll tumble and grumble until we all die

But the world will keep turning

and the mistakes keep churning

until we are left with no more
what a world we live in
Mar 2021 · 1.1k
Do things slowly, I'll watch
Em Mar 2021
Give me a dollar until I am dead
Paint the whole sky blue and red
Count out the days until tomorrow
I’ll be waiting
Waiting for the rains to fall

Stop the car just to yell at the trees
Close your eyes so you can feel the breeze
Write down your history so that you aren’t forgotten
I’ll be waiting
Waiting for the leaves to fall

Line up your books in all the wrong orders
Put on tinted lenses for the city in different colours
Call your brother’s voicemail just to hear him again
I’ll be waiting
Waiting for the towers to fall

Burn up old certificates for the fun of it
Eat a hundred chocolates for a golden ticket
Watch every blockbuster here in town
I’ll be waiting
Waiting for the tides to fall

Whisper your wishes across the ocean
Trace your crop circles out in the open
Three letter words are hardly important
I’ll be waiting
Waiting for the hammer to fall

Break the hourglass to hold the grains
Run after the last train until your chest heaves
Write down your last words on wilted flowers
Search for the den where the old fox hides
Out in the sun, you couldn’t be happier

Oh if someone’s listening
If anyone cares
I’ll miss my own funeral
If it means you’ll be there

Cause I’ll be waiting
Waiting for your ***
Take your time to grow :)
Mar 2021 · 162
Em Mar 2021
Give me a kiss
I promise I won’t tell
Give me a secret
I will not spill
Give me a cup
I’ll give you my watch
My time
My life

Why are we skipping
Skipping on stones
Why are we dancing
Dancing at home
Why are we stepping on tabletops
Smiling at the raindrops
At how the world flows

Give me a kiss
I promise I won’t tell
Give me a secret
I will not spill
Give me a cup
I’ll give you my watch
My time
My life

Tell me a story
A story about love
Tell me a fun fact
I’d want to know
Tell me the reason you stay
The reason you wave
The reason we still smile and sing

Give me a kiss
I promise I won’t tell
Give me a secret
I will not spill
Give me a cup
I’ll give you my watch
My time
My life

Lie next to me in bed
We have all night
You’ll stare at the ceiling
Hand in mine
Close your eyes dear
Let them tear
I’ll be waiting for you
At the end of the line

Give me a kiss
I promise I won’t tell
Give me a secret
I will not spill
Give me a cup
I’ll give you my watch
My time
My life

Give me a kiss
Promise I won’t disappear
Tell my story to your children
My heartbeat to your dreams
Count the seconds to the sunrise
The seconds till the moon arrives
In this world
We don’t have much time

Give me a kiss
I’ll give you my watch
I know it’s not much
But it’s all I have
Every moment is fleeting
Every word is the last
But don’t you worry
In heaven
Everything will pass
Mar 2021 · 771
Em Mar 2021
Live your story free
Unbounded by the world
For you are the author of this story
The protagonist
I am simply a character in your book

Come take my hand
We can get lost in the forest
Raise our fists at the gods
We’ll sing to the whispers of time
And swim in galaxies

Run free
Don’t let them stop you
Don’t let me stop you
Bullets in my head
Blood from my heart
I smile
Forget me
I am simply a character in your book
Mar 2021 · 377
Humpty Dumpty
Em Mar 2021
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty thought he was clever and all
So bit by bit he stacked his bricks
And built it two hundred feet tall

Swinging his legs
And nodding his head
He looked down from the top
At small puckered wells
And small tuckered hills
Of the villagers all around him

And so time flew by
And his wall grew high
And higher
And higher
And in the heathens
As he touched the heavens
He cried, “Look up, for I am God!”

And so he went

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses
And all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty
Back together again

But children,
Don’t be sad

But children,
Don’t be sorry

For that night the men swung their picks
And the women scraped off the concrete
And the children stole the bricks
One by little one
Till all that was left to his memory
Was the flat crown of the ground

Besides, the bricks weren’t really his, anyways
Mar 2021 · 116
Dream, we are forever
Em Mar 2021
Oh peaceful solitude
Where the rain fall free
And the sun swim deep
Of yellows, corals and hues

Stay by my side
Watch the twilight slip by
Fear not the wind that whips past
Nor the waves that churn beneath

In the dark are summer daisies
In the morn are daffodils
Let the days carry you far
Let the tide follow your feet

And we feast!
For memories are made in the spur of the moment
And grins are nothing but a breath of life
Give me a smile, a secret smile
Let it be ingrained in time forever

And we love
Because we want to
Because we’re meant to
Because we should

And I trust
Arms around shoulders
Do you hear that?
They’re cheering for you and me

Oh peaceful solitude
Where the trees whisper strength
And the rivers run wild
Of golden, silks and you
Dedicated to my mother, who doesn't understand the poem but still likes it
Mar 2021 · 56
Rock bottom
Em Mar 2021
Is that where you want to end up?
Rock bottom
How much further can you go?
Bring a shovel
Bring a drill
Bring the whole gang

Gather your children
Gather your friends
Gather the beggars
And the dogs too
An amazing feat!
Rock bottom

O mama!
Won’t you forgive me?
O papa!
Won’t you stay?
Just you and the walls
And the darkness below
And the sky just a glance
Through a keyhole

Such a pity
Throw a ladder down for the poor lad!
Pound on the ground
As much as you can
The world won’t hear you here

Why don’t you?
Look for your coal
Your fool’s gold
A dead man’s errand
An idiot’s wish

Maybe you’ll find something worth your time
Maybe you’ll realise a lesson to learn
But what else is there for you to say
Rock bottom
Rock bottom
Rock bottom

Fool with your wolf cry
Fool with your crocodile tears
Fool with your faux smile
Fool with your empty heart
Rock bottom
Rock bottom
Rock bottom

Just you
Just there
Just nowhere to go
Just rock
And bottom
And no rope to spare
Just echos
And chills
And death and decay
And your fate in your hands
Rock bottom
Oh dear, look at the mess you made
Mar 2021 · 538
The Cries of the Unworthy
Em Mar 2021
The great Beast of the World
They’ve come
They’ve come
They’ve come

The mighty, ferocious roar
Their anger have no limits
Their hunger have no bounds

They’re lurking everywhere
They lives in those we scorn
And within those ***** throngs

They’ve come to get us all!
What have we done to deserve this fate?
Such innocence yet we fall

Gather your gold
Gather your letters
Gather your shoes
Your bread and your butter

Such savagery
Such monsters
Flaming tongues
Knife blade garbles
Seeping into every nook and cranny

What have we done?
But give you a place to sleep?
What have we done?
But give you a way to live?
We are like you
Working in the fields
We only reap a different harvest
Of course not just coal and fuels

What have we done?
But give you recognition?
What have we done?
But put you where you belong?
Your tears are woven into our blankets
We wear your blood in stone
Don’t tell us we stand on the same rock and soil
We live a different birth

What have we done?
But give you food to put on your table?
Of grey water
And rock hard rye
That we found in a rotting corner of our pantry
Out of the goodness of our hearts

Oh why have you come
To lock us in your cages
We don’t belong where you live
Don’t come don’t run
And tear us into shreds
We only did what was right

Don’t come knocking at our front doors
With your jagged claws and yellow teeth
And those swollen eyes and lips
Don’t come and trample
All over our front lawn
And take what is rightfully ours

Heel! I say!
What has gotten into your head?
We have worked together so well
You and I
What has become
Of dog
And his Master?
Mar 2021 · 167
We were once Titans
Em Mar 2021
It smells like rain today
The sweet scent of fruit
Golden rays
Now just the smog of cars
And the washed-out sky
As we long for the days where the gods roamed free
Nectar dripping from our lips
And gold once ran in our veins
Mar 2021 · 387
Little Drummer Boy
Em Mar 2021
Oh the drums are beating
Beating, beating
Boom, boom, boom

I feel it in my bones
My skin
My teeth
We all feel it
We shiver, shiver

Oh how long the winter lasts
Oh how bitter the wind howls
Oh how loud the drums are
With their rumbling
And tumbling
And never ending marching

Oh we fall
Falling, falling
Burning like ashes from the bonfire

But the rain pours
The heaven roars
And, well, we must move on

Oh how the sand bites into our skin
Oh how the ice sting at our eyes
Oh how the branches grasp at our feet
With their creaking
And grinning
And never ending cunning

Oh the world spins
And we hang on its edge
And some fall off
Flung, flung

Oh brother, sister
Comrade, friend
Forgive me, for I live
And I move on, move on

Hold my hand
Hold my heart
Where the downhill ends, the uphill starts
Round, and round, and round

Oh how the dark looms closer
Oh how the dread sinks deep
Oh how the end draws near
With their certainty
And clarity
And never ending prophecy

For the end must come
In hope or in fear
Destiny is set
Fate is decided
The finale written
On faded pages

We choose our path
How we live to the last
So give
Give, give, give
Fight for the better
Fight for your fallen
Fight for your friend
Fight for the many who give
Give for the many who fight

Oh the drums are beating
Beating, beating
Boom, boom, boom
I hear a revolution
I taste a newer age

Feel the vibrations
In the air
Can you hear that?
It’s your people calling
Your people singing
Marching, marching
It’s a new age, my friend

Drumming, drumming, drumming

— The End —