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  Jul 2014 nesrine ben
Edgar Allan Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream:
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
nesrine ben Jul 2014
what is the goal of wars !
It's really weird to talk about peace , to teach kids about peace , to make others understand what's peace
but what?! there's no peace in the world !!
Peace is the way to live !
even we cry even we get mad or sad
even we feel so hopeless
even we feel so depressed
even we hear some words burn the heart
after all the black Cloud
after all the loud scary voices
after all the painful sorrow
there's sunshine beyond the darkness
we ask ourselves ? why Im sad ?! why there's a smile want to show ?!
if we understand why ; we'll find that there's a second chance to be happy!
there's a second to every thing good
this is life : sweet and bitter ; cruel and kind ; rough and soft ;
I always wonder why there's hatred in the world
why the wars ? why the death ; is it so hard to be one
is it so hard to be helpful
why we do some actions made the hatred between us
it's a simple wish before I die to see world in peace
every country in the world feel the peace . taste the peace .live the peace .
my wish is to do even a little thing to help stop wars and spread the peace
nesrine ben Jun 2014
To be happy you have to live
to live you have to choose to be happy
no one can live in sadness .. in sadness you can't laugh . or smile . or imagine . or be somehow free . or enjoy moments in your personal life ...
all you can do  when you are sad is to cry . hope and wish to die ..
in 5 words .. YOU ARE DONE WITH LIFE ..
So I just choose to be happy
I got a family a really great friends .. I'm Alive Thank you my God(Alhamdulillah)
nesrine ben Jun 2014
I had a broken heart
I cried so hard
I fell apart
I don't know if I'm  stupid or smart
But I can turn my feeling into art
Art never comes from happiness
Black and white all around
All dreams has turned to emptiness
Because I've been living in cruel reality
Keep your heart strong ; it's not easy ;but is all what you can do
Be you ; show something new ; people are empty ; always stay true
nesrine ben May 2014
peace begins with your soul
know who you are ; be free, open your door
then take it home
Spread the calm and the hope
peace begins with your soul
then start at home
till it moves to people
truly; no one live in peace
Everyone hates; they live just for Their interest, everyone has his own war
there's seven billion people around the world
but with fourteen billion faces an no honest word
try to find peace in your heart
peace begins with your soul
then start at home
till it moves to people
then it comes to the world
world ! there's nothing , not even a simple thing make us think or see there's peace in the universe
wherever you look
wherever you turn
you'll find wars , conflict ; tears , blood
you'll find death
where can we find peace
we must make it
stop crying , stop those tears
be fair ; be honest; be true
stop hating; start loving
be strong ; feel it for long
why we have to learn how to fight
why we have to see kids die
it suppose that the army its for protection so why all these wars ?
it supposed kids grow up in peace
peace will start with me
then will feel it everywhere
peace begins with your soul
then start at home
till it moves to people
then it comes to the world
we are so close to the edge
for better life make peace
Peace Quotes
"No matter what someone else has done, it still matters how we treat people"
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding"
"Where there is no justice there can be no secure peace."
"there is no way to peace . peace is the way ."
nesrine ben May 2014
I'm here ; standing in the middle
I hear ; voices saying that I don't know who I Am
and I don't know what to believe
I don't want to go home
I want to be here
for long time ; I want to be on my own
I have this feeling right now
all I wished is to be happy
because every thing is crazy
I should fight to survive
because I'm so weak
But I will strive to learn to stay alive
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