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 May 18 Em
red lipstick
 May 18 Em
i wore it again
and people complimented me
they say red is my color
and it suits me.

it's too thick and dark
did i overapply
no, it's the right amount
just enough
to make them think
i'm fine.

i look at myself
in the mirror,
and they're right
red shines on me,
so i applied
another layer,
and another
until my lips felt too thick,
but my eyes still see
the scars beneath it.
font and image.
to twice the normal extent
or degree.
things happen, we deal,
cards are set, dice thrown.
life moves on.
 May 1 Em
Carlo C Gomez
lines on the thermometer,
when it happens,
it moves all by itself.

random restless waters,
terrestrials standing on their banks,
recidivists having deposits
and withdrawals
at an inflated rate.

--the amplified gesture
means a convenience charge,
elevate me later.

I'm on the existential end
of viral paradise,
"the files you have on me"
are a trail of stolen pebbles,
sure to inoculate my final
walk into the sea.
 Apr 10 Em
Maiden in the ashes
Robed in silk
Robbed of milk
No mark on your tender skin
No sign of turmoil within
The coal does not yet scorch your soul
You walk your delicate path
Bearing the sightly, brightly beaten cut bloom of spring
Luscious petals not yet knowing
They will drop from the stem
No seeds to plant, and not her fault
the only water here tainted with salt
And the ground is hard, turned up in its roots
Do you know the path you tread does not want you?
Do you not yet feel the cut of stone or burn on coal?
Or does this black earth need your bloodstained steps as much as you need to bleed them
Is it possible for one woman's blood to nourish this dead soil back to life?
And one woman's love to seed them
I wish I could not pray for your success with this life
I wished far more for you than this trial of strife.
 Mar 17 Em
 Mar 17 Em
Embalmed skin -
seemingly made anew,
yet pocked with sores…
from a life past.

The then waylaid heart
needed only whisper…

And long was the walk
through the cursed labyrinth
of sharp worldly things.
 Oct 2023 Em
Satsih Verma
You wait for me
to learn the corridor going
to marbled stone god. This was my faith.

Only the pain of ravens
was true. It was not black as their
feathers were dark. Look, someone is watching.

I cannot bid goodbye
to myself. I am alive in all my poems,
singing as white as the moon.
 Oct 2023 Em
kevin hamilton
you left your blueish dress
twisted by the pool’s edge
like a cold monument
to every single misstep
and my heart is overwhelmed
with visions of a dancing grave

via crucis in the morning
carry me to our palisade
while these tiny arcs of light
leave my eyes, breaking easily
and your voice keeps me awake
i believe that i need this

you were wrong
i am nothing
but one more familiar face
amid the pageantry
 Oct 2023 Em
 Oct 2023 Em
we fly
with lofty feathers
albeit shorn wingtips

we speak
but with pregnant minds
albeit engorged nibs
 Oct 2023 Em
 Oct 2023 Em
What’s this glaze
over my eyes…

A heavy mist
with fingers…
that lingers.
A cataract that
dives and claws
into the black
of irises.

A film,
a veil,
a canvas botched
and vandalised
with arguing paints.
And indelible black
that sings of sadness,
highlights the aches
of dejection
and screams
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