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Michelle Sep 2012
Pitter-patter ping
Rain drops from heaven above
Tears of angels

Scorched summer sun
Rays sprinkle a sun kissed
Look across her face

Snow flake settles for
My eyelash as home, finding
Tears already reside
Michelle Sep 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is "Piron Number Five"

One, two, three, four, five, everybody in the shop on the south side
At the Chocolate shop around the corner.
The piron boys say they want some milk and dark but I really don't wanna..
Sugar-rush like I had last week.
I be the only employee cause the bros is cheap.
I like ganache, patrice, and fruit de mer.
The day it continue, and the chocolate getting sweeter
So what can I do? I really beg you MP (Mister Piron)
To me spitin’ is just like a sport.
Anything fly, it's all good let me dump it.
Oh ComEd wants a building permit..

A little bit of Aimee in my life,
A little bit of Ryan by my side.
A little bit of Weeme’s what I need,
A little bit of Jimmys what I see.
A little bit of cold packs for the sun,
Cuz we all know chocolate won't last long.
A little bit of Starbucks here I am,
A little bit of Piron makes me your man!
Piron number five.

Stir up and down and move it all around.
Shake your head to the sound, don’t let chocolate hit the ground.
Take one batch left and temper till its  right.
One kettle to the front and one to the side.
Glove up your hands once and Glove em up twice
And if it look like this then you're doing it right.

I do all to make chocolate like MP knew
Cause you got 2 son and you can't get to wide
You and me gonna increase that money supply
Piron number five.
I used to work at a chocolate shop. The best in Illinois. It was way too much fun! I love the Mister Pirons. I made this rap last year after work one day. And now I am finally gonna share it with the world! <3
Michelle Feb 2012
Okay, I am sold
all those pictures
reveal exactly
what I had to see.

A picture may be
worth one thousand words,
but the only words
I have for you:

Michelle Oct 2011
Passing the school, I lift my foot from the accelerator
The football field, illuminated by massive stadium lights
My little sister in the passenger seat, in eight months
this will be all apart of her past.
Off to reach higher heights
Though we travel different paths,
at this moment we reflect on the big picture
in the rear view mirror.
People change, memories fade, but time continues to outlast
every knight
Michelle Oct 2011
Thought I'd never love again
Thought I couldn't stand the sight of men
But then you looked at me
with deep blue eyes and guarantee
I am yours and you are mine.
My dog got hit by a car on September 30th 2011
I watched it happen. I know he should not be with me now.
But he is. He is the love of my life.
Thank you God for giving me Bruno for the ups and downs in my life.
Michelle May 2011
Eating habits that resemble that of a bird
I don’t want to touch you   I fear you will break
That girl. She’s anorexic. Haven’t you heard?
Throw some sparkles and clothes that resemble draperies. Quite the model she would make.

Whispers waiver between the walls of weight and withering away
Strut your stuff, Walk the walk
Break a leg! Don’t worry. It’s jealousy they say.
Words of concern, gossip, rumors,’s all just talk.

Thin as a rail glancing down at the scale
Feed me numbers of perfection
Strung out on diet pills and caffeine-not the ideal fairy tale
Cries of control and misdirection from my flawed reflection

I am me, one of a kind, beautiful they say. Just look in the mirror.
Loosing this fight tear after tear, year after year.
Michelle May 2011
I would have left me too if I could

It may be to late for us

to many feelings to suppress

But today, tomorrow, next week,
and next year-I pray

That it may not be to late
for me
going through a break up kinda..well it was a long while back..but some days it seems as though it was just yesterday..I know he'll never see this but I'll dedicate this to my one and only, Beau Lee Heller..

This isn't my final piece..just kinda a start..or I guess in a end..
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