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Matthew P Beron Sep 2016
"buy him a dog, shut him up"

Will a Malamute make Matty mute?

**** no

he'll write a tell-all with Brad Renfro
burn bridges and **** kin-folk
say, "**** all y'all, then"

spread violence with silence
breathing through eyelids
going off on tirades inside his head

he's a little out there
but don't despair
he wears clean underwear
opens doors for strangers
dismisses all dangers
talks **** to gang bangers

so, ******* and your 84 IQ
and know this much is true:

you don't have a clue 'bout the distance 'tween he and you

buy him a dog

shut him up
Matthew P Beron Sep 2016
know this:

you are special
you are different
you are unique

you are that sparkle in my eye

sometimes, the sparkle is a tear or two

almost always from a happy place

a place, full of pride

I've never had much pride in anything
but I found pride in you

I felt something when we first met
but then I got to know you
and I was impressed
in awe
and amazed

by a six year old girl ?
that's just not possible
is it?

I wouldn't have believed it either
and it is probably very rare
but like I said

you are special
you are different
you are unique
you are that sparkle in my eye,

occasionally, that sparkle is a tear or two
sometimes, from a sad place
those tears used to return to that sad place
a feedback loop
exponentially increasing sadness
until I realized your true character
and how it rendered the tears unnecessary

nothing will ever bring you down

whenever I feel sad, I think of you
how strong you are
and the sadness fades

you are special
you are different
you are unique
you are that sparkle in my eye
the sparkle that says I'm alive
and the reason I am alive

I've been meaning to thank you
but just don't know how
consider this a stab at doing so

here are the facts you need to know:

I barely get to see you anymore
I miss you more than you know
I have plans to fix that

sometimes I'm afraid that you've grown up
and no longer care to see me
unlike boys, all little girls mature [giggle, here]
and all little girls change
that change is not always good

children have special qualities
they almost always fade with age
but I have learned never to doubt you
you will hold onto the good qualities
of which you have too many to count

many are found in your heart
love, compassion, empathy
some are a bit mysterious
they must come from the gut
I would say *****, but, well, you know

you fearless courage of lion
hints towards confidence
and strong belief in self
having that makes nothing impossible

then there's your anxiety inducing quality

I think it's called bravery
but it scares the **** out of those who love you

do not worry about scaring people with your bravery

it is a part of who you are
a part of what makes me say

you are special
you are different
you are unique
you are that sparkle in my eye
and I need you to know that
Matthew P Beron Sep 2016
If one day I disappear
leaving no trace
seemingly vanishing into thin air
know that I had good reason to
know that I found a good fight
good enough leave all else behind
never to return
know that I had you in mind
know that I'll be just fine
It was time
time to do something
time to shape change
time to leave a mark
Smile at Sun up
Smile at Sun down
never cry in between
not for me
not now
not then
promise me that
Matthew P Beron Sep 2016
There's nothing good about that look

I see it in your eyes and bite my lip
make that little sound my grandfather used to make

Two little pulls of air between front teeth and tongue

As if to say, "too bad" or "awe shucks"

That's the best I can do

It's regrettable but oh so forgivable
There's nothing more to give you
There's no more that anyone can
A fact I know because I know the look so well

A look I never knew until I saw it leaving me

Now I see it everywhere I look
and I remember the feeling

I think I always had it and thought I was alone

Without it I appear alone and feel alone,

yet know different

We are an odd bunch
all of us

So many stuck in the corners

UnAware of the stage
UnAware of the show
just a turn away

a party we are a part of

All of us

A strange group, indeed

I wish you could see us

But I know that look and you are not alone

I wish I could tell you
Maybe you already know
How would I know
You could never tell and I'd never believe
A strange group we are
All of us
Matthew P Beron Sep 2016
Sad Jesus

I saw Jesus just the other day
He was wearin' a sad, sad face
Tears were streamin' down his cheeks
And he was grinding his teeth

I said "what's wrong?"
But he didn't respond
I said "cheer up"
"Don't you ever give up"

We watched the sun go down
He reached out to hold my hand
I reached out both arms wide
Hugged him and pulled him close

I said "what's wrong?"
But he didn't respond
I said "cheer up"
"Don't you ever give up"

He saw more than one sun setting
Each star going down somewhere
Weight of the universe on his shoulders
Each star a forgotten dream

I said "what's wrong?"
But he didn't respond
I said "cheer up"
"Don't you ever give up"

He couldn't find a rhyme or reason
That he should listen to me
Tears streamed down his cheeks
As the day turned dark

I said "what's wrong?"
But he didn't respond
I said "cheer up"
"Don't you ever give up"
Matthew P Beron Feb 2016
she is a beautiful being
each and every corner
she picks her nose
wears frumpy clothes
i love her
love is a gift
tears turn corners
bending in the light
sliding inside silent nights
so sorry for such less than love
leaving lingers, love life
lick lips, smile
give more
send more
believe more
she is a beautiful being
each and every corner
i love her
Matthew P Beron Jan 2016
people tell themselves lies

the past was better

it could have been

it should have been

something good and clean is coming

just beyond the next door

or wreckage is sure to be found

dwelling on ***** footprints left on clean floors

or ruminating on memories of accomplishment

all prove pointless

closed eyes draw up decor plans of  imaginary next moves

a chess game never played

bringing blame and hate

to every stage, and every game

appreciate the room that needs work

floors to be mopped

shelves to be dusted

windows to be cleaned

that brings hope

books sitting in shadows should be given light

I may not leave it all behind in a search for nothing

but I hope to leave enough

enough to l know I've passed

enough to know I was there

to know I cared

a little anyway

enough to search for more

beyond open doors

past nonchalant glances

and end-zone dances

towards high-****** rewards

and self assured back pats

just for now

I want nothing

just for now

I have everything

just for now
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