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  Nov 2020 Lex
Emma Price
They say I'm too much
that I'm crazy cause I
care so much
say so much
give so much
love so much
But if insanity is measured
by the storms we've weathered
the determination we place
in front of fear's face
and the dedication
never to take a vacation
then I want to be crazy!
Because the alternative is lazy
And maybe I'm not too much for you.
Maybe you're not enough for me.
~much love
Lex Nov 2020
I love to
Other people deserve so much
But no one ever takes the time to
Like we’re supposed to.
  Nov 2020 Lex
I’d rather see the good in 1000 people
And be wrong 999 times
Than to see the bad in 1000 people
And right every single time
Lex Nov 2020
“It hurts,”
she says.
As she struggles to stand in the morning, because her heart is so heavy with pain she feels she will never heal.
“It’s heavy,”
she cries.
As she tries desperately to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders by herself, because she has no one to turn to.
“It’s hard,”
she whispers.
As the last of her hope crawls out of her body leaving a lifeless shape of a woman that they once knew.
Lex May 2020
I never loved you.
What I loved was the thought of what you could become if only you cared enough to love yourself the way that I loved you.
I was in love with your potential.
Lex May 2020
I hope that I can be loved the way I love everyone else.
Lex Feb 2020
The irony of it all is this;
No matter how many times you stabbed me
No matter how many bullets you shot me with
No matter how many punches you threw
I would never stop loving you
I never picked up the knife
I never would touch the gun
I never would lift a finger
To hurt anyone
And especially with you
Who I so deeply cared for
I would never hurt you
I would always adore
Sometimes they keep hurting you because they feel they don’t deserve that love.
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