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Brandon Jan 2019
A house burns brightly
Loving are flames in her eyes
Everything burns
Brandon Jan 2019
He buried everything he felt.
sprout out of the dirt
Upon setting his eyes on her
Now it blooms into something new,
growing stronger and taller
green leaves and colorful flowers
reaching the sky,
being taken by the wind
everywhere he goes
he finds a piece of what he buried
This is a translation of a poem I wrote in Spanish awhile ago, tittled ‘Desamor’ I like this one better. When I try to forget about something everything reminds me of it, that’s how it works with me.
Brandon Feb 2019
I will climb that mountain
as I’m not satisfied with looking from afar
Brandon Jan 2019
It’s not easy now
lack of sun, days of cold rain
the flowers have died
Brandon Jan 2019
I lose track of time
thoughts run in a loop of you
flying with feelings
Brandon Feb 2019
when two paths merge,
souls wander together
to the sky,
like a flame
never fading
Brandon Jan 2019
A kid having fun
holding a balloon
that could reach the sky
If he just let go

Sometimes people are the balloon
and someone holds them down
depleting their love
instead of  flying together
Don’t hold anyone down
Brandon Feb 2019
a little cup dripping with warm memories of spring flowers,
forgotten in this cold city
Brandon Feb 2019
I have a bad perception of time and I drown with empty hours full absence of you
Brandon Jan 2019
Roads end up short
Leading to the same thing
ageless loop of time

— The End —