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Nicole M Grubbs Jan 2015
Your body is the temple I worship at,
your soul is the river in which I bathe, uncovering of your flowering mind of wondering that delicately hide away. Glistening in it's cave,
your eyes are the windows
that open for me.
Teleporting on a fresh flowing breeze,
one minute I'm earthly plane incarnate and in the next,
out of body celestial sea.
Nicole M Grubbs Sep 2014
I believe I will love you until my body turns to dust. Promise to meet me on the other side, even though its just as difficult to try to meet you in real life. Maybe then when my energy is free to roam in the source of love I believe is my home, it'll be easier this way to find you and realize what we have always known.
Nicole M Grubbs Jul 2014
The memory clouds my thoughts
into a forsaken hidden forest
of forbidden feature.
One of delicate depth
that gives the soul to nature.
Treacherous walls made of vines
and dead wings of things,
guarded by spirits,
the ethereal beings.
Nicole M Grubbs Apr 2013
he plays the melodies that sound so soothingly sweet to my ears,
but distant like a star i look for on the evenings the night skies are clear.
lullabies, cosmic surprise, these chills i get when i hear him bare his soul
in tunes that resonate through out the city
like stories of notes that must be told
Nicole M Grubbs Apr 2013
the inner child cannot die as long as with like minded eyes who sit in disguise in dreams they lie as you wake from the sleepy tide morning dew arisen to be true to the person you always knew was the same one as you.
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