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Mitch Prax Apr 28
I wish people were
more like shooting stars
that would disappear in
a flash of an eye,
leaving no trace but
the memories of something
that was once beautiful
rather than the sun-
an unforgiving and inescapable
giant that leave us burnt
and burdened.
Mitch Prax Apr 28
How do you know if
you are missing someone or
simply the feelings they made you feel?
Is there any way to know for sure?
The memories will last forever
but the nostalgia will come and go
like tides on a lonely shore.
So is it you or the feelings we shared
that I find washed up from sea?
My own little treasure chests
I will cherish forever.
Mitch Prax Apr 28
Be sure to
contain those
seas and storms within you
or else those leaks and lightning
will leave you drowning.
Mitch Prax Apr 28
It was your spark that
lit this divine fire within this heart.
I am convinced that it
will burn forever.
Mitch Prax Apr 7
Relationships and solitude:
they are just two sides of the same coin.  
I aim to flip the coin and find
the balance in every outcome
and each side the
coin may fall.
Mitch Prax Apr 7
Of all that I know,
of all that I have seen,
you are the only thing that shines
and the one that gives me life.
Nothing is as pure as you
and as long as you exist,
there is still hope.
Mitch Prax Apr 5
My memories are
like dissonant wind chimes-
they shriek every time
my mind's winds blow.
Those familiar tunes still haunt me
and to this day they remain
stuck in my head.
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