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Marco ASF Couto Sep 2014
These People don’t need Parties.
These People need every day heroes
People who can speak for them.
People that will see in everyone’s eyes
the eyes of their momma’s crying.
These People don’t need Democracy
These People need freedom.
Freedom to pray and let pray
whoever wants to pray to whatever
they feel like praying.
Freedom to love and let love
whoever wants to love whatever they
feel like loving.
This People don’t need strong rulers.
This People need strong leaders.
Leaders who shall guide them not push them.
Someone that will take the lead not because
he’s superior but because he holds in his hands
the torch that illuminates the way.
Someone that will take the lead because that's taking the risk.
Someone that will go ahead because if he’s wrong,
than he shall be the first to pay the price.
These people don’t need ideologies.
These people need Ideas.
Ideas that shall open their minds, not blind them with doctrine.
Ideas that allow this people to refuse that same ideas.
Ideas that assume itself as an idea not as the Truth.
These people are not demanding an utopia.
These people are claiming their own rights.
The right to live in their own bubble of oxygen and not be
affected by the ambition of a third.
The right to live not ruled by a money spinning system.
The right to die for their own battles.
The right to not fight someone else’s fights
The right to say enough when enough is enough.
These people don’t even want a good life.
These people just want their life’s back
Marco ASF Couto Jul 2014
I want to write the story of a ******.
I want to write the story of a writer.
I want to write the story of a dreamer in dispair.
I want to write the story of a lover in Copacabana dreaming with Tokio.
I want to write a story about rain and the smell of wet pavement.
I want to write the story of a street poet who sells poems for food.
I want to write a story about Dublin and it's people.
I want to write a story about bath tubes full of filthiness.
I want to write a story about pub stories.
I want to write a story about how *** is gonna **** us all.
I want to write a story about how you messed up with my head.
I want to write a story that teaches humanity to stop being so naïve.
I want to write a story that teaches me *******.
I want to write a story about how I managed to learn *******.
I want to write a story about how I killed you in my head.
Marco ASF Couto Apr 2014
E a vida que demora a fazer-se homem.
E a o vinho que só me conta mentiras.
E a musica que me alivia a dor de não te ter.
E o espelho que é demasiado honesto.
E os livros que não consigo ler.
E os autores que não consigo entender.
E o que quer que seja que me retira confiança.
E o destino que não pude escolher.
E o passado que não pude escrever.
E o futuro que já só quero esquecer.
E a liberdade que não me deixa crescer.
E a inercia que me quer prender.
E as palavras que me deixão com sede.
E a sede que só quer vinho.
E o vinho que me voltou a enganar.
E o coração que não sabe como amar.
E o amor e a falta de ar.
E o sal que impede de chorar.
E o choro de quem me morde a alma.
E a quem me pede para ter calma.
E tudo resto que nada tem a ver contigo.
E a amizade que faz de mim só teu amigo.
E a cama que me faz sonhar.
E o sonho que se acha ordem.
E a idade que Eu já me devia ter feito homem.
Marco ASF Couto Apr 2014
Dá me uma razão para ficar e então Eu ficarei.
O Mundo lá fora não me atrai.
Quero passar a eternidade no teu quarto.
Quero passar a eternidade a falar contigo até tu me odiares a mim e as minhas ideias conservadoras fruto de uma eternidade passada no teu quarto.
Quero que o mundo se foda tanto como o mundo me fodeu a mim.
Quero passar a vida dentro desses filmes que tanto adoras.
E não me importo que não seja real. E nem me importo que não seja a sério.
Passei a minha vida a brincar com crianças.
Quero te a ti acima de tudo.
E perdoou o te o vício do tabaco.
E perdoou o te o vício de odiares tudo que me faz viver.
Eu só te quero bem!
Quero que te cases e nem têm de ser comigo.
Eu só te quero bem!
E perdoou o te o vício de não acreditares em mim.
E perdoou o te o vício de amares sempre o mesmo tipo de homem.
Porque eu só quero é que dances. Porque disseste que adoravas dançar.
Porque eu só quero que andes com quem te faz andar.
E nem me importo que me mintas.
E nem me importo que me ignores.
Não quero que te apresses por mim.
Não quero que me peças desculpa.
Se um dia morrer que seja pelas tuas mãos.
Põe me fora do teu quarto e dá me a comer aos leões.
Diz ao mundo que te traí eu não te desmentirei.
Mesmo tendo passado a eternidade no teu quarto.
Diz que não me queres e faz-me ter filhos contigo.
E diz aos nossos filhos que não sou pai deles.
Diz me que nunca na vida serei teu.
Mas dá me uma razão para ficar.
Que Hoje...
Hoje Eu faço o Jantar.
Marco ASF Couto Apr 2014
The legs were weak so he layed on the ground.
He stared at the ceiling for a couple of weeks. The water had destroyed it and left black spots all over it.
The days were no longer days, it was just like looking the road from the inside of a car in movement.
His life had been just another canceled Late Night Show where He had tried really hard to be funny.
"There is nothing like love. There is just a deep need to have a good **** by the end of the day."
He really belived in this kind of stuff and in everything Nietzsche wrote about time and space.
He was the kind of guy who enjoyed his whiskey right out from the bottle, no ice or ******* cups.
Why complicate? We're talking about ***** for god sake.
It has never been about the trip. It was always about the destination.
It has never been about having a good time. It was always about forgetting time and forgiving life.
And We're still talking about *****.
And We're still talking about life.
Just that He doesnt care anymore.
You see It's hard to care about life when you live your life with a gun up on your *** and a bird whispering you to not **** yourself.
It's hard to live when You dont allow yourself to cry.
Somehow It's much easier to die looking at the ceiling.
Marco ASF Couto Mar 2014
"You're Lost Little Girl" was playing on the background.
She had been dancing for the last couple of minutes completely naked.
Red lips, Red eyes and a glimmer of a long lost shine in her eyes.
She never faced me while I was sitting on the corner of the room.
Her dance was slow, a magical kind of grace.
- Did You know that he die in Paris?
- Yes - I answered her.
- You know why? - I didnt answer this one.There was no need. There are questions that only need time.
- Because dying in LA would make him a rockstar.
- And so dying in Paris makes him what?
She took a while.
- A poet I guess.
The room was an empty room, with little books that I guess she never read and with too much whisky bottles that I guess she never shared.
You could smell the filthy life that made her dance in such a sad way.
I remember looking to the clock and no hour was shown. She had ripped off the clockwise and used them as chopsticks for her three days old chinese food.
When the song came to the end, she sat on the ground and lighted a cigarette which she had kept on the back of her ear.
She looked at me for a while and I looked at her.
I could see her eyeliners going down her face, then she stood and walked over a mirror that there was next to the door and looked at the reflection for a while ...
Then I saw myself crying.
Marco ASF Couto Feb 2014
It's Raining but the Rain doesn't make me wet, or at least I don't really care if it gets me wet.
It's cold but the cold doesn't give me shivers, I'm too **** out of mercy to shake out of pitty.
Has anyone ever thought if the rain and the wind perhaps needed some matrimonial consulting?
Maybe I should get a Master's in "Reverse Psychology" and later try a Phd in "Sarcasm Applied to Tradicional Knowledge".
You see,I got a bachelor's in Cinema and TV Production when all I wanted was to write a story about a broken man who loved another human being too much, or perhaps in case of not enough budget, a dog.
Yes... I'm that frustrated if you fancy going around your mind wondering and doing wrong judgments on my personality.
**** I really think the rain and the wind need some matrimonial consulting.
How can you ask sorry to a clown for not laughing?
How can you ask sorry to a wife for not loving?
How can you ask sorry to humanity for waking up after 1pm?
How can you ask sorry to your own body for letting it get all soaked wet?
You would be surprised by the amount of people in the world that don't know how to take a decent coffee and still don't ask sorry for it.
It's not like I'm trying to justify my own bads but these people should definitely ask sorry for theirs.
Alright now, You may be wondering why am I here?
Well, I'm here because I dont have anywhere else to go.
I'm here because I told my now ex girlfriend that 'Im tired of doing everything around home when actually I do nothing at all, so she got all upset and told me to leave,then I told her I wouldnt leave since that was my apartment as well, when actually that was really only her apartment, which she has been paying the rent and bills with the good amount of cash she has been getting from her suprisingly good position at Mills&Albert; Lawyers Company.
She's been ******* the boss anyway...
Well I guess, can't prove it... actually I never thought of it before, just now.
Again not trying to justify anything here.
You know...I've been this kind of guy who spends too much time doing nothing and the rest of the time hiding books that I want, but I shall never read cuz Im too lazy, behind the shelves of the library, so no one can take them away from me.
It's all my fault anyway.
I should have become a doctor of some kind or an engineer or a movie star or a rock start(I knew how to play the bass really fine)but instead I chose to be a loser, and let me tell you that's a pretty hard decision to make... and a brave one as well.
It's like you are sacrificing all your talents in behalf of the world, because the world needs losers to pin down "shame levels" which you shouldn't reach.
Alright Maybe Im just trying to justify something here but anyway... now it's done, now it's too late, isn't it?
Talking about late... I don't think there are buses this late.
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