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My heart has her own mind
I have to keep her in a cage
Making sure the locks are tight
So my heart can't get away

She causes all destruction
And makes my world fall down
She tries for reproduction
With idiots and clowns

My heart, I know she means well
But man, she's just so wrong
She tries her best, but I can tell
All her good sense is gone

So she remains locked away
Inside my chest cavity
She is crying every day
And it's all because of me

But she has to stay inside
So that I can keep her safe
How else can she survive?
This world's a scary place

I must listen to my brain
Although my heart really tries
She's also quite insane
And she'd likely tell me lies
There's a hole.
What seems like a minuscule hole in my suit jacket.
Right at the seam, where it overlaps with my jeans.
It's there because of the idiocy,
the complacancy,
the moronicy,
of a girl I used to be.
The girl everyone wanted me to be.
As she ran away from life,
because the man I was meant to be told her she was a freak.
Now when it first appeared, I thought it was a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as I came to terms with being her, and he.

There's a hole.
What seemed like a minuscule hole in my heart.
Right in the center, where it puts love into the rest of me.
It's there because of the carelessness,
the idle hands,
the love struck glances,
of the girl I thought she would be to me.
As she played with my heart because I was too weak to see otherwise.
Now, when it first appeared, I thought it to be a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as I came to terms with her being her and me being me.

There was a hole.
What seemed like a minuscule hole in my life.
Taking over my world, absorbing all light making me terribly unhappy.
It was there because depression was a beast,
a monster, a thief.
Stealing every bit of smile I had left in me.
But only because I didn't know I had another option.
Now, when it first appeared, I thought it to be a gaping chasm.
One that could never be filled.
But I fixed it, as You walked through the door and into my arms.
First of all, yes I suppose this is a bit of a "coming out" poem. I'm gender fluid, so that's the first stanza.
The second is about a girl I spent too long pining after, and the third is about the girl who showed me I didn't need her.
With this poem I promise:
1. To love you unconditionally.
2. To pick you up off our bathroom floor when you're crying and say you can't anymore.
3. To tell you five things a day that I love about you.
4. To hold you close when you are scared, and sing our song to you.
5. To play with your hair when you fall asleep on my chest, 'cause you hate Doctor Who anyways.
6. To let you control what we eat for dinner each night, and not complain when we have pasta, again.
7. To remind you every second of every day just how lucky I am to have a beautiful woman like you in my arms.
With this poem, I promise I love you.
For my girlfriend, and my future wife, because I love her and she needs this.
Maybe we are meant to meet people.
Maybe they are meant to be the ones.
Maybe they are meant to save us
From ourselves when we try to run.
Maybe we are meant to fall in love.
Maybe they are meant to change.
Maybe they are meant to help us
From the things inside our brains.
Maybe we are meant to see people.
Maybe they are the wrong people.
Maybe they are meant to keep us
From nights all alone in the dark.
Maybe we aren't give soul mates once.
Maybe they change as we do.
Maybe this poem is reaching out
From my computer to hers, too.
saw a post on Tumblr that inspired me to do this. I know I have my soulmate, and I love every piece about her. <3 her hair and her eyes, her laugh and her thighs. It doesn't matter where we are I love you KaylaReneé.
I texted You this morning.
I asked You how You were.
I never got an answer.
You never texted me, to let me know You got home okay last night.
I was worried. So I called You.
But it went straight to voicemail, probably because You were with Him.
You're always with Him.
I shouldn't be bothered by this.
I'm in love with Her;
I've convinced everyone else through our kisses,
Her hands around my waist,
Her pictures the backgrounds on my phone.
So why when I wake up at night,
body wrecked from the nightmares,
do I call You instead of Her.
Why when is it, when I see You with Him,
do I want to take you in my arms and pull you away from Him?
Tell you the things in my head,
and listen as you go on about the ones in Yours.
Like We used to, when there was an "Us".
It wasn't an official "Us" but it was Us nonetheless.
But He came along, so I had to find Her.
I thought She would be the One.
Maybe she is.
So then why
are You
I'm caving and crying and nobody even cares why anymore because it's always Her.
In New York there lives a man,
Who has everything.
The penthouse suite and Lamborghini.
The millions upon millions of dollars.
Enough to save the man in Syria
Starving every night as war wrecks his country.
In the twenty-four hours the day has,
One man shows compassion;
Saves the life of one who would have taken his.
The other shuts the door on the ones who love him,
Pours another drink of whiskey and ignores them.
Every day has twenty-four graciously alotted hours,
Meant for us to attempt to change the things we see.
Some people misuse it, others abuse it.
Still all the same those twenty-four hours should be used for change.

There's a woman, broken and beaten,
On the streets of Madrid alone.
She cries every night over the pain
Of the memories of her family.
Of the man she thought she knew.
Across the world in Tokyo is a girl,
She cries for the same thing,
A father forgotten in the mess.
Who will save them when they come
Down on their knees and their worlds
Are crashing in?
Every day has twenty-four graciously alotted hours,
Meant for us to attempt to change the things we see.
Some people misuse it, others abuse it.
Still all the same those twenty-four hours should be used for change.
This has been on my mind for a while.
No one's youer than you,
Or me-er than me

So lets be the us-iest us,
That we can be.

After that, just let it be.
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