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Michael-Angelo Dec 2019
I was born to be an outlaw. No not an outlaw-biker, but a true revolutionary outlaw, guns blazing towards the corrupt governments, horse riding into the dark desert skies, black cowboy hat tilted to the side, chewing bubble gum, cigarette and whiskey filled nights, thunder lighting burns the trails I've traveled with my horse, my horse is an outlaw too, free as a hawk in the night sky' searching for our next meal we go from town to town.

I'm saddened now I am a modern slave, but someday I'll set my soul on fire, whistle for my horse to come, make a change and destroy those pesky corrupted snakes, they won't imprison my mind again.
Michael-Angelo Dec 2019
I only like you in the moonlit night, for time with you in the daylight is nice, but the moon brings out a sparkle in your eyes only the dim soft light from the moon can bring the stars shine up above, but the moon cries when you sleep, it waits for dusk to turn off her light, to play a moonlit serenade, dance with me, walk with me under the moonlit night, take my hand and let me be lost in your smile and sparkle in your eyes, I'll wait for eternity lost in love till you comeback and dance with me in that romantic night we fell in love, as I only like you in the moonlit night.
Michael-Angelo Sep 2016
There is not much to say about me, I'm very simple and easy going, more than a personality thing is a choice of life. I think the key to life's happiness is simplicity. I'm a rebel and love is the only force that bends me, time after time. I do not tolerate injustices, superficialities, bureaucracies, social inequalities, or organized religion, but I do believe in God. I write, mostly poetry, I attempt to give meaning to life through words.
Some of the things that I like, in no particular order. . . Watch the sunrise, the rain through a window, the glow of the skin when touched by the sun, philosophize with crazies like myself, laugh attacks, have an ice cream as I take a walk, silence (mostly when I have someone to think about), a complicity smile, the mischievous eyes of children =), fall asleep while reading a book, learning how to live with my mistakes, winning a poker game with a really sucky hand, the happiness to see again someone I love, nights where you sing until the sunrises, the tears that fall after laughing super hard, to deepen my toes in the sand, to swim at the beach, dry up in the sun, bohemian nights and red wine, ring neighbor door bells and run for life, the smell of bread in the oven, the land where I was born, the cold weather, much better if I can hug someone I love, playing my guitar, touch my books and remember their content, a good boxing match, to close my eyes and let my fingers run down my piano keys, to sing while I drive, to cook for those I love, passionate people, poets, fighters, and every day the list of things I love grows. . . =)
  Sep 2016 Michael-Angelo
Natasha Ivory
I am a writer.

One who can close myself away into a small dimly lit space and gush life onto an insubstantial substance of fibrous hopes that once finished..reads of something that makes sense and releases a tad of this confined fury..that whirls in my ever churning mind.

I am a Dreamer.

A human born into disparaging circumstances, that grasped for anything tangible, as early as I can possibly recollect. With a never ending desire to find truth and love beyond the abuse that I endured throughout all of my childhood..Determined to view life..clear of the filters embedded over my eyes, attempting to force my mind to function through the inherited dysfunction.

I am a Lover.

Believing in a Love so genuine, that it literally heals all human afflictions .
Investing in a hope in all things soulful and lucid.
Craving to Love free of the bounds thought fathomable, truly devoting to other souls..the most valuable asset - Time - and desirous to Lead with Love in every moment.

I am a Writer.
Turning pain into purpose.
  Oct 2015 Michael-Angelo
Listen, it's a beautiful thing
when distilled to its essence;
reduced to its purest form.
A paradox and a paradigm;
a paragon of perfection.
Epic in its arythmetic
progression; poetic.
Like Chinese arithmetic,
so hard it hurts. Yet soft
and exquisite, like a bubble
of love caught in a beating heart.
That place where poetry starts.
Michael-Angelo Aug 2015
Oceans couldn't keep me away from you, distances aren't reachable, I'll swim to you, love, street-fight or die trying, the stars and the infinite galaxies won't keep me from your love, it's the same old story, guy meets girl, but I am a fighter and a lover, I'll fight Bulls with no sword, I won't cheat, I'll use my hands, I'll run and ride wild horses to be by your side, I'll swim with sharks with no cage, fearless heart made with fiery stone, our love is deep, and I'll stop at nothing to die by your side, the same old story ... This story is endless, I'll conquer kingdoms, **** them with love to make you mine, till I crawl bare-***** ****** ravished to hold your hand and make you mine...
Just a little love poem for my current crush, hehe...!! ;)
Michael-Angelo Aug 2015
Your eyes ...., your eyes are soulful, deep like the sea and sadness comes crashing like waves but your love for a person is infinite like stars, the blazing sun, and galaxies far beyond, your love travels and never ends, imagine finding someone just as crazy & in love as you can be?
Just food for thought! ;)
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