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Panda Boy Jan 2018
I don't know how to go to sleep;
It frustrates me
To the point where I could weep.
It takes me about an hour
And a half
To fall asleep,
I think.
Writing a poem helps.
a real problem
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Just keep writing
Just keep writing
Pay attention in class
Are you taking this in?

Will you find
Your soulmate, A soulmate,
Anyone that will love you
Like mother did?
Have you got everything?

It’s true what they say about fear;
It is the unknown.
But what is definitely known
Are the mistakes we make.

You thought this would end,
Now you have to keep going
Otherwise it won’t be satisfactory.
I wonder what those last words will be?
Panda Boy Apr 2022
The people in the venues,
Having meetings and conferences.
they mix like a dry salad
drenched in vagueness and normality

it is
to not be there
and feel not happy
but not sad
just not there

it is alright
in the sense that you do not hide
pains or fears
But when business is about,
You can't run.

so go ahead and stop
let these conflicts settle
and fall into dreams
escape momentarily
For now.
Panda Boy Apr 2022
The universe
Flows, an overwhelming
Humility is sure to follow,
And when all earthly worries are cast away,
Simplicity becomes pure bliss.
Panda Boy May 2018
Whenever I am asked, "Are you okay?"
I reply with, "No"
Because lies destroy lives.
I may not be okay, but I'm okay with that.
It's part of me,
And it will be like that forever, for everybody
Because that is how we are.
Panda Boy Oct 2017
Today, I live to write
But soon
I will write to live.
i wish to grab life by the hand and take it for a walk.
Panda Boy Sep 2017
Nowadays, is this a world for poetry?
Anyway, I suppose there couldn’t be.
And this may seem like a promotion
But I assure you people
It feels more like slow motion.

If you were to write poetry,
Say now.
What would you write about,
And more importantly, how?
This audience of children
Surely cannot understand
They couldn’t possibly comprehend.

Well the reason I write
Is because my voice cannot sing
Nor rap or any other popular thing,
But back then it was great
To write a verse, a perfect stanza
For the Greek meaning of ‘poetry’
Is to merely create.
So I do ask this generation
My most important question;
Why wait?
It saddens me to see so much youth being consumed by meaningless things with minimal effort. This is my response/plea.
Panda Boy Jan 2018
Establish various fates
To breathe out weight
From the chest.
Towers of time stand tall,
It shares its bearing with deep skies
So let your kingdom fall.

My wife will yell
If her puzzle is not complete;
Wake up.
Excuse your children
As all make a way through life
Leaving behind burnt food crumbs
Of mistakes and revolutions.
dont try, do.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
The way a man can be herself
As the eyes and mouth
Twitch in a silent breeze.

He starts with a lukewarm
Ginger beer and the
Local newspaper
Or black coffee and low opinions
Whilst listening to the bird
Morning song.

Yet, he could be listening to you
On the radio.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Nature’s broken off brown paper
Crumples inwards and caves inwards.
Flickers of marching band trumpets
Within the harsh sounded breezes.
Ages may always repeat
Yet one always comes and goes.

There is a sure stir in the air
As time seems to be in favour.
New short waves from the next
Generation show maturity.

The buildings shift,
But those who crawl back
From labour hours
Wait for something big;
One small tick.

This current softness,
From one year only before,
Seems to be
A global calm
Before the storm
Of change.
Panda Boy Jan 2018
There is this black bird I see,
It creeps around on top a chimney.
It feeds on wrappers from litter
At which I sigh, for it is bitter
To see such a creature to be so black
Searching for what it will lack
More frequently, despite history.
But for my view this is a new hope,
For this isolation I cannot cope.
I’m pretty sure most would prefer
A sky with changing clouds over a brick wall
That is as dull as a book with no pages.
I'm back after a time of absence.
Panda Boy Nov 2017
Well it’s been seven years,
Fighting fire with firewood.
How could you begin to face
These ice cold tears
Of which drift upwards?

Just give it some time to waste.
Roll onto my bed
As the crew cycles through the night.
Unwilling adults never
Cease to amaze brick walls.

Let her come by some day
So friends can hear the doves better.
Nobody said this was okay,
But please know
At least I want you to stay
With us.

— The End —