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Maddie Lane May 15
don't know where to start
don't know when you stopped
i just know that it's gone

know that i'm
& that you don't mind that

and that's okay
i guess
i'm used to it

i would've appreciated a warning
would've liked to not gotten into it so deeply
but whatever
life goes on
i guess
Maddie Lane Apr 29
is this really it?

i guess so.

a slow break.

you don't care to stay,
you don't care to go.

i'm tired of keeping us afloat.
i've been trying for so long.

long ago,
i picked up an oar,
turned to you,
said "let's go"
and figured you'd start paddling too.

turns out,
i was wrong.
i've been going in circles for
who knows how long.

and at some point,
someone's gotta call it,
and head to shore.

and i guess,
that time is fast approaching.
and the person who's gonna call it,
is going to be me.
Maddie Lane Mar 2
now that i've got what i fought for
(i think)
what do i do?

i've spent so long fighting battles that i forgot what it was really for
i can't take a breath for i feel like i'll lose
gotta keep the shields up
gotta keep fighting

something i've fought for
for so long
must be worth it

but in the light of day
and the retrospective of night
i'm not so sure

should it be like this?
what if the answer is no?
Maddie Lane Feb 24
you couldn't pay me to go back to high school
and trod through those prison-like halls.
but sometimes i ache to go back
to those high school summers,
the ones that you were so often a part of.

yes, i'll admit it.
i do miss
cruising down west shore drive
windows rolled down, summer's air filling the car.
going to the beach after the sun's set,
feeling deliriously dangerous as we sipped captain morgans
and pilfered *****.

i even miss
trailing behind all the skateboarders,
hearing the roll of the wheels on the concrete,
watching the falls and the triumphs.
i miss chatting with you,
about anything and everything.
beaches and bonfires
and "where's my flopper"

you were there
always smiling,
always willing to let me in on the story,
to share the memories made long before i arrived,
inviting me to tag along.
you were a friend to all,
an enemy to none,
and you never passed judgment on anyone.

and though we haven't talked
in far too long
i know,
if i had run into you,
you'd smile
say my name, ask how i've been.
that was something i could count on

it's impossible to comprehend,
that somehow
you're gone.

i can say that certainly
this really is
marblehead's greatest loss.
for cale
Maddie Lane Sep 2023
do you remember those nights?
(i'll admit, they're kind of hazy for me)
(they were long ago)
(& maybe i was a little drunk)

twinkle lights
and music on the echo
stolen kisses
and confessed feelings
(on my end)

sometimes tears
sometimes fighting

never knowing,
always wanting

always being a last choice,

i wouldn't ask to do it again
and if i had to,
i'd do it differently

change it all,
except the twinkle lights
Maddie Lane Jul 2023
when i was young
and at the playground
i liked my feet to be on the ground
didn't really spend much time on the swings
when i did go on the swings
i made sure to swing only slightly
never pumped my legs as hard as i could
had no interest in flying

and now:
i'm grown,
and i still prefer my feet on the ground
still don't care for the swings,
or the unpredictability of your swinging moods

(i never know what will set you off)
(i say one thing one day and you laugh, and the next day you yell)
(this is a familiar pattern)
(one that i had hoped to escape)
(sometimes it feels like a nightmare i can't escape)
(am i not worthy of kindness?)
(am i not worthy of love that is secure?)

i catch myself wishing for the sandbox
or just a nice bench
anything that doesn't swing
Maddie Lane Jun 2023
when i've grown accustomed to sleeping with you,
i sleep fitfully without you
even worse when you're unhappy
(and i've no clue why)
(all i want to do is help)
(all you want to do is hurt)

am i allowed my pain?
or is that more of an inconvenience
(you don't want to see how you hurt me)
(only want to look at the ways i make you unhappy)
(which is apparently all i do)

i'm scared
(to ask what's the point of it all)
(to find out what 'love' means to you)
(to know how little you care)

so i guess
i'll write this poem
(poem-adjacent thing, who knows)

and hope
(that things get better)
(that you cheer up)
(that you let me in)
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