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I once wrote a millions songs about you
I stopped
I thought if I did I will erase you from my memory
I havent forgotten you
But not in a good way
The way you left and I crumbled away
I will always regret
Letting you in and feeling sorry for the way you were hurt cause you didnt care that I was hurting as well
I treated you like I never have anybody else
And still you chosed to walk away
Leave your ring behind
You said you'd come back to get it
That was september 2023
We never spoke again
You never reached out
You left me broken
You left me like you never cared
And that hurt like hell
I was selfless, I cared
I gave you everything I had
And still that wasnt enough for you
Now. I cant open up
I want to be alone
And now I understand
The person who hurt you did no wrong
Keep doing your thing
Say no again
All over again
It hurts now but it will be better eventually
Always say no
This isnt worth it
Everything wil work out
Just say goodbye
My heart will cry
You cant do this to her
You cant do this to love
It hurts either way
Everything will be okay
Just forget about him today
And do it tomorrow agaun
Im sorry I have sinned but I wont go to hell
I will stay
I will fade away
Im not a good gal
I want what I cant have
I lust after that
There's nothing I want more than to see you again
I know Im not yours but I wish I were
My heart doesn't care about what you did last month or a year ago
My mind only knows that this needs to stop
But I cant say no
I cant walk away
I'm so addicted like a ****** on *******
And I hate myself for this
I wish I was stronger and true
But Im just a beggar like you
Have you ever wanted someone so bad, you forgot who you were?
Forgive yourself once more
Life is more than you know
I write all these words
Forget about sociopaths, so long
Now It makes sense
I never left
I never let you go
Now I understand
I need to love myself
How do you fight your own battles
Do you tell yourself you are capable of anything?
I dont think Im good for much
I have these thoughts about not being perfect enough
How do I turn them off?
When can I be me without feeling so guilty?
I struggled as a kid with my own self
And now I feel the same things that I did back then
I feel unwanted, and no matter how much I write
Those feelings don't go away
How do you heal one's self?
How do you care for yourself?
How do you stop fighting with your brain?
All these questions
Does someone know?
Am I just helpless on my own?
You said I was special and like no one else
But you lied
You said you didnt loved her and you lied again
I feel so hurt by your lies
I dont get how I get mistreated if I wasnt the one who cheated?
How am I suppose to believe in you?
How can. I TRUST people again?
I dont wish you die but I hope you get what Karma has for you
Hurting good people just cause you were hurt before
Makes a bad person, my love
Once again you pushed me away
When will I learn to stay in my place?
Dealing with loneliness and fear
You are not one to call dear
I just want to be close to you but you dont want me there
How can I be so obssessed with someone who doesnt care?
Im feeling tired and burned out
I feel like Im dead
When will I learn to let go of these feelings?
When will I move on?
It doesnt hurt you to see me sad
You just get mad
You are the worst person I fell for
How can I get over you?
When you feed on my betrayal and hurt my truth?
I never learned that those who hurt you are no good
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