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Chameleon Mar 20
The man I’m seeing
works third shift.
So I don’t see him very often
but we talk a lot.

The other night
he called off work
so we could spend
time together.
He said that kissing me
makes him feel better
so he needed to skip.
And we did a lot of kissing
as well as other things.
I wish he could
call off work more often.
Chameleon Mar 18
I was propped up behind him,
his back was leaned against me.
We lay like that for awhile,
just talking while I played
with his hair.
His hand rubbed my leg
and it would move
to cover his face as he told me
about his mistakes.
I stayed quiet;
It was 5 a.m and neither of us
had been to sleep yet.
But it was worth it to
have a few hours together.
Just before the sun started peaking
over the fields,
he kissed me good bye
but wished I didn’t have to go.
I didn’t either.
Chameleon Mar 11
I could tell he had
His texts turned to
as he said
I miss you.
There’s a first time
for everything
and this was
one of those moments.
I said I missed him too,
and he let me know
that made him feel good.
And then we were two people
smiling at the piece of
technology in our hands.
Chameleon Mar 9
This morning I didn’t
wake him up.
I just gathered my things
and got dressed.
Before I left I looked around his house
because to be honest I’ve only seen
a few rooms.
There is ten years worth
of things from his life
all over.
His daughter’s bedroom filled
with toys and games
and I wondered how he was
able to afford all of that stuff.
Paintings of him and
his daughter made by his ex
wife still hang on the walls.
She was very talented.
A whiteboard of things to do
that maybe never got done
because of the divorce.

And me.

I felt so out of place,
I couldn’t see how I would fit
in here at all.
Every square inch of his life
is taken.
So I took a few hits of his bowl
and saw myself out.
Chameleon Mar 1
He referred to us hanging out
as a date.
I watch his tik tok videos
and I don’t know if he knows
that or not.
But he called me Aphrodite
and told a story about
something I said.
I am over here smiling
and kicking my feet
either way.
When I left his house
he put his arms around me
and kissed me,
thanking me for coming over.
I’ve been floating ever since.
Having a crush is so fun.
Chameleon Feb 24
He thinks I’m pretty,
even though he fell asleep
when we were supposed to hangout.
I can let it slide this time
because he still had me
kicking my feet and smiling
like an idiot.
I read up on his horoscope
as most girls with a crush do,
and was pleased to find we are
very compatible.
I am going to be filled with
butterflies all day
because we rescheduled for tonight.
Chameleon Feb 22
I drive in circles around our
looking for you in every gas station
parking lot.
Luckily you’re never there.
I still get that feeling in my gut
sometimes because you haunt
I still wonder if you ever miss me,
if you can’t get my face out of
the back of your head.
I know it’s for the best because
I don’t cry anymore.
In fact I breathe easier too.
But there are still
plenty of times
I still wish that maybe it
could have been you.
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