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 Aug 2014 Morgan Lee
 Aug 2014 Morgan Lee
she wakes in the morning to the glow of the sun, hoping that today will be different.
but she sits up and the exhaustion sets in. her bones ache and her limbs tremble.
i suppose that's a side effect from fighting your demons all night.

I'm never not tired
 Aug 2014 Morgan Lee
Before I go into the cold I want to walk with you through the memories and kiss and drink and dance with you there and point at the stars which are really the lingering sparks that flew in my so many moments with you of anger and love and we’ll be sad but we’ll be happy and we’ll be laughing and we’ll leave when it’s time to leave because those moments happen only once and we'll know that and that's why they're beautiful but we’ll know we saw them and that they lit up the sky and we’ll be brave and we’ll be ready when we go into the cold.

— The End —