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I’m happy dear that you have gone;
Losing you is the greatest fun.
Out of my life you should always be;
Your face, I don’t like again to see.
With all your ugliness leave my brain;
In my life you have been a stain.
I’ve never thought leaving you was possible;
Meeting you was truly horrible.
Respect your decision and keep away;
Please, never try to anymore stay.
Expelling you was more than witty;
Keeping you was out of pity.
My patience grew a flimsy shell;
That easily got broken when tenderly fell.
The lesson you capably gave me
Was to easily decide to flee.
Dear, to you I am truly grateful.
The consequences of pity were awful.
Waking up from her grave feeling a special hunger,
The vampire impatiently pushed away her coffin lid,
‘Today, it’s not only a time for blood,’ she said,
‘It’s one of excessive enjoyment not anger.’

The vampire’s hunger was one for companionship.
After long years of loneliness, she, suddenly, felt lonely.
She is in need of a touch, a caress, a kiss
Or any sign of the bliss of a human relationship.

‘This’s an excellent prey,’ thought the vampire.
‘This man’s blood would satisfy me for years.’
Yet, his innocent looks and lovely smile
Curbed her fangs in and made her ferocity expire.

‘A real companion, I need him, not a prey,
Together we would be the day sunshine.
To him, I won’t be like my first blood sucker
Or the one who betrayed and pushed me away.

She looked at her innocent prey and smiled.
He was captured by her beauty and childish looks.
He cast her with similar capturing looks,
Out of ecstasy they both almost fainted.

Amazed they were of the magnetic attraction.
They kept moving closer and closer,
Their eyes passionately met and hands firmly touched;
They are ready for an anytime crucifixion.
The sun and the moon
Are still playing their traditional game:
They gamble on a little man
Who is robbed of his name.
Vicious happiness they seek
When they crucify and blame
A new soul that dared to speak.
Out of the horizon’s den
Here gapes again the two-way road
Where right and wrong converge.
Walking through it is obligatory.
Only the strong
Who dare to pass through it!
Yet, the white-livered may also
Sneak to finish it
The day and the night,
The sun and the stars
Rise at the same moment.
They appear joining hands
And bold when
Menacing and promising.
Enjoyment is the expected result.
Yet, destruction is the sole reward
In the game of no choices
That ends up by daring voices.
Raise your head up,
Then look at your feet;
The captain is sailing up
Towards the pirates’ fleet.
Your place has been booked
With the pirates,
And the captain,
And the dead.
Now raise your head.
No way! You would do it
Whether beheaded
Or lying on your bed.
Open the book of shadows
And read what is written.
pages are umbra,
others panumbra,
and all end in darkness.
Shout as loud as you may
But nobody will hear you.
This is the goal,
For which you’re born.  
Thus, pursue it.

Your ears are deaf,
Your eyes are seared,
Your limbs hardly obey you.
Poor you!
Poor you!
Your soul has never been there!

Do you know who you are now?
You are a mere shadow
Of some being in a mirror.
Indeed, you look alike
And have the same moves.
No one may touch the other,
Though you both think that
you’re you are tangible!
Know that you can neither be in contact
Nor separate.
Your gazes will always meet
In the lands of the desperate.
Each one of you
Is ditched in a groove
Where you’re chained
With shadows
haunted with unexplained existence.
Hail the nature
that gives, takes and prevents.
Her rages are the bells
she violently tolls
to remind all
that she owes us thanking.
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