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We met on a breezy August evening
I knew then my life would not be the same.
Her greeting was subtle, a mere gentle touch,
I feared she was lethal; I suspected her name.

Dangerous Companion,
Where did you come from?
Dangerous Companion,
Why are you here?
Dangerous Companion,
I will attack you!
I will defeat you!
I will destroy you!
But… I am afraid

“I know who you are!” I shouted with fear
“Get out of my life!” I pleaded (I begged)
“I’m not leaving yet- there’s much to be done.
You must walk with me now.” she softly said.

“I will die if you linger!”  I screamed in her face
“You’ve been dying forever, entombed in your fears.”
“My surgeon will **** you and cast you away!”
“She won’t **** my mission- now mop up those tears!”

Dangerous Companion,
Where did you come from?
Dangerous Companion,
Why are you here?
Dangerous Companion,
I will attack you!
I will defeat you!
I will destroy you!
Still… I am afraid

Our journey together began with our parting
By scalpel and stitches, and surgical tape.
She then went her own way, and I to recovery
The severance complete- my new future to make.

Knives and injections have sent her afar
Yet her spirit lives in me and toughens my will
To shatter illusions and live without fear
Even should she come back to walk with me still.

Dangerous Companion
It hasn’t been easy.
Dangerous Companion,
The pain is so deep.
Dangerous Companion,
I’m oddly grateful,
You took what was dear to me
Yet uncovered the depth of me.

I’m destined to live!
I wrote this poem in 2002, a few months after having completed chemo for breast cancer.  Honestly, I felt as if the poem was being written through me rather than by me.  Please copy and share with anyone you feel might be comforted by this.
  Jun 2016 Mary Catherine Morra

Many, many years ago
When the earth was new
There lived a lovely butterfly
Her wings of brightest blue
Everyday was happy
As she fluttered all around
Visiting each precious bloom
Each garden they were found

Till one day by courier
A message she received
The news was far from happy
The words caused her to grieve
Her mate was lost in battle
It broke her fragile heart
Never more would there be joy
Her world was torn apart

To show her grief she slowly
Removed her precious wings
Discarded everything she loved
The memories they bring
Then wrapped about her body
In a way to show her grief
A drab cocoon of teardrops
Then sat in disbelief

She could not eat, could not sleep
Her sadness did abound
So worried was her family
They often came around
Not to be a burden
She packed her simple things
Rolled them in a bundle
As well, her precious wings

She took off on a journey
As every day was kept
A map of where she traveled
By every tear she wept
The sadness so consuming
Her head she held so low
Downcast eyes the path she took
A heart that’s beating slow

Crossing creeks and valleys
What ever she did meet
Touching each and every stone
Beneath her tiny feet
Around the world she traveled
Her journeys filled in length
For many days and many months
Running short of strength

About to end the story
Her broken heart near death
She prayed for time to hurry
Her last and final breath
For love had left her being
Wandering alone
That day her mate did breathe no more
The message she was shown

When seemingly from nowhere
A beauty sharp and sweet
A stone now lay upon the ground
Below these tired feet
Though different was this relic
Such beauty not concealed
The loveliness this stone possessed
Her sorrow slowly healed

It lay as a reminder
That ugliness might play
But found within this sorrow
Some beauty was displayed
And then her eyes did open
The perfect shade of brown
When then she noticed wonders
Were waiting to be found

Like diamonds in the river
A perfect flower’s bloom
So happy had she now become
She cast off her cocoon
Shook the dust from on her wings
The brightest color blue
Put them on and offered thanks
This chance at life anew

She danced the dance of butterflies
And spread her story wide
To family and friends alike
The truth she did confide
In loss there will be sorrow
But life is just a time
Remember but the good you had
And you will be just fine

In everything is beauty
All that you will see
Whether in the rising sun
Or stones beneath your feet
Always find the goodness
It lies before you eyes
I promise you’ll find happiness
When you realize

So dance with me this morning
Spread your fancy wings
Follow me this summer’s eve
And see the joy it brings
If ever you feel sorrow
Don’t forget the chance
Gives thanks to all the good you have
And let your spirit dance
Sorry, I know it's long.
I set it down
just a minute ago…
that Grudge I’ve been holding
Now, where did it go?

It’s not in my baggage
of Past Hurt and Pain.
nor is it in Pride.
Is it hiding In Sane?

Without it I just won’t
know what to do
on that some-day day
When I bump into you.

I might have to accept
that this is the end
of the heart-to-heart combat
of used-to-be friends.
Sometimes we nurture our grudges as if they are our children. We name them and hold them dear to us. But what might might happen if we forget where we last saw them ?
  Jun 2016 Mary Catherine Morra

I saw her walking down the path,
then leaning on this tree
I wondered if she just might like
to be up here with me

I said, “come on, it’s nice up here”
She said, “I like the ground”
I yelled, “the view is very clear,
I can see for miles around”

She said, “but here the grass is green,
the flowers at my eye
I could not see these wondrous things
from up there in the sky”

“This tree is old, this branch is strong,
it easily holds the weight
I’ve been up here an hour or so
I’m sure that it won’t break”

“Oh that’s not it, my climbing friend,
that is not it at all
I do not think that branch is weak
and both of us would fall”

“Then what, if you will tell me please
keeps you so far below
For where I’m at, this highest peak
provides a perfect show”

“I just prefer the feeling of
the earth beneath my feet
The fragrance of the summer breeze
upon my face so sweet”

“But way up here the sky is blue,
like nothing that you’ve seen
The valley and the mountain side,
as if comes from a dream"

“Well, I’ll not climb this tree with you
and if a friend you be
Then you will slip down from that branch
and come down here with me”

I shimmied down the mighty oak
and staring in her eyes
I saw a view I’d never seen
on any morning skies

She said, “I’m glad you didn’t fall
from up there way above"

That’s when I thought, oh yes I did,
for I just fell in love

I found her to be beautiful
much more than any sights
And truth be known, I’m glad I’m down
for I’m afraid of heights

(But don't tell her)
: )
some claimed the paddies smelled like
fetid fishes, *****; some said like the dung of oxen, peasants
or other beasts who squatted there  

others whispered the fields reeked of death  
while I found no odor to be grander evidence
of life’s languorous longing for itself  

we marched those mired moors, as hunters
of invisible prey--ourselves too being stalked, or worse,
mocked by other hairless apes,  

who like we, sought light, but
could divine darkness far better, for we
knew little of night, its sacred riddles  

some said those places reeked  
of rotted flesh, the festering relics of our deeds
I inhaled deeply, slowly  

only rich, fecund stories
were revealed to me, ones I fear yet
this silent night
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