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 Jun 2019 Keith Wilson
Mitch Prax
There were so many
soft and delicate angles
in your smile.
Was it a weapon forged
to destroy me or
was it a cure created
to save me?
I guess time will tell.
You weren’t ever supposed to leave,
And I wasn’t ever supposed to want to.
 May 2019 Keith Wilson
 May 2019 Keith Wilson
there's a thin white line
between "glad because of it"
and "sad without it"
I love you,
You are my dream come true,
You are my happily ever after,
To be loved forever.
You are the lyrical sparkle in my eyes,
A sweet song on my lips,
The rhythmic beat of my heart.
You are the magical magnet that draws me to you,
The reason I want to fly high,
So I can touch the sky,
In bliss with you nearby,
Don't ever say goodbye.
 Apr 2019 Keith Wilson
 Apr 2019 Keith Wilson
In your darkest days
I became your light
But in mine you
Never were
I wonder.
Sometimes its tiring to be just the light. You never got to see my darkness, because you were not there.
 Dec 2018 Keith Wilson
i look at the ocean
to remind myself of you
it gives me comfort knowing
once the tide leaves
it’s sure to return again
miss u :(
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