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Michael Marchese Mar 2018
There must be some questions remaining
With answers that wonderful brain is Abstaining
From asking the beings above you
Their nameless  
To shoulder the blame for the way
They pour dirt on the cover up
You can’t uncover it
Something unwilling to let you forget
The debt
Michael Marchese Oct 2021
Weary traveler
Tempered by
So many countless
Faces die
No more to roam
In search
The earth
Has ever been
My home
Since birth
But lately
It seems all too distant
Of some end times
Nothing new begins
Nor blooms
The ardent activist
In years to come
A relic
Of his trips
Through psychedelic
Delving into
With machine's
Planned obsolescence
My transcendence
Just pathetic
To hermetic
Michael Marchese Dec 2016
Is it truly human nature
This fear of the unknown?
We see aliens among us
And we'd rather be alone

Not look inside their homeless void
To seas of stars they drift across
From planets now destroyed
Systems rendered lifeless  
By battle droids we have deployed
And Death-star machinations
Despot warlord tractor beams
Cause anti-gravitations
Of resource, culture, sovereignty
Drained into the mothership
Warp-drives of Lady Liberty's
Distortion of democracy

To us their eyes are oil
Their tongues are suicide
Their offspring are jihadists
That we have crucified

The future of their species
Ethnic cleansed and slaughtered
Galactic-level genocide
By humanoid marauders
Reducing sentient creatures
To ion-cannon fodders
Then activate the forcefields
Preventing the invasion
Of refugees we've added
To the anti-life equation
As worm holes of our hatred grow
Infinitely to all we know

Different in appearance
But of the same design
If we'd but open universal
Borders of the mind
Michael Marchese Jun 2016
I am a shadow of a shadow
Creeping through existence
And the bleakest realities
Of a life bereft of love

I am a faithless angel
Believing in nothing
And praying for the end
Of a life bereft of love

I am a quiet crypt
Entombing a silenced soul
And a muted mind
Of a life bereft of love

I am a vast ocean
Encapsulating emptiness
And the cold dark void
Of a life bereft of love

I am a rotten corpse
Decaying slowly to time
And mundane dreariness
Of a life bereft of love

I am a voracious vampire
Craving the night
And draining the veins
Of a life bereft of love

I am a clandestine mystery
Withholding the secrets
And worthless revelations
Of a life bereft of love

I am a cold-blooded serpent
Slithering in lies
And venomous mendacity
Of a life bereft of love

I am a grim visage
Adopting false smiles
And fallacious contention
Of a life bereft of love

I am a ghost of a phantom
Haunting the living
And those who know not
Of a life bereft of love

I am a hellish demon
Burning in impurity
And corrupted innocence
Of a life bereft of love

I am a lonesome sepulcher
Dwelling in solitude
And self-imposed isolation
Of a life bereft of love

I am a forlorn oblivion
Devouring light
And what radiance remains
Of a life bereft of love

I am a hollow shell
Resonating dins of depravity
And tortured screams
Of a life bereft of love

I am a deceitful siren
Beguiling lost passerby
And luring them to shores
Of a life bereft of love

I am a black rose
Wilting in misery
And withering beauty
Of a life bereft of love

I am a self-destructive beast
Rampaging in anger
And constant frustration
Of a life bereft of love

I am a spreading disease
Afflicting this world
And all of mankind
Of a life bereft of love
Michael Marchese Jan 2020
Journeying on
To beyond
Where the vagabond
Finds himself
And can pride himself strong
In the ways of the Force
And in passing back to it
Feel free
Of remorse
When imposing its will
And exposing his flaws
Predisposes to ****
Or be killed’s
Natural law
Despite awe-stricken drawing
From wellsprings of peace
Muted strokes of ingenious
Can not be made speech
Only incomprehensible
Pensive confessions
In penmanships
Pouring the love
He professes
Select few muses who
Of his true sorrow knew
Was the only “Til Death”
That his vows
Would renew
Boundless oblivion
Bound to infinitum
Now there is hatred
The uglier faces
The sides of myself
Even friends shouldn’t see
When revealed
They resemble
But I swear to you
Never a moment
Nor haven’t a heart
Left for any
Pain stake in
So drive it still further
Remind me I failed
If you feel I am merely
Michael Marchese Dec 2022
We need conditions
We need decisions
We need delusions
We need tall tales we tell ourselves
When we walk
So much aimless
Conversing in brief
A line here
A word there
Let’s just go back to sleep
Michael Marchese Apr 2021
No sense proclaiming
Of any facets
Of this world
I’m alert in
Alive in
Just trying
To see and survive
And prepare for the day
I eventually die
Michael Marchese Jul 2018
The optimists are cute
But so incredibly naive
They think themselves
The fullest living
As they’re dying to believe
Michael Marchese Jun 2021
Hard to commit
When no one gives a ****
When it’s literally
You vs. the world
Call it quits
On convictions
Why give them
A second thought’s
Mindful devotion
When most people
Can’t even fathom
The notion
Surprisingly, as it could be
When religions
Of most
Contain similar
Selfless traditions
At least in description
But seldom in practice
Still spins the world
On its axis
Michael Marchese Nov 2019
Shell-cased in soft power
Arms races
Like Carter
I break it down harder
Than kami wind martyrs
With ardor of green cards
In red
On the rise
To Partition again
The expendable lives
Buying lies as they trend
From the ones who pretend
Like they too
Don’t depend
On the never-ending
Yellow journalist’s
Telling them
It means war’s
‘Round the corner
Drug store
Selling them
Echo chambers
Of peace and secure
Dangers and angers
And more
Of the brink
Of extinction
In sync with
The small fortune,
Failed-marriage trinket
Don’t blink
Or it’s on
To the next
By how many world hungers
To solve
Could be left
Since the right
In its free-trading slave
Not-so hidden agenda
Still plots its crop
As super-tiendas
Wal off reservation
With always low prices
Conflating inflation
Displacing the plantation
Still shaken
By ground-breaking
New innovation
And scarce information
Contorted, deformed
Or just goes unreported
For more entertaining
Brain-draining discordant
Conformists in torrents
Stream only the terrorized-truth
Reform is aborted
The right to choose
The norm is a misleading,
I abhor
As I’ve poured it out,
Sorted out
This horrid, sordid crowd
Doubting that anything reel
Is revealed
To be real
Or just part of some heartless king’s
Art of the Deal
Michael Marchese Sep 2018
Silly girl
You forget
It was I who consoled you
Alone in the night
In my arms I behold you
Was I who extolled you
The praises I’d write
As if serenades lulled you
To beckon my sleight of right-handed
Deceptive, entrancing
Love potions rebranded
In simple semantic
Spell-checking pedantic
Atlantic allusory depths
Of romantic
Void undertow woes
Where we’d sink for forever
As I kept describing us
Perfect together
Michael Marchese Oct 2021
How does he keep
Finding pieces to write
They can pay him
A pittance
And still he’d recite
What he’d rather leave buried
Prefer go unheard
Keep turning
The unwritten word
To the vanishing
No longer
In internal
Shared only when
I’m in moody
Or if so prompted
To humor requests
Or else leave me
The blanks
And I’ll fill in the rest
Wellspring of regret
One we cannot forget
And yet
To its fond few
We’re forever in debt
So make room for the new
And let out
What the old
Keep you clinging
To what could have been
Yours to hold
And don’t let it go
Next time
Around the world over
Embrace open minds
And they will
End in closure
Just know her
Time hadn’t
Precisely converged
Although from its
In yours
There emerged
An indelible
Each day,
Despite how that fateful
Lose faithful
One stays
Michael Marchese Mar 2018
Keep my checks balanced on “just do it” systems
But walk in the shoes of their Holocaust victims
Existence I suffer like nobody’s business
As my metaphysics obliterates gimmicks
Olympus to Exodus, staring back black abyss
Ignorance blissfully spawning its mimics
And mental health clinics
Who wannabe God
In the palm of their hand
They still want to draw lines
In the Afghanistan
I just want them to see
That we’re all common, man
I don’t want what you have
I don’t claim to own land
It’s just slavery, property
Walls and mall shopping sprees
Banners emblazoned
In racial supremacies
Patriot nation-state
Civil War enemies
Fifty starships and some
Forgotten colonies
Coast to coast Holy Ghost
Michael Marchese May 2022
Keep training the people
To think we’re the greatest
Set the trend’s latest
Affirmed validation
Our culture is king
And to every shore corner
We’ll let freedom ring
Long as it’s
In the image
Of Liberty lavish
Adorned in the tragic
Gun massacre
Her body
A temple
To tyrants
And violence
Her rights are stripped bare
In her battle-scarred silence
Still wears
Only finest
Sweat-shopping spree
Refuse seas rising
Behold her disparity’s
Glaringly obvious
Lack of transparency
Winning forever wars
Losing herself
Till she can’t feed her babies
What’s left on the shelf
When it costs her
Exhausts her
To work just to live
For the rest of the world
Nothing more she can give
Except billions in aid
To sustain
Still her beauty prevails
As she’s dying inside
Michael Marchese May 2018
I want to sound
I want to sound

But every,
Single, *******
Thing I say  
Is seen in black and white
Michael Marchese Oct 2020
Forget who I am
Almost instantly,
It’s like
I’m still trying to find
Who it made me
This life
And this world
And I guess you could say
All the faces
Appearing in dreams
I replay
Although never can seem
To recall
Much at all
Of how setting hopes high
Can’t deny
The downfall,
The inexorable
Out of time,
Soon forgotten
By sooner or later’s
More favorable coffin
Where even my
Can get lost in
The jungles of
All too often
Michael Marchese May 2022
Wanted you
To be happiness
Be my way out of this
Give me a reason to try
Be the song that I sing
Be the tears that I cry
When you’re gone
Hold you close
Keep you sheltered inside
In the nights I can’t see you
Or see you replied
I would strive
To keep strengthening you
Building me
To the man that I always knew
I’d proudly be
But this image
Contingent on you
For too long
And contentment
On nothing is wrong
Never once
Not a moment
Of discord or strife
Not an ounce of the pain
We’ve been chained to in life
All too soon
Comes to be
Nothing more
Than illusion
In shambles,
In ruins,
In shattered conclusions
For perfect girl
Was the most damaged he’d met
And with worthless boy
They only drank to forget
Michael Marchese Jan 2020
More reason than most
To feel
I don’t belong
When I try to do right
Something always goes wrong
And no family
Or friends
Reassure me
I’m home  
When among present company
All alone
And excluded,
From the small-talking table
No appetite
For the type
Of my distasteful
Dispensing with pleasantry’s
Penchant for wasteful
Lifetime’s precious mine
To do what I prefer
Not with you,
Not with them
But with pen,
Without her
Michael Marchese Jun 2019
Love is like
A house of cards
A work of art
That falls apart
Michael Marchese Jun 2017
Take me to peaks
Of a sky-scraping level
And lay me to rest
In a bed of the clouds
Jet-streaming my dreams
In full color high def
Redefining the faces
Of earth in these crowds
Michael Marchese Oct 2020
Each day that I spent
Was with you
A portent,
A momentous occasion
To love
Or lament
But I never meant
For it to turn
Into neither
Expected to yearn
Like a stern disbeliever
Still self-fulfilling
Except now I know
I was not as unwilling
To let you go,
Let it be
As I led on
Couldn’t quite live without you
Yet here you are
Michael Marchese Dec 2022
And yet still I write
When I’ve nothing else left
When of last shreds
And shards
Of discarded love
Up away with the fragmented
Bereft years ago
Of my life forces
In vain have my valiant attempts
To be brave
End in ruin
With few more
Befitting the grave
We tried saving each other
One sinks
And one cries
We tried changing each other
One drinks
And one lies
Or we both fall apart
More in unison
And yet still I write
The pain
Can’t overstating
Michael Marchese Aug 2018
How much time spent alone
Quite unknown
But a lot
I’d be willing to wager
The parts of my soul
Not quite yet
Left to rot
In forgotten ideals
As the steel bleeds the page
And lays claim to my pain’s
Indomitable rage
Manifesting the best of me
Deposing destiny
Toppling tyrants
In silent soliloquy
No more emotion, I’ve spoken
Too much of it
Wasted it
Tasted it
From her lips dripping
In her clutches gripping
My paper meshe
Heart of art as it’s ripping
And slipping through cracks
To an undertow woe
And without her I aimlessly go
With the flow
Never slowing my pace
Until all of you know
Michael Marchese Dec 2016
Weep not for me
I found release
From all the pain
In heart, in mind
In every day
I felt each chain
Just wash away

Look to those tides
And tiny toes
For your white sand
The truth of all
By these oceans
I still stand
And feel so small

Pray not for me
It too shall cease
The love, the hate
The things we hold
What God hath wrought
All we create
From conscious thought

Instead rejoice
This comes from you
My Mother Earth
Tended my seed
From root to tree
To seek rebirth
And set me free

Mourn not for me
I made my peace
Under the sun
In life, in death
To just exist  
To be as one
To self-desist

So watch me fly
For 'neath your wings
You let me hide
Then from the nest
You let me soar
Now hear with pride
My lion's roar
Michael Marchese Jul 2023
Anger boy sees all of you
He feels what you are going through
He wonders why there’s such distress
It vexes him, they can’t express
The same unbridled rage
In pain
Just quell,
What still inclines you naturally
To counter-
Bemused of ruin’s
But anger boy still wears it on his sleeve
For all to see
He differentiates the hatred
From the seething enmity
He contemplates the hidden faces,
Safer space’s
Veering gaze
But looks away unfettered,
To a better
World ablaze
Michael Marchese Sep 2017
When even a day comes to pass
And you see
That the sun does not set
Upon your vanity
And the moon upon full
In the wolves of the blue
Does not crawl in your spine
And awake you anew
Then the pride of the one
Who has risen in time
As oblivion's king
Is the lord of the nine
Michael Marchese Apr 2022
When she doesn’t answer
Romance is a cancer
No chance to convey it,
Impart it,
Display it,
How it’s created
So plainly
It drains me
Restrains me
Held down
By a weight
Heavy deeper,
It’s dragging me down
Always found
At least one
To do things to my mind
And fixation upon her
Within it confined
Michael Marchese Aug 2020
Manifests as this form
I was born
To embody
But not of material,
Is more so
The Word
I’ve preferred to refrain
From its overuse
Save for
I can not explain
Michael Marchese Nov 2022
Carnivorous culture
Still courting the asp
In control
Just to watch it all
Slip from our grasp
Never pass on the chance
To see carnage
And slaughter
Still waging our wars
For more oil and water
Insatiable lust
To see death and despair
To declare ourselves
Empire gods
Without care
Don’t you dare
Read away
Yet another grim warning
I urge you
Embrace it
Don’t wake up
In mourning
A scorned
Hath no fury Earth
In it adorned
Michael Marchese Feb 2019
We were
Never really
That much to begin with
Just scared of what was
To come next
For us pressed
For a time
By each others'
Beside ourselves
Perhaps overstates it
But to me equates it
You still call me brave
But my courage is based in
Security, risk-averse
Playing it safe
Just like what I saw
On your vivacious face
Cautiously I approached
Just as guarded as ever
But let it all down
When I felt us together
I guess just as hopeless
What isn't, what could be
Need no explanations
And from leaps of faith
I freefell under spells
That still ring in my head
Like the jingle of bells
Michael Marchese Dec 2020
It’s days that go by
I’m left wondering why
I thought living without you
I even could try
To pretend I don’t need you
Don’t see you now writing
Your likeness instilled
In my gloomy moonlighting
As some independent
With you it was always
Just being each other
But I was still lonely
Didn’t hold you
As long as I could
Should’ve told you the words
Maybe you never would
For at best
It was care for you deeply
I feel
And trust me
I felt it too
Good to be real
Michael Marchese Apr 2021
Misfortune continues
Befalling me
As soon as I’ve regained
Some semblance of trust
It will all be ok
Maybe finally work out
Without dread apprehensions
To still think about
There is no resting easy
Until it’s resolved
And of my culpability
Hope I’m absolved
In the interim thinking it over
Too long
All the million plus ways
It goes awfully wrong
Soon enough
Like it seems
It is meant to prevent me
From what pleasant dreams
Still remain possibilities
Where will life lead?
I don’t want to find out
Just give up and recede
So at least I’d preemptively
Cease disappointment
Before it eventually
Knows no avoidance
Michael Marchese Nov 2020
Thought when I finally wrote
Thousands of these
Maybe one
Would become
More than sad elegies
Just exigencies
Urging the reader to grieve
To relieve me of my
Wish to die
Or to take them with me
Like a suicide cult
Then in next level
Michael Marchese May 2018
Delve deeper
You’ll find it
And with it become
A superior being
United as one
In the same sullen joy
Of a troubled existence
In questions conflicting
Our consciousness prisms
Envisioning simple’s complexity nexus
An omnidirectional
Path to perfection  
Intended by makers
Conceived in belief
That we are in fact more
Than a lifetime of grief
Once again having
Its day
Is the youth
If they lie to themselves
They won’t tell us
The truth
But they will
And conceal
And withhold
And earnings
And rights to your soul
Lest you let it grow old
At their rate
Turning gray
In their comfort
Michael Marchese Dec 2017
The giving
Regifting the grieving
Is all I believe in this holiday season
We heathens have seldom a nickel to spare
And no reason to care what you think of tradition
Just blood and cash clashing in juxtaposition
Consumerist culture adjacent starvation
Your shopping malls next to some slave exploitation
To bring you your plastic tree iPhone 8 million
In Santa’s sleigh carbon footprint parts per billion
But all for the children I guess, I suppose
Yet I have seen some where no Jesus Christ goes
And they know not of want or to ask for some toys
Just nativity stories our money destroys
Michael Marchese Aug 2018
Can’t say I’m not eager
To see her again
To be back in the big city
Where we pretend
To be sure of ourselves
What we mean to each other
Transfixed on the secrets
We’ve yet to discover
Like prior engagements
That lie with another
Refusing to label it
Speak of it, think of it
Merely to live it
Until we let go of it
Once the temptation
Is satiated
In desire’s reluctance
Michael Marchese Oct 2023
And yet,
As I stumbled
And plummeted,
I soared to the heights
Of a hubris
My youth
As I fell
More in love
With its tragic mistakes
Not the least of them
For more fulfilled shores
Nor the most
I could gain
From unsettling scores
Of the populous
Forcefully normed
To my kind
The metropolis
In my mind
The power of our words
More than ever
Merely publicly  
Expelling them
Can earn yourself
A medal
Or a cancellation
So how to speak
And what to write
Nothing I say
Is ever right
And everybody is a victim
Of appropriated
And all their trauma
Just a newsfeed
To recite
A misinformed
To comply
So keep it scrolling
Keep me posted
Only if
You tell me why
Michael Marchese Nov 2023
You felt it
I know it
So chase it
Don’t ghost its
Its lack of embraces
Its pauses in places
Its stuttering
Try as I might
There is lonely
My lunacy
My infancy
Slightly matured
More inured to the suffering
Sooner you bring
More restored
By the solitude sorrows
I sing
Upon feeling the jolt
Of your poisonous sting
Michael Marchese Aug 2022
Where do they come from
Up out of the drain
In the trash can they swarm
Can not hope to contain
Them in seemingly ceaseless
Invasions each day
If I leave but a speck
Of a crumb
They will stay
Inexplicable ways
They can bite me all over
And scratching
And clawing
On my shoulder
I just want them gone
Many thousands I’ve killed
But unyielding formations
Are soon to rebuild
And their armies outnumber
My patience in seconds
As pest control’s number
More audibly beckons
But last thing I need
A homeowner’s expense
When the rent’s too **** high
Write it off
As incensed
Michael Marchese Aug 2022
Reducing the time
Spent expecting
To earn
Not my usual
Way to unlearn
Render me
Merely a cyborg
With some
Human tendencies
More like dependencies
On the pretending
I know what I’m doing
Convictions defending
What’s left to believe
To stay woken up for
To look forward
To future good things
Still in store
Michael Marchese Nov 2017
I’m done with your rules
And your laws and your orders
Your half-empty pride
In a country of borders
That spits in the faces
Of dreamers who built it
And re-elects nightmares
Who tortured and killed it
Enslaved it and sold it
For hollow ideals
Then chained it and told it
To swallow the pills
Pay your bills, go to work
Shut your mouth, cast your vote
Buy a gun, beat your wife
Go to jail, end your life
It’s not right, it’s not fair
No one cares to be clear
What you hear are the lies
Hispering in your ear
If it’s real, it’s still fake
It’s not news, it’s a joke
And we laugh or we cry
‘Cuz the system is broke
And the banks rob us blind
And the stock markets crash
And we get so depressed
Since we can’t eat our cash
Just swipe it and like it
And hashtag it lit
Burn it all mother *******  
I don’t give ****
Today I had the misfortune of reading that the Trump administration plans to revoke laws that have criminalized the importation of illegal ivory into our great nation. This makes me sick, embarrased and ashamed to call myself an American citizen and I can only hope there are some out there who share my contempt and disdain for a nation of united people that tolerates such loathsome, cowardly, and pathetic abuses of power by its so called leaders, without taking more extreme measures against them, for their crimes against Nature. Thank you.
Michael Marchese Jan 2018
I remember the old news
Used to tell you
How to choose
My best friend is myself
But I have others
Of different colors
And we chill and we drink
And we’re brothers
And they love us
And they hug us
And they tell us there’s gods
Up above us
Michael Marchese May 2017
The open sky still hides behind
An overcast uncertainty
The looming blue is all I need
To make each note a symphony
Then she appears at high noon's rise
My maiden frees the ocean breeze
And parts the solemn clouds with ease
Until the sun, it seems am I
And inhibition flees
From the shores of no tomorrow
And the sinking of my ships
In a galleon of my sorrow
Are her deep, desirous lips
Michael Marchese Jul 2020
Don’t harp on the doomsday
News muses
Too often
But lately it seems like
The world is a coffin
And lost in its glossy
Dysphoria coughing
I wish we could save it
From more
From panic pandemics
And fumes we’re exhausting
But shrooms in my mania
Are so awesome
And even up on them
You know I’d be there
For what’s ethical, righteous,
And just
To be fair
I would even allow
The good masses to play,
To protest,
To get riotous,
Frolic all day
So long as you sat with me
Out on those steps
And still called them the sheeple
With me to attest
Michael Marchese Aug 2017
The moments become
A millennium
Floating forever, suspended in time
And each second you wait
On the sisters of fate
Is an eon of muses that passes you by
So I take to the skies
And with eagle eyes see
To be lord of the lyre
Is my destiny
That I get this way
Drunken disgrace
Run my stupid mouth off
And forsake your embrace
As if any discordant rifts
Forming between,
Could make me start questioning
What your love means
To me,
Don’t want to do this
Without you
I can’t
And I’ve known it
First moment
I felt you enchant
Every inch,
Every fiber,
Of being alone
With the solace and warmth
Of there’s no place like home
And you truly are
My world now,
My life,
And if you would still have me
My beautiful wife
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