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Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
Poetry your words flow with rhyme
it slowly passes time

Sometimes your meanings are as deep as the sea
other times it’s all about what I can see

You hide your presence in words
Making your intentions blurred

You tend to please everyone in different ways
For me, you bring out every trouble I hid for days

Poetry complex to me
Yet so simple are thee

You have saved me countless times before
I live another day as each stanza grow
  Jun 2017 Justin Forkpa
I was the flower
The one that you stomped out
But my roots were strong
So now I will regrow
Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
So, you’re from Africa?”

“Yes, I am.”

“When did you come to the United States?”

“In 2007.”

“Cool, so did you see any lions?”

“Yes. At the Zoo.”

“Did you have running water?”

“Yes. So much so that I was forced to take a shower every night.”

“Did you have electricity?”

“Yes, I almost got electrocuted once.”

“Did you go to School?”

“Wish I didn't. Every weekday at 8 I was there.”

“Then, do you speak African?”

“…. No. As talented as I'm not good enough to speak an entire continent worth of languages. I mean do you speak North American?”
Real questions I'm been asked. Knowledge is  powerful, but fails to be useful in the hands of the ignorant and simple minded
Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
Little jimmy was curious and nosy
His cheeks were fat and rosy
He always had to find out why
One way or another or he would cry

This made his mother angry
If it was YOUR things he broke you would agree
It was a hot summer day and little jimmy was lounging on the floor
His brother watched the dog, the dog watched jimmy and jimmy stared at the door

Through the door his mother came grunting in
When his mother grunted, there was always things she would bring
She told his brother to get the rest of the bags from the car
On his last trip, he brought in a box black as tar

What could this little box be? Could it move? where would it go?
Jimmy just had to know
His mother told Jimmy that the radio was not a toy
If Jimmy touched it he would be a bad boy

Jimmy wanted so desperately to know what made the radio talk
He failed many times till he learned to walk
Now he could go as he please
He could track down the radio with ease.

He found the lradio on the counter in the kitchen
Using his stool he climbed up to listen
He thought there must be little people singing in there
He needed a way to get them out here

He opened the top but still they would no show
Irritated and impatient he started to grow
He had to force them out
to get what he sought

But fate always has a twist
With just a flick of the wrist
A loud bang filled the house
He knew what he did deserved no applause

His brother ran in fearing what harm he brought to himself
All he saw was the radio removed from the shelf
Disappointed and sad jimmy sang his own song
Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
The love that we sought
Was a curse destined to end
With nothing but hate
I hate the way things ended, but I know I'll never say enough to amend it
Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
I was a lost boy,
Who wished upon a star for his prince

You woke me up from my lifeless slumber,
You make me wish for tomorrow,

You turned me into a real boy
You helped me find my heart,

You made me long for more
You brought back my voice

I left my world for you,
You became my world

You were my knight in shiny armor
You unfroze my heart

You tore off my mask
And broke my disguise

You give me strength
And brought me back from the depths of hades

You had my love... But she had yours.
Justin Forkpa Jun 2017
I'm your sunshine
Its my duty to wake you from your void
To warm your heart in its icy prison
I bring you new beginnings, a hopeful future

I'm your moon
I'm bound to you by a force greater then us
I'm your light when all you see is darkness
I keep you company when no one is there.
I'm there even when you only see rainbows and sunshine and not me.

I'll always be your moonlight...
As long as you dream of the future by my light

I can live with my dark side.

I shine bright on the outside but my I'm burned out inside

My heart just gaseous, my words unfilled
I don't have a sun, I don't dream by moonlight
I Shed tears that just evaporate

My void grows bigger by the day
My heart burns hotter by the night
My light dims by the hour,
Each day you drift away, each night you dream by another light,

You drift away
And with you goes my purpose,
Unneeded and taken for granted
I go through the motions
Awaiting the end
When my heart burns out
When my life freezes in the darkness
I'm your anchor, I'll be your shoulder... But I put on face just so you'll have your sunshine.
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