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Feb 2016 · 434
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
Undress me with your eyes,
While I do the same in my mind.
Your breath on my neck,
As your lips brush down to my shoulder.
Chills running down my spine,
While your fingertips graze my skin.
Sweet sighs whispered,
Softly in my ear.
Arousing my body,
Losing sense of all rational thought.
I close my eyes,
And inhale your scent.
Calming my mind,
And slowly giving in.
For its been too long,
And my body's been aching for this.
Feb 2016 · 300
Your Air
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
I wish I was an artist,
But my tongue is creative enough.
Dancing across your lips,
Creating the image in my head,
Breathing it to life.
Daring me with your eyes,
Your craving just one kiss.
As your lips brush against mine,
Barely close enough to even exist.

Use the gap between your teeth to help you breathe.
Because once your hands touch my body,
You won't remember to come up for air.

With your hands on my waist,
So lost in your embrace.
Our bodies,
Speaking softly together.
Whispering in the dark,
Pulling away,
Only when our lungs are desperate for air.
Feb 2016 · 541
Something To Believe In
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
I don't know what to believe in,
Or if I believe in anything at all.
But the only thing keeping me alive,
Is the fear of life after death.
Or is it just emptiness that will consume my soul.
No pain or punishment,
For taking my own life.
I feel the loneliness destroy me.
Filling my mind with thoughts of suicide.
Searching for a way out,
While longing for a reason to stay.
Feb 2016 · 483
Sweet Silence
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
The sunset is fading,
but my eyes are on you.
Running your fingers across my arm,
tracing my tattoo.
My head resting on your chest,
feeling your every breath.
As your face leans closer,
yesterday fades away.
Our lips meet,
and the pain no longer stays.
Your tongue dances with mine,
speaking only to me.
Because even in the silence,
I can still hear you speak.
Feb 2016 · 296
Only A Dream
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
My feet are worn,
My lungs are tired.
My whole body,
Is going haywire.

It's hard to breathe,
I don't want to believe.
My heart is beating fast,
It's becoming harder to grasp.

So lost in thought,
Of what time would've brought.
This can't be goodbye,
We've only just said hi.

But I know I'll see you tonight,
Right when I fall asleep.
And when I wake up,
This will only be a dream.
Feb 2016 · 163
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
Why am I here,
When no one wants me.
Why do I live,
When you just shot me.
Why would I forgive,
When you won't say sorry.
Written in 2008
Feb 2016 · 156
I Love You
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
I want you to know,
How much I think of you.
I want you to know,
How much I care for you.
I want you to know,
Exactly how I feel about you.
I want you to know,
Just simply, that I love you.
Written sometime near 2008
Feb 2016 · 192
Dreaming Of Love
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
You've always have my heart,
You're the one who keeps it safe.
You hold me tight,
And promise that you'll never let go.
Our lips meet,
And all I feel is your kiss.
I look into your eyes,
And realized that I've finally found the one.
I can't imagine a world,
Where you don't exist.
You're a part of me,
That I could never live without.
I love you,
And I want you to always be mine.
And if this is a dream,
I'm going to sleep forever.
Written sometime near 2008
Feb 2016 · 252
Jessie Taylor H Feb 2016
How blind can you be,
Do you really not see.
The way I feel about you,
but do you feel for me too.
I thought I'd have more time,
Until I had to speak my mind.
I'll just get use to the fact,
that'll you'll never be mine.
Jan 2016 · 601
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I miss you the way my lungs need air,
After holding my breath under water for too long.
I crave the feel of your hands,
To be as close to my skin,
As the water I'm swimming in.
I risk opening my eyes,
Expecting to see your face.
But you're not there,
And the saltwater stings my eyes.
And then I start to drown,
Remembering, I don't even know how to swim.
Jan 2016 · 156
Thoughts At 2Am
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
It's already 2AM,
But you're always awake til then.
All I want,
Is to hear your voice
But it's been three whole days,
And I haven't received one word.
Tears keep swelling up in my eyes,
But I hold them back for the sake of my heart.
I think I gave it to you by mistake,
My chest is aching for it back
I fell in love with your mind,
And I'd love to see you just one more time.
I still see you in my dreams,
As if you were standing right next to me.
But when I sleep,
I don't hold back.
I'm not to shy,
To speak the truth.
And you're not walking away,
No ones begging for the other to stay.
Because in my dreams,
I'm the Queen
And you're right there with me,
Being crowned King.
Jan 2016 · 124
Before Sleep
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I keep torturing myself.
Looking through old conversations and remembering every time I made you smile.
They're happy memories until tears form in my eyes.
I'm consumed with thoughts of your arms around me.
So I close my eyes and drift away,
With thoughts of you on my mind as I fall asleep.
Jan 2016 · 205
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
You're my pain,
I just wanna get away.
I have no ties to you,
But what else am I supposed to do.
My obligation is to myself,
Happiness is what I search for.
Your words cut sharp,
But not as deep as this blade.
You'll never control me,
I have my own mind.
The only thing I regret in my life,
Is still being here with you.
But it won't be for long,
Patience is the key.
I now know I don't need you,
And soon I'll be free.
Jan 2016 · 149
Just A Memory
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
How is it possible to miss someone so much it physically hurts.
Just one thought,
Slows down my breathing,
Calming the ache in my chest.
I cling to that which belonged to you,
As if this simple item brings you closer to me.
Your memory is so sweet,
I crave to taste it.
So I wrap my arms around a dream,
Where you're forever next to me.
Jan 2016 · 191
Your Eyes
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I keep thinking about your eyes,
Every time I made some smart *** remark,
You'd always give me that same look.

Your glance shows me confidence,
As if you knew I was falling deeper everyday.
But your mind tells me how insecure you are.

There's so much beauty in your soul.
My mind searches deep into yours,
Longing for more than what we have now
Jan 2016 · 659
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I don't have a home,
Or even a permanent address.
This isn't where I belong,
Or who I belong with.
What if I'm meant to explore,
Never settling in one place.
The world can get crazy,
When you're out there alone.
But how will I ever know,
If I'm too scared to set foot in the unknown.
Jan 2016 · 215
Sensual Dream
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
Come lay with me,
I'll hold you close.
Your sweet lips,
Speaking only with mine.
My fingertips,
Sliding across your skin.
The gentle feel of your touch,
Renders my body defenseless.
Setting fire to my every nerve,
Each kiss like fuel to the flames
Jan 2016 · 194
Last Night
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
You showed me the songs,
So now they remind me of you.
But you broke my heart,
And just left it in two.
After that night,
I started to cry.
I could of held in the tears,
But I didn't want to try.
I didn't know you long enough,
To feel this way.
But I never got the chance,
To let out what I needed to say.
So instead I wrote a song,
Of how I felt that night,
Before we said goodbye,
And everything was alright.
I wrote this describing a song I just finished writing, it took me two hours but had to of been the best song I've written. And so I wrote this poem in less than 10 minutes, describing what the song is mainly about.
Jan 2016 · 153
The Void
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
What did you do to me?
I don't remember falling,
But I can feel the bruises.
And now that the pain is here,
You're nowhere to be found.
I've fallen into the void,
It seems I'm lost forever.
I dream of your face,
Longing for your embrace.
Emptiness consuming my soul,
And shattering my heart.
I'm forgetting how it felt,
To just be close to you.
My eyes are drifting shut,
Slowly losing myself into the abyss.
Jan 2016 · 198
April Fools
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I lay awake,
With my eyes full of tears.
Craving razor blade kisses,
I've known for many years.

Even though it's written,
All over my arm.
I still remember when you broke your promise,
To never bring me any harm.
Jan 2016 · 179
Before Your Mine
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I lean in,
To simply whisper in your ear.
But my mind drifts away,
And lingers on you dear.

I pull away slowly,
Longing to say so much.
But instead of using words,
I do it with a touch.

I slowly run my fingers,
Up and down your spine.
Giving you a taste,
Before I make you mine.
Jan 2016 · 172
Old Friend
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
My sweet old friend,
How I miss you more each day.
You were always there,
When no one knew my pain.
You promised me pleasure,
With just one price to pay.
You didn't want to be forgotten,
For you were my hero each night and day.
So now I bare these scars, for the whole world to see.
I wrote this describing my struggle with self harm. It's easy to start, but it's hard to quit when you rely on one form of pain to control another.
Jan 2016 · 163
Light Of My Darkness
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
I wondered alone in the darkness,
Looking for you.
I closed my eyes in fear,
Thinking that I'd lost you.
I looked around for help,
and saw you standing there.
I felt your hand on mine,
And knew that you were always near.
Written sometime near 2008
Jan 2016 · 203
Lips Of Perfection
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
Your next to me,
I sneak a quick glance.
I can't see your eyes,
But something else catches my attention.
Your lips,
Lips of perfection.
Soft and sweet,
I can still feel their touch.
Warming me with a kiss,
From your lips of perfection.
Jan 2016 · 351
Behind Hidden Eyes
Jessie Taylor H Jan 2016
Beautiful, yet so much pain,
You hide their true feelings.
Deep chocolate covering painful memories,
Keeping your secrets from the world.
But I still see,
I see behind your hidden eyes.

— The End —