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Påłpëbŕå Oct 2021
good ol' days
young ol' me
so far away
that i could sea
and simply be
completely free
the beach, the sea will always remind me of you
i hope you have a great life ahead a :)
you'll be missed!
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
Make babies, not by-products of ***.
Abusive marriages lead to an abnormal upbringing. Stop giving your kid what you got. Don't fight in front of them. Because, it leaves a long-lasting effect.
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
There are parts

of mine

that are

far from fine,

I hide them well


a mask so pretty

concealing an ugly mind,

dark-dingy corners


I don't let in the

Sun's glare,

filthy and messy

with litters from past

devilish and doomed

been from the very start,

I'm twisted


cold and unlovable

without a doubt.

But I keep

all this

to myself

like a kiss,

that's too *****

to share

like a secret

I bear






burying these

demons and evils

deeper and deeper

calming the

impending upheavals.
I'm Not Generalising
Just Realizing What's Wrong With Me In General?
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
Alone and around;
Without making a sound,
Sit I still here and now,
Wondering- How?
I've been so lonely all this long,
Believing that it would make me strong.
Yet, I check for messages and calls,
But my phone doesn't chime at all!
Påłpëbŕå Feb 2022
we are a bunch of broken souls

that cry for their unfulfilled goals

struggling and suffering

burning and buffering

from birth to death

a complete circle of breath

we live only to die tomorrow

we're happy only to feel sorrow

so why come into this world

when there's nothing we can do

to make it a better place for me and you

and waste a chaste life in haste

for our species will end

and come Darwin's fitter

till then we'll blend

in this world of gold and glitter
what's the point, eh?
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2023
i think of you in a way
that i am not supposed to
with myself i play
while the thoughts of you flood
my head- all day long
and now those songs
that are about steam and ***
are making pretty much sense

what is it if not attraction?
is craving your love, more than mere transaction?

because i want to make-out
under the starry sky and cuddly clouds
but then leave it there
nobody will ever know of us
or about this hour of oxytocin rush

you don't look at me ever
and maybe belong to another
and that's why all i do is write
poems that you'll never read
so whatever this is, i try to fight

you too aren't worth the effort
like no guy was
but all i do is blurt
words that mean nothing to you
why is it this sad always
why is this the case
i wish i could simply be a machine
running on gasoline
with no feelings or desires
keeping myself away from liars
**** hormones

Påłpëbŕå Mar 2023
tissue paper
that's what i am
Påłpëbŕå Feb 2021












somewhere, something's terribly wrong
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2022
i am at a bad place right now
don't ask me when where or how
i wish i could ask how you are
about your journey and your scars
but if i open that door to you again
i guess all i will cause is pain
what if i only want to talk for a day
and then be okay going our separate ways
i am pretty needy, hormonal you could say
so with our minds i wouldn't play
be wise and never respond or initiate
and be not fine with all the wait
for all i am and all i will ever be
is ******* .l.o.n.e.l.y.
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2020
The heart that beats

pumps the fluid I shed,

inking these sheets

with words in blood red.

I cannot ****

what's already dead,

I've got no will

so I won't find a way ahead.

Lost in my mind

these thoughts I thread,

while living in rewind

I curse the present instead.

Lonely like the 52Hz whale

I stay unheard & unsaid,

in this self-created jail

hallucinating the reality I dread.

I wish that I could resurrect,

like a butterfly from its skin shred,

all my broken parts could I collect

and piece them into poetry unread.
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2020
They did not clip my wings;

But made me believe that I can't fly.

Questioning my every move;

Never answering my whys.

Telling me my limits;

Darkening my already stormy sky.

Taking all my reasons to live;

And giving me none to die.

Choking on my own tears;

I drown in the ocean I cry.

They did not pull my strings;

But made me their puppet as I can't defy.
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
You cut me

so deep

even stitches

couldn't seal

and now

words bleed

from wounds

that can't heal.
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2021
i don't know
what's making me show
my screen glow
in this dark dark room
where all i have is gloom
i have everything
yet nothing at all
so many numbers
but none that i could call
too many blessing to count
yet so much self doubt
my dad's playing his good old songs
my mum's watching her series
yet here i've been sitting for so long
that my own head seems eerie
it's pouring out
the silence too loud
i miss a friend i had
his memories making me sad
there's none so bold
to ever fall for me
i've been told
i'm pretty
yet the irony
that none think i'm worth
i too curse my birth
i also miss my sister
her death gave my soul blisters
that still bleed and will never heal
i don't want to feel
just an adrenaline rush
a sext here; there a crush
nothing permanent
nothing to cement
just give me an hour i crave
i promise, after that i'll behave
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
He said- "You are a rose,
Pretty to look at; But hurts when close.

I told him he was a cactus,
Words couldn't describe him; So I used my canvas.

And the desert I painted could never,
Grow both of us together!
I do love you;
Just not the way you want me to.
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
If I ever fall in love, I will fall for all of you!
Påłpëbŕå Mar 2021
I don't know
where did I
go wrong
or lie
did you leave
and what made you
that I betrayed
when it was my life
I layed
for your eyes to see
that I'm not like any
but you were
like all
promising timers
while stopping our calls
happily choosing
a life without
my dullness my brokenness
my issues my doubts
you did not trust me
but you took me for someone
who wasn't tough
so I write this verse
last blessing last curse
4 years of
confusion and control
calculatitive goals
I tell you this
I don't miss
you or your bookshelf-self
untitled ice-cube bonds
or anything else
our talks our walks
our texts our interests
my dull your bright
your voice my fight
my guilt my pride
your scars you hide.
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
For every boon there's a bane,
For every mad there's a sane.
For every love there's a hate,
For every human there's a mate.
For every word there's a rhyme,
For every emotion there's a mime.
For every ugly there's a beauty,
For every shirker there's a duty.
For every pain there's a pleasure,
For every heart there's an embrasuer.
For every belief there's a myth,
For every innocent there's some filth.
For every sinner there's a saint,
For every thought there's some taint.
For everything there's something.
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2020
He asked me- "Why are you still a ******?
I smiled and said- "I'm good at DIY"
The science of our body is such that it doesn't distinguish between ******* and ****** ******* since, the end result is the same.

Then why do we lust for people? Why do we look for mates even when we aren't planning to prove Darwin's Theory of Survival of the Fittest!
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2022
l o v e

i s


l i e


l i e s

a r e

l o v e l y
Påłpëbŕå Feb 2022
trippin' in tipsy seas
smile i at the sky
being me, being free
my wings spread to fly
taking off away from home
i go where my heart roams
not buzzed because of *****
i'm just letting a little loose
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2021
dead eyes
don't tell lies
for they once survived
in the light they thrived
only to be enclosed
in the the darkness enfold
their tears have dried
for they've cried
a sea so stormily silent
leaving rivulets so violent
that now stand still
waiting for the ****
all good things come to an end
so why do we pretend
that this happy moment will last
when our past shall cast
shadows on our present
waning our full moon to a crescent
i can't stop being who i am
i can't lose myself while i try to find him for he'll go and find another..........and i"ll be left here
i don't know how to do this
i will hurt him but in the process i will be destroyed completely
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2021
in all these crowds

i wander my way

looking for things

that'll help me stay

for everything's back

to being gray

now that the sun's hidden

it's dusk after the day

as the darkness descesnds

my demons come to play

and i'm left alone

to type away what i had to say

i no longer believe

that everything's going to be okay

so i'm learning to live

happily in my own dismay

for the drops will change

everytime it'll rain

i won't do the same

over and over again

i know i ain't normal

so i accept i'm not sane

i remember who i am

-the prettiest product of pain
at present everything's too complicated to figure out
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2021
rightfully wronged
roughly toughened
a woman who's strong
to none do i belong
walked down the aisle
shed blood
a cold smile
after the tear flood
life's hard
like a shard
slowly kills
everything stills
what remains
are mere names
so think
let it sink
for no man's worth
so justify
your birth on earth
crème de la crème

the sexiest woman is the one who knows what she wants and has the courage to go after it

think like a king
act like a queen
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2021
I see, I see
those cold cold girls
who hide behind hoodies
and bun their curls
who line their eyes
smoky with darkness
that circles their mind
resulting from their cries
who's lips are red
due to a temper
that's so **** short
-on thin ice they tread,
who glare at every guy
just so they back off
waiting for the one who'll
dare answer their why
why? would someone
like them and love them
why? would someone
want them and need them
but everyone
keeps their distance
but everyone
stays away
and that's the reason
these cold cold girls
never let anyone in.
Påłpëbŕå May 2022
i saw him fall for someone who wasn't me,
yet i wonder why everyone but him couldn't see?
so he found what i had discovered,
and today i sit back in my chair with my heart uncovered,
nothing like love can ever exist,
because love is nothing more than a chemicals' twist!
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2021
often wonder i

what is it about the bad guys

that draws me in

tempting me to sin

for he'll break my heart

know this i from the very start

yet i crave his fractured feelings

that can't be fixed by healing

so i love him with all i am

to the lion i become the lamb

only to be devoured by him

and claimed from limb to limb

in his arms

away from the harms

only to be destroyed in his cocoon

for falling for him isn't merely a boon

but a bane wrapped in pain

i willingly gain

again and again

because he is a beautifully broken man

who'd never been part of my life's plan

so deep do i peep

to find stars in his scars

and a love so profound

to him I stay forever bound

your darkness, your brokenness
that's what draws me in
i don't want to fix you
but simply love you just the way you are

"A Strong Woman Doesn't Weaken Her Man Only Softens Him"
Påłpëbŕå Jun 2022
i wish i could love like the sun
truly and wholeheartedly
for he burns for the one and only one
who shall never be his devotedly
she bears children he didn't make
yet he sets his life for them
only to rise again and take
a father's role from the sky's hem
he shines his light so that she can thrive
a love so profound that it hurts
because he'll give his all and survive
watching her from the outskirts
and one day when he'll be old and gray
he'll be close to her yet far away
it's bizarre how the earth and the sun are a distance that's just so perfect, an inch away it'll freeze and an inch closer it'll burn......guess, the best love stories are often the worst tragedies
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2021
you know i like you, but you don't
for this i shouldn't blame you & i won't
i have never liked someone enough
to give up being tough
but you changed this for me
made me feel what it means to be free
i have opened up my heart here
letting go of all my fears
waiting for a single sign
that one acknowledgement line
but nothing comes through
i know i am making this difficult for you
i should take what's left of my pride and leave
i would if i could, me should you believe

i don't know what's stopping me
but i just can't give up without a fight
but doing this on repeat
is diminishing my already dull light
before you i used to pride myself
how i don't let guys affect my life
never wanted to be with anyone
because of my own emotional rife
yet here i am vulnerable and weak
in your eyes maybe i'm a freak
but i am grateful for going through this
learning what it means to miss
someone i never had
now has the power to make me sad

i have spoken too much, haven't i
but how can i withdraw without a try
you hurt me and you don't even know
i am simply reaping what i'd sown
say something
but not nothing

i don't know what do you do with these poems i write for you.........what started as a normal way of expressing myself has now turned into something seriously deep
i don't open up easily
i keep things to myself
i believe in- nobody's going to be there for you because nobody's going to be you.........we have to fight our own battles so what's the point in sharing our life with other people...........but when it comes to you i don't have much self-control, do i?
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
and even if

i pour one full

bottle of ink

and cover all

these sheets

still there'll be

feelings left

for my broken

heart to bleed
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2021
i guess it's time to finally let him go
gotta choose some self-pride
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2021
there are a thousand words
i want to say to you
but none will ever be heard
just in my poems be viewed

when's your birthday
what do you like to play
where would you like to go
you like things fast or slow
your favourite color's black
what's this one thing you lack
what makes you tick
what makes you sick
best day you ever had
when was the last time you were sad
what's your greatest fear
do you get "laughter tears"
movies you watch
whiskey or scotch
the songs you sing
what's your thing
worst memory you made
all your dull-bright shades

you're beautiful
just the way you are
your happy smile
and your hidden scars
2220 means VT............if alphabet a=1, then in order 'v' is 22nd and 't' the 20th alphabet........I never had the courage to directly tell this to you
but if i am baring my soul here, then why not?
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2023
i don't HATE anyone ACTIVELY
but there's also
no PASSIVE LOVE left in me
indifference is nirvana
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2020
She fades


a little

each day


the way

she caused

her own

December 1
Påłpëbŕå Oct 2020
Dear Reader,

Whenever you fall, fall hard;
For someone, risk getting scarred.
He will be no Romeo, you won't be Juliet either;
So cut some slack because great stories are about neither!
Don't be afraid of one-sidedness,
Don't always look for same-mindedness!
There will never be a prince-charming,
Break-ups are not worth self-harming!
If you ever let someone in your heart,
Cherish them always as if an immortal art!
And if someone wants to move out of there,
Let them leave and don't resort to yell and swear!

Because readers, I am above oxytocin and hatred,
I am neither permanent nor sacred!
So find me wherever you can;
And spread me wherever you go!
For I am the bitter-sweet fruit of what you sow.

Yours lovingly
Påłpëbŕå Dec 2022
if you want something
they say get it
what if i want it all?
from sunrise to fall
a galaxy and infinite stars
to set the ****** bar
go beyond and then a little more
to find out
the after and everything before
who was i
and what am i going to be
or a simple species in between
where am i and where will i go
is this the first chapter
or the last show?
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
from miles away your eyes see
a girl who's really pretty

but when she let's you close
let's you take her hand and hold

you start to notice the flaws
and realise,
-the serenity was simply chaos

and you are repulsed by her reality,
"your admiration in all its fragility"

and that breaks her heart
when you hate her other parts

parts that she hid from the world
but chose to show you and only you.

why do people leave
when they get to know her, ask you i?
that only strengthens her belief
that it will always be the glittery gold that satisfies
never let anyone near for they love what they see from a distance
the nearer they get, the more they see, offers nothing but resistance

so keep to yourself, both physically and mentally
it's always your body and face that interests them, never your personality
they hate what they see and that's why they stop talking to you
because they love your good parts but hate your issues
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2021
i don't want to feel

anything for anyone

so that i can heal

and be fooled by none

caring makes me weak

so i want to be bleak


angered by my pain


in chains

for letting myself free

shattered my broken soul

painting my heart as black as coal

so now i know

what these emotions cost

making me feel oh so low

such that

no love in me is left to be lost
"heart break isn't the worst thing that can happen
and i have survived worse"
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